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Gunness's motive was to collect life insurance, cash and other valuables from her victims. The bodies of two of her previous husbands are exhumed, revealing high levels of phosphorus. Susan Diane Eubanks In San Marcos, California, convinced that all men are liars and cheats, Susan got revenge against her ex-husbands by shooting and killing her four sons in the order that they came into her life. Initially sentenced to death, the group's sentence was commuted to life in prison. She is serving six concurrent life sentences. Monique Susanne Wheeler is an immature, impulsive young woman. Prosecuted for the murders of maid Jane Buchanan and neighbor Mary Caruthers, Martha is sentenced to death and hanged in November 1867. Money and pure selfishness motivated them to execute Larry. Photos 2 of Holly Ann Harvey, 15, sentenced to life in prison in Georgia for stabbing her grandparents with the help of her 16-year-old lesbian lover on August 2, 2004. Two days into her marriage, Margaret Vandergulik beats her new husband, Patrick Plumbe, over the head with her cane and then tries to stage his death as a car accident in April 2005, all to gain access to his million-dollar estate. On April 6th, 1996, Rita and her cousin Vladimir Zelenin hack him to death with an axe before dismembering his body. Denise Gay falls in love and moves in with widowed coworker Maurice Cole, but she is jealous of his dead wife, especially his son, Matre, who hasn't coped with the loss and is a constant reminder. Despite attempting to reconcile, Marie becomes angry when Frank has a casual encounter with another woman, and the hope for reconciliation was dissolved. Ruth researches a life insurance policy and she and Judd plot Albert's murder. Mary Winkler A preacher's wife, Winkler shoots her sleeping husband in Selmer, Tennessee, claiming she was subjected to physical, sexual and emotional abuse. Jason plans on returning to Ireland until Molly's parents make a surprise visit, and during that weekend visit in August 2015, Molly and her father Thomas, a former FBI agent, beat Jason to death in a failed attempt to take Jason's kids for themselves. This changes, however, when they forbid her from seeing her nineteen-year-old illegal immigrant boyfriend, Bruno Santos. Barbara Graham Pistol-whipped a lonely widow to death in Oakland, California, turning what was supposed to be a robbery into a murder. David receives a death sentence and remains on death row, Michael receives two life sentences, while Cat pleads guilty and receives four life sentences plus 20 years. Cai Xia takes her revenge by beating and torturing Brian and murdering Mai and their four-year-old grandson, Alistair, with garden shears. From a young age, Estibaliz "Esti" Carranza has dreams of motherhood, but feels husband Holger Holz can't give her a baby due to his Hare Krishna faith. "It's finally over. In March 2015, Paige brutally murders Carlene after an argument over food and claims trick or treaters murdered Carlene, despite Halloween being seven months away. Annie, meanwhile, is sentenced to twenty-six years. She ultimately kills four children and is suspected of killing her husband's first wife as well, and is given a life sentence without parole. Montgomery received a death sentence, and she was executed by lethal injection on January 13, 2021. She is sentenced to fifty years to life. In March 2014, Kirsten shoots Charlie in the back with a rifle as he sleeps to collect on his life insurance and makes the scene look like a robbery gone wrong. The Ketchum Release Tool is the easiest way to get your fly - YouTube After Angela is investigated by social services, she pulls Jeanette out of school and the abuse escalates, culminating in the fifteen-year-old's death, for which both she and her husband Richard, who failed to report the abuse, are prosecuted. In Santa Barbara, California, in 1978, twenty-two-year-old violent-tempered neighborhood babysitter Julia Diaz struggles to make money to send to her family in Mexico, but is unable to keep a job. After learning her first husband had an illegitimate child, Raynella Dossett Leath began to control every aspect of her new husband's life in Knoxville, Tennessee, including his death when she was overcome by greed. The two started skipping school, hanging out in the woods together, smoking pot and cuddling. Not about to be separated from James, Wendy has him strangle Betty on December 28, 1994, and the two killers hold Kathy hostage for three days, until she is able to escape on New Year's Eve and get aid from a neighbor. She is sentenced to twenty-five years. Coo was executed by the electric chair in June 1935. Eighteen-year-old Maria Barbella and her Italian family have moved from Italy to New York, where Maria looks for a husband, finding one in entrepreneur Domenico Cataldo, a fellow Italian immigrant. Jackie plots to kill him, and ultimately does so in June 2004 with the help of two hitmen. English rose Christina Button has expensive tastes and a husband, George, who caters to her every desire, even as her spendthrift ways plunge the couple into debt. Turn of the century Chicago wife/necrophile Louise Vermilya uses arsenic to murder two husbands, five stepchildren and two other men for years before getting exposed. Suzan Carson and her husband Michael both of whom are mentally ill and abuse drugs have a list of people that they think are witches that they wish to exterminate, and they go on to viciously murder three people. In October 2016, after Radica tells Simona to focus on her studies, Simona beats her mother with a wooden plank, then claims intruders broke in the house. The girls are from Fayette County, Georgia. Daryl tries to share himself with both women, but after Morgan assaults Andrea with an axe, Daryl breaks up with Morgan for good. After Camellia Brown and her husband Thierry divorce, Camellia loses custody of her two children to Thierry due to her neglecting them, and is ordered to stay away from them, but does not comply. HEIGHT: 5'00" WEIGHT: 116 EYE COLOR: BROWN HAIR COLOR: BROWN MAJOR OFFENSE: VOLUNTARY MANSLAUGHTER MOST RECENT INSTITUTION: ARRENDALE STATE PRISON MAX POSSIBLE RELEASE DATE: 05/19/2040 Tasmiyah Whitehead 2023 Information YOB: 1993 RACE: BLACK GENDER: FEMALE HEIGHT: 5'03" WEIGHT: 130 EYE COLOR: BROWN HAIR COLOR: BROWN However, Toni becomes jealous when Kody shows attention to his childhood friend, sixteen-year-old Micaela "Mickey" Costanzo. Sandy Ketchum is on Facebook. She is sentenced to 50 years for second-degree murder. Two twins, wholesome schoolteacher Peggy Lowe and flashy, audacious nurse Betty Wilson, found themselves caught in a web of deception and mystery after a man that they both met murdered Betty's ailing husband Jack (a well-loved eye doctor whom Betty married for his money) and claimed that they both made him do it. In Toronto, Ontario, Canada, Elva Bottineau and her common-law husband Norman Kidman are serial child abusers who neglect and abuse their five-year-old grandson, Jeffrey Baldwin, and his older sister, forcing them to live in squalor while continuing to collect their government support checks. She is sentenced to fifteen years to life. Betty Neumar had five husbands four of whom died suspiciously while married to Betty. Kody is caught when their school's security camera catches the abduction, and Toni is caught soon after when she confides in Kody's father. Eventually, Patricia's abuse comes to an end on February 28, 2011, when she throws a hammer at Louise in a rage, which ends up killing her by accident. Luther survives, but police discover that Pauline also used arsenic to murder her previous husband, and she receives two twenty-year sentences. Michelle is convicted of both murders and is sentenced to 200 years in prison, and will be eligible for parole at age 97. Both mother and daughter are serving forty-year sentences for second-degree murder, each in different prisons. Susan Grund In Peru, Indiana, Grund's desires to be sexually desired by men and come across as a devoted, classy wife did not mix. She got revenge towards Mary and her father by slashing Francis's throat and disposing of him in an outhouse. Fred committed suicide, while Rosemary was sentenced to life in prison. Selfish country girl Beulah Annan begins an affair with laundromat manager Harry Kalstedt for financial gain and promiscuous fun. Christina Marie Riggs On November 4, 1997, in Sherwood, Arkansas, Riggs, who had severe depression, tried to kill her children by injecting them with potassium chloride, but after injecting her son, the potassium chloride caused him great pain but not death, which led her to suffocate them and then she tried to commit suicide but survived. To make her predictions come true, her clients were given her signature hearty stew that was laced with arsenic. When Molly and Jason move back to the United States, however, their relationship deteriorates due to Molly's possessive nature over his kids after she had a miscarriage. Both are sentenced to hang publicly and are hanged together, becoming the first couple hanged together since 1700. Jennifer, Daniel, and the hitmen are given twenty-five-to-life sentences for Bich Has murder and Huei Hanns attempted murder. Aileen Carol Wuornos Wournos, a prostitute, shot and killed seven men in Florida between 1989 and 1990 to rob them. Chelsea Richardson and Susanna Toledano Toledano killed Chelsea's boyfriend, Andrew Wamsley, parents so they would all inherit the large Mansfield, Texas, house and the family's money. It was originally based on a 52- minute-long TV documentary film called "Poisonous Women," which was released in 2003. In Beaverton, Oregon, Korena Elaine Roberts fakes a pregnancy with twins to keep her boyfriend, and befriends Heather Snively, who is pregnant for real. Ian Brady died in prison in 2017. For decades, no one connects any of the deaths until a cold case investigation reveals Betty's murderous deeds. Her attempt to gain the inheritance fails, as before his death, Moses disinherited her from his will. However, after convincing her new husband to transfer half of his assets into her account, Patricia gains control of everything he owns and starts controlling and abusing William. Seething with hatred, she hires friends Marva Golden and Eddie Williams to shoot Valerie to death. After losing her high-paying job, Fiona Donnison's life spirals out of control, and she blames her former common-law husband, Paul. In Houston, Texas, party girl Ana Lilia Trujillo moves in with Swedish doctor and fellow alcoholic Stefan Andresson, but Stefan soon has enough of Ana's violent temper and kicks her out. Ketchum Appoints Lindsay Wagner Head of DE&I, North America - PR Newswire Allitt has to serve a minimum of thirty years. Both Elizabeth and her boyfriend, Jens Sring, received life sentences, but were released on parole in November 2019. In her forties, Barraza is a popular professional wrestler in Mexico City known as "the Silent Lady," and has a secret identity as serial killer "La Mataviejitas" (the Old Lady Killer), strangling elderly women to take vicarious revenge on her now-deceased mother. Upon saying that, he meant that she must go to live with her father, but Penny strangled Karissa on January 27, 2008. In 1991, Canadian Melissa Ann Shepard drains husband Gordon Stewart's bank account and then drugs him and runs him over with her car, and is briefly jailed for manslaughter. Shonda Dee Walter Seeking initiation into the notorious street gang, the Bloods, Shonda Dee Walter butchered a Pearl Harbor survivor with an ax without mercy in Lock Haven, Pennsylvania. Both got life without parole, and Poirier attempted to escape prison in 1998, but was later recaptured, while Tamara Upton died in prison in 2019. Annie Monahan raises eyebrows in early 20th-century New Haven, Connecticut, when two husbands and a niece die of mysterious illnesses, followed by generous life insurance payoffs. Dorothea Puente ran a boarding home and preyed on her guests in Sacramento during the 1980s. The Murders of Carl and Sarah Collier - It's Crime O Clock Somewhere After she's eventually arrested, she is sentenced to nine years in prison but serves only six. In 1950's Salt Lake City, Utah, Jean Sinclair, the owner of a retirement home, begins a forbidden love with her beautician, LaRae Peterson. During the Great Depression, widow Marie Porter's candy store is in danger of failing and she asks her brother, William Kappen, for a loan, but he refuses. In June 1917, David's wife Mary confronts Grace and orders her to stay away, but Grace shoots Mary, then attempts to commit suicide by shooting herself twice in the chest, which backfires. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and connected. Far from being grateful, Christina, on March 3, 2003, enlists her twenty-year-old nephew, Simon Tannahill, to beat George to death with a blunt object so she can collect on his life insurance and repay her debts. In December 2008, after stealing petty cash from her customers proves insufficient, she goes after 82-year-old Vonne McGlynn, bludgeoning her to death and dismembering the corpse so she can steal the elderly woman's money. Martha Place at first had a good relationship with her stepdaughter Ida while she was a housekeeper, but as Ida's father William marries Martha, the bond disappears, and the family becomes volatile and violent as William shows more attention to Ida than Martha, which drives Martha insane with jealousy. She is given a sixty-year sentence. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and connected. In January 1963, Jean ambushes Donald, shooting him near the face, and blindly believes that her murderous deed will win LaRae back, but instead, LaRae turns Jean in. Sandra K. Pulaski Women's Prison - Jan Banning Molly is convicted of second-degree murder and gets 20 to 40 years. Caril Ann Fugate A rebellious teenager and her out-of-control boyfriend, Charles Starkweather, go on a cross-country killing spree that leaves 11 people dead. Bthory, who became known as the "Blood Countess", was imprisoned in 1609. Elisa Baker has her online lover/husband Adam Baker and his young daughter Zahra move from Australia to North Carolina to be with her. After numerous attempts to get Ian back fail, both women plan her murder for a year before acting on it in January 2016. In Bremerton, Washington, Shelly Arndt and Darcy Veeder, Jr., seem like a perfect couple on the outside, but in reality, she's a controlling alcoholic, and after the constant abuse, Darcy writes a letter to Shelly which leads to their breakup. In November 2018, Chelsea shoots Lisa in front of Travis and their kids. Suffering from postpartum psychosis, Dena killed her 10-month-old daughter Margaret to "send her to heaven", but was acquitted of murder by reason of insanity and was institutionalized for six years. Police eventually discover that she is a murderer after finding large amounts of poison in the exhumed body of her second husband. After Victor leaves her, Vegas shoots him nine times, killing him, on October 16, 2012. In Newark, New Jersey, Kenneth "Kenny" Carter begins a relationship with single mother Nadiyah Venable, but still loves ShaRon Moens, his common-law wife and the mother of his children. After a failed courtship with her lover, male stripper Adrian Sinclair, Heather wants revenge, and she sets her sights on her ex-lover's wife, Diane Lomax. She was executed on February 24, 2000. On August 31, 2003, after weeks of threats, a jealous, angry Patricia shoots Judie through her kitchen window as she is washing the dishes, but Judies dying words implicate Patricia, and Chris turns her in. Sandra and Beth Andersen The Brampton sisters drugged their mother and drowned her in the bathtub in for her money. San Fernando Valley, California, couple Joel and Jennifer Shanbrom have a strained relationship due to Jennifer's expensive tastes that plunge them into debt, which gets worse when Jennifer has an affair with con artist Matthew Fletcher. However, she soon finds like-minded friends, who decide to embark on a killing spree. She is paroled after four months. Her lover is sentenced to 13 years and released in 2001. Rodriguez had a retrial in 2010 and was re-sentenced to death in the California Supreme Court. Lyda was paroled in 1941 and died of a heart attack in 1958 at the age of 65. She was released in 1980 at age 23. She was sentenced to death, but her sentence is later commuted to life without parole. sandra-ketchum-2021-photos | My Crime Library Martha Sue's son finds pictures with Bob posed in various positions after his death, exposing them as Bob's murderers. His body weakened by the constant torture, Andrew dies after Clare stomps on his chest, and the murderers try to claim he was attacked by a mugger. Anu Singh An Australian law student who was a suicidal and delusional young woman obsessed with her body more than her fianc, Joe. Grace decides to move out after the relationship threatens to separate her from her children, but Carman and Clarence, determined to get their lover back, decide to kidnap and kill thirty-four-year-old drug addict Mekole Harris in order to threaten Grace to move back in with them. Timothy W. Ketchum Obituary - Tribute Archive Her first parole hearing is denied in 2011, with her next one to take place in 2026. By claiming Wayne is abusing her, she convinces a neighbor to murder her husband and disguise it as a car theft. When he broke things off, she murdered him in his bed with a baseball bat and a knife. Upon being sentenced to death, however, she experienced a profound spiritual change that transformed her and other people who came into contact with her. In October 2003, Teresa kidnaps Justyn, resulting in a violent standoff at the local police station in which she shoots Justyn eleven times, killing him, and is herself killed by police shortly afterwards. Mary is found guilty of two murders and sentenced to death, with her motive revealed to be greed for money. Friend Alec Eger, himself a child abuse survivor, believes Danielle's stories and, at Danielle's urging, stabs Billy to death on Halloween 2008. Chuck pleads guilty and is sentenced to twenty-five years, while Martha receives fifty years and is eligible for parole in 2028. On July 10, 1922, Clara and friend Peggy Caffee hitch a ride with Alberta to a secluded location, where Clara bashes Alberta with a hammer. Nicole Kasinskas The straight-A student from Nashua, New Hampshire, fell for a guy who soon drove a wedge between her and her mother, who until that point was the most important person in her life. Antoinette and Rogers both received death sentences (though Lacaze's death sentence was commuted to life without parole in December 2019). In the 1890s, Anne Bradley becomes infatuated with married Utah Senator Arthur Brown. In March 2017, Denise manipulates her daughter Latoya to brutally suffocate Matre in order to get exactly what she wanted, all witnessed by Denise's thirteen-year-old daughter, Alana. Despite her husband James's generous personality, Rhonda Orr expects more out of James and his family, soon having an affair with another man and getting pregnant. Not long after, Tausha dumps Greg for another man, causing Greg to realize he had been lied to by Tausha. Sandra Ketchum is on Facebook. Sharon was sentenced to life without parole, becoming the youngest female murderer given that sentence in the United Kingdom. Amber Wright Teen Killer Seath Jackson Murder. Her obsession leads her to kill a maid, two brothers-in-law, her daughter and a neighbor couple, though her husband was the only one spared. While Jeff, as the pawn and accomplice, has the possibility of parole, Jessica, as the mastermind, does not. After the death of her husband Paul, who controls the rivalry between them, the two women go from verbal to physical altercations. Kathy is paroled on July 6, 2018, while Raymond is paroled in October of 2005. Both women are serving life without parole. In 1940s Memphis, Tennessee, 49-year-old Georgia Tann, hailed as "the mother of modern adoption," is acclaimed for her work in adopting babies out to Hollywood actors and other well-to-do childless couples, but she is really a cold-hearted monster who kidnaps babies from poor families and neglects the ones she finds unworthy of adoption. Shirley is also suspected of murdering her previous husband in 1978 under similar circumstances. When Vaughne forbids her daughter to see her boyfriend, Nakisha stabs her mother forty-three times and she and Annie hide the body in a tool shed. Tausha Fields Morton is a serial bride who enjoys attention for men and cheating on past husbands. Martha Wise In Medina County, Ohio, in 1925, Wise, who was mentally ill, poisoned three of her family members to death and injured more than a dozen with arsenic. Norma was acquitted, but Mary was convicted and sentenced to life in prison. Christine Paolilla Under the influence and with her boyfriend Christopher Snider, Paolilla murders her four best friends in a robbery gone wrong in Houston on July 18, 2003, and remained on the loose for three years. Teased at school because of her weight, Nakisha Waddell of Troy, Virginia, befriends fellow pariah Annie Belcher, who introduces her to drink and drugs, and Nakisha's close relationship with her single mother, Vaughne, disintegrates. While Doris is supposed to be caring for Lynne, she and David instead use her for her money and sponge off her every day for two years, until the money runs out and Lynne moves into an assisted-living complex, taking her monthly annuity checks with her and leaving Doris and David to fend for themselves. On April 2, 1993, the day of Driver's trial, an outraged Nesler shoots and kills him in court. Young American Molly Martens takes a job in Ireland as a live-in nanny for single father of two Jason Corbett, becoming a mother figure for the two children. She gets 30 years in prison plus three years in an asylum, dying in 1970. Karen Severson and Laura Doyle had been friends with Missy Avila since grade school, but as they grew older, the friendship dissolved. Sharee Miller The businesswoman from Flint, Michigan, used the Internet as a tool to manipulate her lover, police officer Jerry Cassaday, into killing her husband, Bruce, in 1999. Years into their marriage, Ruth is bored, and during a night on the town, she meets a new lover, Judd Gray, and the pair wants to start a new life together. Having quit her college teaching job and with her husband unemployed and the family in need of money, Katey Passaniti begins to prey on her Alzheimer's-afflicted mother and stepfather, Ernest and Loretta Luttrell. In July 2011, after knowing that the chance of getting full custody is slim, the couple murder and dismember Laura at their home and drive from North Carolina to Texas in order to dump her body. Both are serving a life sentence without the possibility of parole for twenty-two and twenty years, respectively. She is hanged on December 23, 1890. Both girls were caught very shortly after the murder and sentenced to incarceration until the age of twenty-five. After Dave no longer wants Liz, she stalks Cari and carries out a premeditated plan to create a fake profile to befriend Cari and gain her trust, ultimately kidnapping and killing Cari in November 2012, then impersonates Cari on cyberspace for the next four years while making herself a victim. She is able to find love in Karl Bloxham, who tries to help her sober up, but her drinking problem comes back after months of sobriety. Sandra Bryant of Texas was born c. 1965. After Travis begins dating Lisa Williams, Chelsea begins stalking both Travis and Lisa. She is convicted of eleven murders and sentenced to 759 years in prison, but may have claimed as many as forty lives. In 1999, Donna Kay Trapani is a home health care nurse who falls in love with a married man named George Fulton. Anthony gets twenty to forty years, while Maryann gets life without parole. While visiting Robert, her mother tells her about hidden money in his shed, and in August 2016, Brittney and new friend Bernadette Burns drive 1,200 miles to her grandfather's house where Brittney fatally stabs him in the neck and chest. Her next parole hearing is in 2022. Both are sentenced to hard labor, Christine for ten years, and Lea for five. Both are serving 75 years to life. In Richmond, Virginia, forty-year-old Piper Rountree has been on a downward slide for years due to narcissistic personality disorder. Valmae Beck A sexually sadistic alcoholic, she willingly lured 12-year-old girl, Sian Kingi, in Noosa, Queensland into a deadly trap to satisfy her sexual desires and those of her husband, Barrie Watts. Unless a plea bargain is reached, they face a maximum sentence of life in prison without parole. Officer-in-training Alex Reyes' marriage to wife Leslie crumbles after only six months, and Leslie and the couple's infant son move in with her grandmother, Jean Allen, 81, who dislikes Alex due to his Mexican heritage. In December 2017, she was granted parole, but died of pancreatic cancer in March 2018. Simona Zafirovska is a college student who has a close relationship with her mother, Radica, who is a Macedonian immigrant, but their relationship is strained due to Simona desiring a man in Macedonia who is in his late 30's. Catherina "Cat" Voss is bored being a Navy wife and mother to her husband Cory due to her spending problem. Nickell has a ninety-year sentence. Sep 30, 2020, 16:05 ET. She serves eighteen-and-a-half years in prison and is now a free woman. She never faces justice and dies of cancer in 1950. In January 1988, she shoots husband Richard in his sleep, then enlists her lover and another co-worker to help dispose of the body. However, she only serves two-and-a-half of those years.

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