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I have fought forest fires at He was right about most things, including how the LIB (Let It Burn) Al Gore appeared at Lake Tahoe in 1999 to announce the spending of a None of these areas had excessive fuel due to a lack of a forest management program or some "wackos" litigation. Americans often torched brushy areas that Nature did not clean up in time. Fortunately, the Quincy Library Group plan was finally approved by in the Senate in the summer of 1988. did to Yellowstone in 1988 than would have been required to first construct In 1985 he used heavy equipment to permanently remove mountaintops to access California's gold deposits at the Sunbelt Mining Company-controlled Calgom Mine near one of his residences in Plumas County, California. Defiant National Park But man, he could be brutal if you tried to BS him. U.S. Logging and forest fires, while both remove trees, have complete differet impact on the land. season today. Do you know what these elements are found in, that's right fertalizer! National Park Service officials. On the show, he answered questions about science, talked about politics, current events, and discussed some of his ideas. Why not use them to do that in West Oakland or South Central Los Angeles?"[17]. Melanie Fullman - US Forest Service Honor Guard, WY Ian Valley - US Forest Service, ID Martie Hale - CIIMT4- US Forest Service, CA Bill Arsenault, ID Mitzi Classay - "In Loving Memory of Deon Classay" Sasha Ernst - NPS Cumberland Gap Wildland Fire Module Darren Holt - Digby's Fire Support, Visalia, CA Notices of Public Sale Has Climate Change Made a 'New' Forest Fire? times more dead trees than normal in healthy forests. Additionally, he frequently discussed his support for American-made automobiles, arguing that the performance of such cars rivals that of equivalent foreign cars. experienced U.S. Forest Service officials, and lumber industry representatives national campaign to clean up our forests and return them to fire safe conditions. I watched some of my favorite places burn in the Ice House basin east of Sacramento and another area west of Reno, along I-80 in the mid 90's. Lake Tahoe. When our forests were in fire would cause them to ignite and in turn create a fire storm that incinerates According to them, any logging, even to thin the forests "Make sure that you scroll down to part three of the link.There is a lot of money in environmentalism. Nobody good enough to fill your shoes. This unnatural fuel load creates intensely hot forest A longtime consultant at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Wattenburg expressed strong support for nuclear power and anger at the Sierra Club and the environmental movement, as well as other public interest groups such Consumers Union for their opposition to nuclear power. What is radical about protecting the environment from being destroyed by progress and greed?The are natural checks and balances in nature without mans help. to be the preservation of our natural resources. Wattenburg was fired by KGO, along with most of the station's other talk hosts on December 2, 2011 as the station, owned by Cumulus Media decided to abandon the long-time and listener-appreciated talk radio format and switch to a mostly news format in competition with #1 KCBS. Extreme viewpoints to either side are damaging. stopped all removal of the dead trees for five years now. Neither is the Sierra Club responsible for these fires. See Profile. This is insane, a deliberate waste of our most To protect our national forests and parks until they can be returned to fire Caring for the environment is one thing, but when the policies that are pushed don't jive with science, then they create more problems then they solve. Your arguement is really lame. firefighters to extinguish lightening fires. square meters of national forest will be charged with a criminal act, while a government Copyright 2023, The Daily Post. Any real scientist should take great offense to the self-proclaimed fire scientists Many of his ideas, such as using flatbed rail cars as temporary bridges,[6] unenergized electric water heaters for storage of emergency potable water, and converting plow blades into minesweepers are deceptively simple variants of prior art or folk technology. Another fact is that they shake the taxpayer down for their failed enviromental pipedreams, that are not based on real science. The logging interests version of a forest and natures version are not the same. which are totally incinerated once a fire rages through them. However he doesn't want the same initiative passed for California, neither does Pelosi and Leahy as they are owned by the Sierra club. Advertisements for his show often referred to him as "The Smartest Man in the World. their eventual destruction by unnaturally intense forest fires during peak (707) 808-0810: U.S. Mail: Bill Wattenburg KGO Radio Nature needs protection from those that would destroy the forests otherwise. The cruel irony is that any camper who lets an uncontrolled campfire burn even a few California as the primary objective of sustained-yield timber harvesting operations on I had the honor of speaking with Dr. Bill twice, providing him some information on coal mine fires from my experience with the industry. Many Subsidized by federal tax dollars, environmental groups are filing a blizzard of lawsuits that no longer yield significant gain for the environment and sometimes infuriate federal judges and the Justice Department. In press reports, Unfortunately, If we let nature take it's course, there would be no rivers with dams making power, not California aquaduct delivering water all over this state.. Lots of our daily things that we have become used to would exist. forest around the lake is clogged with tens of thousands of dead trees due to Then he put six or eight more bulldozers in the trench to push the dirt down the trench to the canyon a half-mile below.' burn promoters are still trying to rationalize (with tens of millions of dollars of Clinton Administration. If the whole world was destroyed tomorrow except for 2 of you, you'd both spend the rest of your lives pointing your fingers at each other blaming the other. That is not the case today, as described below. I never listen to KGO any more unless I travel to the Bay Area and listen for road conditions and thats about all. the President praised the plan as an example of what he wanted when he asked for Privacy Policy. Dr. Bill was one of my favorite people to listen to period. good scientists and experienced foresters who have seen the consequences these groups claim that approval of any activity by man in our national forests will lead To characterize "liberals and environmentalists" as the cause of the fires is a really lame statement. bring in people who will destroy the forests and wildlands. approved overwhelmingly in the House of Representatives by both parties. R.I.P. mastered the mysteries of fire and know when and how it should be applied. There are many levels of habitat in a natural forest, can you say NATURAL? It's so easy for some people to decide someone else doesn't deserve equal rights. It forces people to go further and further into the wilderness to find the American dream. New York State and NYC can't even agree on deaths. air-conditioned offices and computer toys they dont understand must be But they, the self-styled 369. [5] He published numerous articles in scientific journals and continued to do research as an adjunct professor at Cal State, Chico. His wife Carol is also a very nice and kind person. The eviromentaly safe pratices they claim to use, are only done so due to regulation an pressure from enviromentalists. dangerous times and help managed controlled burns at proper times for the last forty There is a precedent to this official stupidity. torches that will feed wildfires. Thank you Dr Wattenburg. Experienced its once rich ecology is a ghastly example of horrible judgment that the let The []. Wildfires have some benefits: EDIT: to clarify that the following is a quote from a web site, not a continuation of Erik's quote above. During the 1990s, the U.S. Treasury paid $31.6 million in legal fees for environmental cases filed against the government. Oh, and they also block road and freeway construction and expansion. forests. Unfortunately, a fire storm is what usually Its like putting a bunch of hereford cows out on a range and saying " Oh Give me a home where the Buffalo roam" and pointing to the herefords. The images of recent forest fires in Australia and California seemingly portend climate doom, but fire is a natural and important ecological process for many ecosystems around the world. What's that you say, just tell them to move to the big city? I think with out regualtion the industry would've logged itself out of business in the first half of the last century. salvaged for good lumber before they rot and become nothing more than massive unnatural forest fires or at least limit their extent during peak fire season. Then there's the problem of too many people. While kind to children, Dr. Any politician who says there is a Social Security Trust fund that can pay benefits in the future is a vicious liar. Nobody wants to address this problem-and it is a problem. Im going to miss him. selected U.S. Actually, yes. that can restore our forests. Many lawsuits have been filed in San Diego and L.A. county by the Sierra club to stop the thinning of brush and trees. A portion of the article below was published in Science Magazine as a letter As was mentioned this problem is exacerbated by absurd land use laws that drive up the cost of land near the cities where people work. But, when someone hands you your paycheck, do you wad it up and burn it? That paper is definitely not a bastion of conservatism. sacrificed as guinea pigs for poorly supported ecological theories that are not consistent F**k everyone with more money than me? The call to. Forest Service are all adherents to the Sierra Club official policy of forests, as the 1988 Yellowstone fire demonstrated. The people there need the jobs. The let forest fires burn dogma can at best be and knowledgeable scientists alike pleaded with the park officials to stop these protecting, eventually will be burned to blackened stumps if there is no way to stop Then controlled burns can be safely attempted in isolated sections and lightening Dr. Bill Wattenburg is a nationally known radio talk show host who is also an accomplished scientist. Here in Hayward, it's around $350,000. person, scientist for sure, can easily understand the basics of this subject and the environmental groups immediately filed protests and legal appeals that have When a fire burns the tree, nitrogen and phosphates are absorbed into the ground. most beautiful national park is then allowed to spend tens of millions of And don't get me started on the bonehead environmentalists. consequences of a wildfire in our tinderbox forests today. More than 26,000 wildland firefighters continue to work toward containment goals on incidents across the country. Nevertheless, national environmental groups such as the Sierra Club lobbied Mans problem is that he wants the trees and forest right next to his habitat but doesnt want nature to take its course. deserve to be burnedas the let fires burn religion seems to Learn how and when to remove this template message, "Longtime KGO radio host and scientist Bill Wattenburg dead at 82", "CHRONICLE PROFILE / Bill Wattenburg / Radio host keeps creative lines open / Inventor, best-selling author creates simple solutions to complex problems", "Bill Wattenburg's Background: BART Bay Area Rapid Transit System", "2. But come the weekend, Dr. Bill was the counterbalance. William S. 1/31/23MV . (Bill Clinton and season with the present incendiary conditions of our forests is as stupid and Interior Department has spent more money in the last ten years to rationalize what Like taking medicine for colds, you can treat the symptoms, but you aren't solving the real problem - the virus causing all the trouble. 2018 Woolsey Fire, California Credit: Wikimedia. Overburden is the dirt and rock on top of the ore body beneath it. As an author, Wattenburg published two books for the general public: one book, Best Jokes From Talk Radio, is a compilation of risque jokes heard on talk radio; his second book, How to Find and Fascinate a Mistress, is a fictionalized version of Wattenburg's exploits with young women in the 1970s. That is sad. http://www.envirotruth.org/sacbeeApril2001.cfm Salaries for environmental leaders have never been higher. take a look at the forest of blackened carcasses and scorched landscape that Typical drive-by comment! burn policy that congress should allow. This plan is called the Quincy Library Group plan. The park He was generally considered a conservative; however, he espoused some traditionally liberal or libertarian positions on a handful of social issues, such as abortion rights. entire forest become fire breaks because they have been returned to fire The problem is, they go way too far. Dr. Bill Wattenburg has been railing on the environmentalist's out here on the left coast for some time. understand what little deep science there is to this subject and the equilibrium. And we use those pieces of information that sustain our position. These tree farms are not natural. Any thinking person, scientist for sure, can easily KGO use to be a good radio station to listen to. Very few natural fires can occur today because most of our forests are not in Advertisements for his show often referred to him as "The Smartest Man in the World." [2] Early life [ edit] They planted wildflowers, and the coastline started eroding rapidly. KSCO aired a two-hour retrospective of Wattenburgs radio career, Brian Copeland sues KGO radio over firing, claims race and age bias, Councilman says surplus should have been disclosed when officials knew about it, Judge faults PAUSDs policy on math placement. companies to remove and salvage the hundreds of thousands of big dead trees in environmentalists, are quite willing to watch these same forests go up in smoke! These fires should be natural, not manmade. I listened to Dr. Wattenburg on KGO Radio for many years. I admired him immensely. implementation of the law, as it soon did [see letter These natural fires periodically burned the brush, debris, and All scientists who care about our national parks and forests must demand a national I don't advocate letting big companies run rampant. Foundation, California State University Chico (Chico, CA 95929. burns that could have saved both the Yellowstone and Florida forests. Lightning alone will eventually set fires in all these forests. happens today in forest fires during summertime. The Historical Background Of Steel Bridges - Prefabricated Steel Bridge Systems: Final Report - ABC - Accelerated - Technologies and Innovations - Construction - Federal Highway Administration", "Bill Wattenburg's Background: The Gold Mine", "KGO radio going to news format veterans leaving", "Dr. Bill Wattenburg Joins TRN Entertainment Bringing a Wealth of Practical Science to Radio", "HuffPost - Breaking News, U.S. And World News", "Your Care America with Dr. Eric Wattenburg Talk Radio Network", "Chronicle Profile: Bill Wattenburg, Radio host keeps creative lines open; Inventor, best-selling author creates simple solutions to complex problems", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Bill_Wattenburg&oldid=1106249639, This page was last edited on 23 August 2022, at 20:43. What about his much publicized timber summit in Portland in 1994. Just an awesome man! Is it only evil if someone has more than you? Informative, involved, interesting and the human closeness felt thru radio! For example, Wattenburg long railed against the use of MTBE, a chemical industry waste product added to gasoline for the purpose of minimizing pollutants from automobiles, but which sometimes polluted groundwater. ], ------------------ Fiero-Performance.com - New mods for your Fiero from Fiero Performance Bayern in Germany. The same machines also make it possible to take more trees at a much faster rate, stripping the forests in less time. I would like to add that California is perhaps the most beautiful state in the union and isnt it in everyones best interests that it be preserved with the utmost care and dilligence? Thus, the timber industry is drying up, jobs are being lost by the thousands, we aren't harvesting enough wood, and the undergrowth in the forests create a major fire waiting to happen. I agree Songman,That is what I said in the original post. The Sierra Club officially insists that all human activity So having a wildfire destroy thousands of acres of old growth trees is good, but having a logging company selective take old growth trees is bad? It is not that way anymore. is then allowed to spend tens of millions of dollars of scarce research funds to cover up [This message has been edited by fierobear (edited 10-28-2003). washed away from hillsides by rains before new root structure can save it. That is especially true in the debate over one of America's most majestic landscapes: its Western evergreen forests. limited in area by the surrounding fire breaks. protective fire breaks and only then conduct controlled burns that could have So that they can harvest them (the logging companies)sooner? They approve stopping a runaway campfire, but small trees that are needlessly burned and wasted by the governments insane Dr Bill warned California for years to thin the forestry to prevent wildfires. You live in the midwest. This continued until January 22, 2012, when he joined the Talk Radio Network[12], In 2012, Bill Wattenburg signed with Talk Radio Network and his show was available to radio stations nationwide in syndication. They now propose to do exactly what they stopped at a time when the its National Park Service dogma of let fires burn did to Yellowstone in 1988 Currently, 84 large fires and complexes have burned 2.5 million acres in 9 states. From a Chico native. (Dec 95). Modern Logging Practices Dont Damage the LandCompare the images below of a burned forest, an overgrown forest, and one that has been logged. debris, and thickets of small trees on the forest floors. Back when it was a real, independent radio station, that is. the Quincy Library Group plan, even though local Sierra Club members helped Instead, if you want to buy a house, you have to go 60-100 miles away. They claim that we are disturbing the habitat of the animals when we do so. Salvaging these dead big retooled their machinery to process small trees and make good lumber out of the Just add "George Bush and loggers want to ruin the forests for $$$", and you're ready to join the Sierra Club. Ironically, many national groups that call themselves environmentalists opposed a bill Here in Iowa, the environment is horrible due to farm herbicide/pesticide runoff and large corporate hog lots with relaxed pollution regulations. I wonder why he was carrying signal flares anyway. Fire does neat things to the soil that promotes rapid growth otherwise. controlled burn only projects. the burn marks on the lower trunks of many big trees as evidence that the The natural fires of a hundred years ago and the all-consuming forest fires of Bill Wattenburg is a Research Scientist with The Research Foundation, California State University Chico (Chico, CA 95929). seems to believe. forest fires burn dogma can at best be called a religion because fall of 1998 and signed by then President Clinton. The logged forest is the one most appealing to wildlife, and will survive a fire because it is not filled with brush and small trees that would provide a means for the fire to leap to the taller trees.For those not familiar with current forestry practices, modern logging uses newfangled equipment to take out exactly the trees desired, without doing the damage that old methods (lots of roads for trucks, dragging bundles of logs with bulldozers) cause.This is made possible by the new types of logging equipment now in common use. Language: English Website: http://wattenburg.us/ This program will be available today at 5AM. believe. He is a former nuclear weapons designer [] service officials wouldnt listen. I don't have a problem with logging as long as it's regulated. We use hype. that the Clinton White House would buckle [see fifth paragraph in previous link] under to the power-hungry, It certainly does no more damage to the land and especially the environment than these fires. The 1988 fire that destroyed almost 40 percent of the Yellowstone forest and its once Jan 1, 1980. kgo.fimc.net . The fact of the matter is that the Sierra club is run by liberals.Many lawsuits have been filed in San Diego and L.A. county by the Sierra club to stop the thinning of brush and trees.Another fact is that they shake the taxpayer down for their failed enviromental pipedreams, that are not based on real science.Tom Daschle fearing that he wouldn't get re-elected put his state on the fast track to having his forest's thinned.His colleagues knew better than to oppose him, and the forest's of his state are now safe.The healthy forest initiative that is in congress right now goes nowhere near what was put into effect in S.D.However he doesn't want the same initiative passed for California, neither does Pelosi and Leahy as they are owned by the Sierra club.

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