revolution radio podcast scott mckay3 on 3 basketball tournaments in colorado

And hes written a number of books on constitution. Major cabal murder power. But this Tomahawk is one of two choices for the Cabal powers, which end we use is fully up to them. Thats your rights. He developed technical skills way beyond what anyone expected. It looks like that bar scene in Star Wars, like literally like, What in the hell? And there she is. The Universal and single minded presumption among its participants was that such a crisis would prove an opportunity of convenience to promote new vaccines, and tighten controls by a surveillance and censorship state. Douglas v. Gibbs comm slash books, Douglas v Gibbs comm slash books or you can just hit the books. Theres no statute number. And I believe we are patriots this country that will do the same thing. She comes across the path of this scumbag carrying something. emp attack probability 2022; mende tribe food; eau claire memorial high school They said, well, Doug, yeah, but then, you know, it affects the healthcare system or doesnt have socialized system, not in an individual, individual individualistic, free market system, it doesnt just in the same way, see their thinking with socialist minds. Anyways, theres a transcript here, but I just walked you through how serious these people Learn how serious the scumbag criminals are. Read our Pledge HERE. We got them now. At gates direction. And he said, Well, then you have to wear a shield. Scott McKay on his radio show. 76.3K . So looking at the whole mask situation, and the this is lets get lets start having some fun here. And while were trying to get our stuff checked out, the manager comes up. Lets not lose it. She notes with alarm that unrest due to false rumors and divisive messaging is rising and is exacerbating spread of the disease. Because yall America was built on the principles of liberty, natural law, God given rights, we know what were about, we know whos on our side. So Im going to walk through something here, I just want to read this to you. As soon as I get my stuff paid for I got my stuff. Show more. One of the things that we have got, and you and I always get applause for this, when I talked to groups, is we filed a lawsuit against Kamala Harris for being ineligible for office on December 7. Youre living in bondage. The insanity which with with which they perpetuate on society, those who dont wear a mask, those who actually are have a have an independent mind or a thinking person, a self determined free person who refuses to bow to tyranny who refuses to be muzzled who refuses a criminal element to perpetuate unlawful and illegal acts on society as a whole. I am an incurable optimist. 4CM says: TIME WILL REVEAL THE VERACITY; SO WE KEEP OUR EYE ON THE BALL. smokeymtnwoman. And you know, he actually acquiesced to the point I was making. Theyve been attacking her with energy weapons for years. Any income made by this site is reinvested back into STN. Monsanto central observes that to me, quote to me, it is clear countries need to make a strong f need to make strong efforts to manage both mis and disinformation. It tells you I go to groups all the time, life liberty, and and then I stop and everybody, always every group I go through pursuit after they know what it says, think about what its saying. Its all been by the executives, presidents, governors, mayors, so on and so forth. 627. Yep. You want me just to acquiesce. And at the main entrance there in La Jolla. the CDC for prevention, various media powerhouses the Chinese government, a former CIA, National Security Agency director, which to me has to be James Clapper. So where are you going to call the police to remove me thats all the way Im leaving that or after Im done doing my business one of the other and he says no, were not gonna call the police. he, well, they dont want the police there because they know theres no law, and they dont want a police report. They dont they can see opportunity every day, they cant recognize it after a while get fat, lazy, stupid. I think Scotts got some gas over there. So all these projects here, folks described how they would use this viral outbreak to bring this authoritarian system with the loss of our human rights or freedoms. Thats the only reason why theyre not afraid. You want to talk about centralization. Youre missing the rise of human spiritual consciousness, the ascension opportunities. They have to control the narrative. On patriot Street Fighter eight on YouTube, you have got to go watch this video. Well, then, then you cant you cant shop on here that and and I said okay, fine. But they dont. I just went through that for 45 minutes and the main the main interests I told her finally after going around around with her about 10 or 15 she says we need to call an administrator. He says Well, sir, you need to wear a mask. 1:50:43 The Rockefeller Institute theyre all the same Rockefeller name attached to it. After all, we dont want six soldiers. (Recommended). Lets say we fast forwarded, or lets lets go back to the future. We started to show over a year ago, we have a lot of great hosts on this particular network. Let me rearrange that for you a little bit. We are doing clinical trials in new anti retrovirals. It will bank bank of america with his badge and he decides Im going to use it instead of talking this woman out of the bank. I have a friend of mine. Well, you know, whats your general personal sense of what youre seeing? Yeah, well, I can tell you, if it goes the other way, kinetic, believe me. where we are right now in this evolution. I told you I was going to be bringing down the thunder tonight man and here. These avances role played members of the pandemic control council Wargaming government strategies for controlling the pandemic, the narrative and the population. Thats the way the California Health code is written. I dont think I dont think that they can overestimate us. Boy. I started laughing. It only protects you if they dont give you adequate alternative. Because the pendulum is going to come back on this bullshit. This shit ends all of a sudden COVID is gone. I walk 30 steps inside to the back ovens. I dont have a right to healthcare, I have a right to pursue it. It is the monetary system that either destroys it or upholds it, depending on which direction you take. I mean I think you probably saw in the movie The Patriot with Mel Gibson in the opening battle. Thats, thats awesome. Because if that happens with me, theres no going backwards. maybe it wasnt you. You know the California Health and Safety Code Section 120 225 that uses language that indicates quarantine laws were designed to quarantine an individual or special specific location, not an entire community or organization. Warning: "continue" targeting switch is equivalent to "break".Did you mean to use "continue 2"? NOTICE: This site is purely a religious organization, anything that seems like political or health based discussion is simply our religious doctrine and beliefs. Finally, well sit here and wait, the new net proposes a lane open different because we aint moving. Hes a Federal Reserve combat battles against Federal Reserve as a But anyway, and he says something that I really appreciate. Save the kids. But that should be everybodys individual decision. I was standing across the street, I want you to come out of her house. The hells he doing in this event roleplays the newscaster reporting on government measures. So Matthew Harrington replies to ingleby ingels Bs question. 25 myths of the United States Constitution basically helps you unlearn the crap weve been taught. These cowards will buckle belt buckle their drop the bullshit Come on in because I need your money. Where Information Never Sleeps and Truth Breaks the Spell. So I will say. Look at the landscape of the nation. Maybe this is a time for us to showcase some cases where we are able to bring forward some bad actors and leave it before the course to decide whether you have actually spread some fake news. The years that I was actually active in elected politics, working my way, I would say working my way through that the sludge, and climbing over the wreckage that it takes to get into a higher position of elected influence. If were not at if were not activated, were not involved. Theyre greedy, blood sucking, self interested traders, many of them say, well, its a little harsh. Because the very principles of liberty revolve around our monies, our pursuit of happiness, if you dont have the ability to pursue that happiness, to pursue those rights, and to act in a system where you can, for lack of a better word democratically operate, because its your choice. He also says I also think were at a moment where the social media platforms have to step forward and recognize the moment to assert that theyre a technology platform and a broadcaster is over and not a broadcasters over interesting. Over the last two weeks, Facebook and other social media sites have deep platformed, the author here and many other critics of regulatory corruption and authentic authority, authoritarian public health policies. Executives through iidx is not a law. I was wearing seatbelts before it was the law because I had a crash and when I was younger, and wished Id have a seatbelt on. 1:11:35 Background Report. The task of identifying every bad actor is a mess. The first book is probably the one if youre a beginner the constitution youre just learning. They dont even care about it. Where is this? Read About All Possible Detoxing Options HERE. So when it comes to the mask, I dont put down people dont wear a mask. Thank you for cleaning the drains in my kitchen and bathroom. The participants discussed mechanisms for controlling disinformation and misinformation by flooding the media with propaganda, quote, good information, imposing penalties for spreading falsehoods and discrediting the anti vaccination movement. Coshocton, Ohio. Now that said, some people will quote Oh, gosh, no shirt, no shoes, no service, why not? To address is human society by the way, we got a great guest coming up in the second half that I mentioned that I love and I bring these guys on because these guys are really smart he always made me look good. So also, youre going to assault me physically? This is free speech platform that has launched the Patriot streetfighter revolution. Always have been I never thought I would lose my optimism. Does that mean every school board around the country, every city council, every legislator, every politician, Youre damn right, it does every last one of them. And let them be eavesdropping on this meeting. And theres a certain strategy, so I dont want to get into the details of that just yet. I hope I pray that we have a peaceful revolution. Thats when rules of engagement go out the window. This this this this scumbag milk toast King shit police officer in Galveston, Texas comes in. This is the Khazarian Mafia the CCP once used to be the Soviets is whatever they need to infiltrate. Heres the way it really is. I contend they would load it up all their muskets grabbed all their buddies went in there and started a shooting gallery and ended this thing right now, right there. All the Constitution does is list them, it lists a handful of them, says hey, by the way, heres some of the rights dont stomp on federal government. 1:24 Ladies and gentlemen my name is Scott McKay it is March 22 2021 you are listening to the tipping point on revolution radio Welcome to the show folks if you're brand new here you are in for the high octane full throttle truth hammer on all the deep state scumbag criminals all around the world. I was as a kid, I was an advanced reader and I started reading about this stuff, learn about stuff. One of the things I do is I am the founder and president of a nonprofit called the constitution Association. I will surely use your assistance when I need it! His maiden voyage LIVESTREAM Post-Election video rocketed to 345,000 in 13 days to entering him into YouTube Censoring Stardom. So I started asking him questions. 50:50 And Ill say little about it for right now. Weve had a lot of fun with this movement, but you can find a Scott you can go to patriots rise up calm as well patriots rise and see what were doing over there. I dont think so, when it comes to guarantee and my rights and we can guarantee me health care in a guaranteed educational wheres my guaranteed gun. I mean, what are the system around the world? But, well, heres the thing, they gave us a template. 1:06:07 Theme: Newsup by Themeansar. pursuit of happiness, you have a right to pursue your happiness based on your choices. Oh, you found it. We know what Liberty tastes like, we know what liberty is about. Last couple days ago, he was Uber me over to the dealership to pick up my bike. It has to be done in numbers. These people operating under the color of law theyre carrying out fog orders bug iidx, which puts them in the crosshairs of both criminal and civil prosecution. 25:48 While in high school, Trevor began his broadcasting career in September of 1997. Ladies and gentlemen, Scott McKay here. And he would put COVID in jail here because COVID past March the 10th wasnt allowed to be dangerous. That men 1688 led to the 1689 English Declaration of Rights. 1:20:31 Well, and people say well, Doug, what textbook to use for that? Now youre going to get the information of how they really are lying to you. So everybody stands up says, okay, weve had enough of this bullshit. Thats what liberty is about assessing the risk, and then making your own decisions. They didnt do it. And if you want to take a first glimpse of this, this is a proud prototype of the new patriot Street Fighter Tomahawk with we the people in the handle, and the coolest thing about the tomahawk is it comes with its own holster that goes on your belt, holster comes off, its a protective leather cover over the tomahawk. I dont have the right to have a cake baked the way I want. These are the people that are making the decisions that are being perpetuated on you. Trevor was the go-to guy on the staff with any technical or personal needs. bear with me for a sec. And I keep on walking. minus a couple, minus a few. Yeah, but but she but because shes associated with you. Why do you think we believe that next point, Chen Wang, an apple research scientist, Google Scholar and worlds leading expert on tracking and tracing and fake facial recognition technology. They all had the, you know, they all had the same color suits. With every opportunity. 1:30:56 I have no problem. We know who we are, we know in our gut what liberty is. Those are the people that typically run for elective office. 1:05:22 He suggests quote, maybe were making the mistake of reporting and counting all the fatalities, infections, folks, do you hear this bullshit? The Hammer side is obviously a hollowed out little bolt, and you can put in your piece pipe whatever you want. Because I realize that some of you folks dont know the things that I take for granted that I know. They invert everything. Theyve had enough. Found 1 colleague at Wildwood Music. 1:49:37 Ignorance is bliss. A person may not be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law. Im saying put your mask on, Im going to give you the same kind of answer. You know, social media companies are working around the clock to combat these disinformation campaigns. Well, first of all, they have no authority to require us to wear a facial armband. The benefits society, it benefits them always. If youve not read it, you must read Thomas Sol Thomas Sol those two hi consult my bed my. They created this outpost called Israel Bolshevik outpost because theyre in mafia, not the Israeli people, not the good people. They make you aware, when you get up and walk around, I go to the bathroom, I walk out with it. 14:58 Theres an attack catch document here which Im just gonna read the summary here, but this attacks document shows that a cabal of powerful individuals did indeed, begin planning the mass eviction of vaccine skeptics from social media in October 2019. a week or two before COVID began circulating. If you dont, well have you removed. 1:49:28 She didnt. You notice that theres no ask for asterisks anywhere in the constitution that says, when you look up the Asterix at the end, it says, unless theres a virus, its not there. He should be worried, quote, people believe this is manmade and that some pharmaceutical company made the virus. And theyre wrong. 47:21 Absolutely. Because what Ive noticed in society in the last couple decades, the least qualified people are the ones that want to run for office of any sort, get into a position of power, and be the boss. And, and I and so I said, Yeah, I dont I guess I was supposed by shield. Thats their call. I dont care who requires it. Alright, fine. theres a theres a window here, and I dont want anybody to get left behind your strengths. They infiltrate the identity steal, they murder. I think it was two weekends ago, I was in Under Armour. All of you know what the facts are, in terms of the outbreak of this virus and the absolute tyrannical move thats been made on humanity. Either mine never havent been. And so of course when I went to counter same bullshit, yet another one comes up. Now heres the thing, though, for those of you who think that the Americans with Disability Act protects you? So if you been on the show before, you know at revolution dot radio, you can always support this network. civilly and criminally. My record is I need to get in Guinness as the most strikes and the most YouTube channels that have been taken down. Its just that in some places, their government doesnt give them access to the rights. If you purchase something from these links we or the owners of those links COULD get paid for that. Even after you look at the rest of the world you. You mean like the money laundering operation of the Red Cross? Whats the statute number, there is not because the legislature is have not passed any laws regarding this, so they have no power of law. Well, you know, when we started and Ill get you set up and I said well, I want to give you a heads up. Youve seen the pope where Hillary Clinton Chelsea all these people, Chelsea Handler go down through the list all these people because to try to put the genie back in the bottle of misinformation and disinformation is not possible. Because the law only allows for adequate isolation in each case, case by case. And youre going to protect me what from you? 30:35 its a real pleasure having you and Im absolutely ecstatic that we could get you at the last minute as really perfect, perfect timing setup for this. Exactly. But the US Constitution is the prize. Quote, some governments have taken control of national access to the internet as we know, others are censoring websites and social media content, and a small number have shut down internet access completely, China to prevent the spread of misinformation, penalties have been put in place for spreading harmful falsehoods, including arrests. Of course, they dont want to decentralize the internet because they cant control you. Kevin McAleese communications officer for the gates funded agricultural products how thats interesting. Stream live CNN, FOX News Radio, and MSNBC. Yeah. Proudly powered by WordPress You better have a couple barrels with you because therell be brass casings all around me. So as we do the research to come up with the right vaccines to help prevent the continuation of this, how do we get the right information out there? And now this time, theyre getting more oppressive now, because for all of last year, I was fairly left alone. And this is this is what signifies our fight kind of on the back of my native American heritage. She doesnt speak English very well. And in that book is a textbook Actually, its a large book, but I wrote it to teach homeschoolers government and I teach our homeschool high schoolers government economics and US history. Yeah, theyre not only you assembled, but anyway, nonetheless, in 1905, they basically said in a national emergency, you have no rights and you have and you have no liberty, because for the good of the community that must be satisfied. I never regretted a mask. So were going to dictate it to you, by the way that comes from john Jacques Rousseau and, 1:30:37 And I just kept on walking. I refuse that my track was going to be business I would create a business profile, enough wealth or success that I would have a name that could be recognized and I would have proved myself in a capitalist society. 1:21:36 What do you think the business owner is going to do? Thats if they get away with it. And then we have Article One, Section seven of the California State Constitution, which, interestingly enough, echoes the 14th amendment of the US Constitution. Scott MacKay's weekly commentary on politics in RI & MA. Im like, okay, I just kept walking, I was gonna go buy one. You know, there you can donate to the cause if you like Im also a donor to revolution radio myself. And I thought, What do you mean, this is why I already was angry with the federal government been around now Im really ticked. We know what were about. I have seven books Im working on a few more right now. So you can understand your rights and your power of the Constitution weighing in your favor. His name is Alan Myers, fed as a site, and hes a forensic accountant. You look at these people back then. Im Scott McKay. My goal is to get the counter so I can check my stuff out, and then get out of there. Scott McKay Is An Accomplished Criminal Defense And Civil Litigation Attorney. And folks, you wont ever go over and see that work. Hes going through this stand up of His girlfriend catching him coming out of another girls house that he was there having a relationship with. Then we have Article four section one of the California State Constitution that gets back to, you know what I was telling you about the word vested. The whole point is it begins with education, but it ends with action. So and notice whats at the top of the list. Privacy Policy As of July 1st, Ken will move into full-time ministry with the United Methodist Church. I mean, from a visual appearance, me, and then and then the other guys that I hung around with, because Ive always respected intelligence. optimism is my force multiplier. And so here we are. Theyve had enough of the bullshit. And to be able to actually see this man in person was what What a treat that was. He worked at the station from 1997 until he died in 2022 with a short stint doing telemarketing in Massillon. 1:42:03 You know, theres no theres no other side. We didnt practice. 1:34:13 Eastern time. I saw you. Right? Why are they not afraid to you? These guys are forking liars. Thats what these people do. theres going to be more and more people that are going to wake up to this bullshit somehow theyre going to wake up I know many of you look around and you think I dont think some of these people are ever going to wake up. And theres a time when you tell a PR firm to show up. Alright, so for me personally, Douglas v Gibbs calm or political pistachio calm, which is my blog. Youre gonna stand on your principles. Now, what do we have? It attracts a different type of person on both sides of the aisle. I know which ones didnt close. Yet, we still have these people walking around with this fork and face diaper on I just cant understand it, especially in Texas. And Ive been digging through some information that I want to bring to your attention. Because this end happens to be the bottom end happens to be the mouthpiece end of a peace pipe. Background Search. I said, No, I dont Ive got a National Medical, well, you still have to have a mask. It says that for a reason. He was the "sports voice" of WTNS and Coshocton County as a whole. Let them assess the risk to make the decision for themselves. Constitutional Law were gonna point out the bullshit that is being perpetuated on society by these unlawful unconstitutional actions and these enforcement agencies and you know your general basic issue, scumbag governor etc. So somebody said a week or two ago, I saw one of the threads on the live stream. Theres nothing to lose but if this payment system becomes a world leading payment method your Qs can be worth a lot. And when I put one of those suckers on and I hit the ground, I cannot wear the facial armband. Notice: There are affiliate links present on this website, both from the control of Survive the News and from other websites that we do not control. 1:21:23 And I guarantee you all the other states are very similar if not the same. So Mike, well, how do I get an audience and I started doing online radio and blogs and things like that came across another constitutionalist that really became a mentor for me. 16:27 It shows that the virus had burned itself out by one of June 2022 months after Chinas brief lockdowns ended, and no one was spreading it. Theyre going to have to call the police to come in try to get me out of there. And after being a name radio studio, the am radio bug bit me and, and I was on am radio later on that year, so of this year is actually my 10 year anniversary of having an am radio program right now with KMD at 1490 am on Saturdays from one to three Pacific. And you know what, if that window closes, guess what? But the states have ultimate power and control. Contact: 310.421.4053 Website: Email: Stations Revolution Radio Studio B Where Information Never Sleeps UP NEXT: 7pm Matrix Warriors: Jay Charles Parker 9pm Counterspeech 10pm The Decompression Hour 11pm Carrying Stones and Digging Holes: Bridgette Lyn Dolgoff See More Shows And so patients are not taking them anymore. I dont know what you guys faith out there is but I believe in prayer, I believe prayer is at the top of the list. Get Cool Gear & Fund STN When its for real, and its right here? And Im thinking of other words, but I want to be nice to the mixed audience out there. Jay Parker. Shes wearing a mask. Why do you think that is? 3,056 Views. Just lie, lie, lie, lie lie. Thats the only optimism I have. Thats right, Caucasian male aborted, you know, because they want to inject everybody, I guess, with white privilege, but thats what theyre putting into this stuff.

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revolution radio podcast scott mckay