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If God decides to give His children extra Gifts, then that is His prerogative. And you would be correct, but for this. Go, my dear children, and ask Me to protect you always for it is my mission to draw you along the difficult path to the Throne of my precious Son, Jesus Christ. My Presence is in the Tabernacles of the world, in My Churches, in the words of all chosen visionaries. OUR LADY: "My beloved son and children of the world, mankind . Then you will be able to save it and/or print it for future use. Live the Word of God. The answer is yes. FAIR USE NOTICE: I am not associated in any way with Holy Love Ministry, Locutions To The World, Book of Truth (Maria Divine Mercy), Prophet John Leary, Our Lady of Emmitsburg, or any of the other chosen messengers or website links that I provide on this blog. When people are starved of the Truth of God, they will turn in another direction in order to seek solace. It brings with it extraordinary graces. Click here for 2015 Messages Book of Truth My Plan is to ensure that all of you spread My Word and contemplate what I have given you. Sadly, very few of My followers have grasped the lessons contained therein. The Blessed Virgin Mary revealed her last title on earth to Maria and wishes to be known, through this mission, as the Mother of Salvation. Amen. sort by. Now the time has come for my Son to come again and only those who recognise His voice, because of the Gift of the Holy Spirit, will follow His instructions. When something is UNQUESTIONABLE it leaves no room for any DOUBTS. You need to ask God to forgive you now, because should you continue to mount deliberate campaigns to block the Voice of the Holy Spirit, the Voice of the Holy Trinity and declare it to be an evil spirit, you will not, nor can you be forgiven, for this is a grave sin. Showing 20 distinct works. Help us to gain the strength, and the confidence, to stand up and declare the Truth at all times. When something is UNQUESTIONABLE it leaves no room for any DOUBTS. If you had known Me, you would have known My Father also; from now on you know Him, and have seen Him. Your Call from The Truth-Reflections on Deeper Meanings, Hidden Agendas, and Signs of Our Time including fulfilled prophecies to Maria Divine Mercy. Maria, who wishes to be anonymous, says that she had neither read the Bible nor had heard of the Second Coming, up to the time she received these messages. You must remain silent if in doubt about any Divine message given to the world and pray for the seer. Many were cast out by their own people and could not return to their birthplaces. And, He wants us to recognize that His mercy is greater than our sins, so that we will call upon Him with trust, receive His mercy, and let it flow through us to others. To see how the evil one has corrupted their souls is a constant torment to Me, their beloved Father. I offer You the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Your dearly beloved Son in atonement for the sins of the world and for the salvation of all Your children., Was Pope Benedict XVI Forced to Resign? We fight to uphold the Truth through prayer and love in faithfulness to the Teachings given unto us by the Verb Made Flesh. But their load was heavy. THIS is God's plan for you and for me here, on this speck of dust on which we live as invisible atoms in an infinite Universe that is nothing but God's Right Eye Pupil. Then copy and paste this entire page (or parts desired) into another document on your computer. Wishing neither to be known, or celebrated in any way, Maria Divine Mercy the name she was given by Jesus says that she had never read the Bible nor had heard of the Second Coming, up to the time she received the messages. I Am barely tolerated by those who know Who I Am but who dismiss some of My Teachings because the Truth makes them uncomfortable. I do this now through My messenger Maria Divine Mercy who will convey My Words, not hers, to a disbelieving world. They led lonely and frightening lives and fell down many times because of the difficulty of their Mission. Without sacrifice nothing is achieved, whether it be materially or spiritually. In other cases, it was to warn humanity of those who would cause them persecution and try to prevent the Word of God from nourishing His children. I cherish the souls of every one of Gods children. The lowliest amongst the Jews did listen and accepted Me, Jesus Christ, the Son of man, but the holiest and most senior servants, within the church at that time, refused to accept the Truth. I promise you that the persecution will be swift and that you will be protected. Go in love and peace and know that I live in your hearts. My Christian soldiers will form the biggest Army against the antichrist. The Word of God, as contained in the Holy Bible, both the Old and the New Testaments, the Word of God, the Truth, is being given to the world through these messages by the Gift of the Holy Spirit. The high priests in My time on earth tried to twist the Truth of Gods Laws in order to justify their rejection of Me. The Truth in Its Entirety Is always the hardest thing to surrender to as It's contrary to our human pride. My Sons Church turn a deaf ear to the gift of prophecy. From the Book of Truth Has all heavenly messages and all prayers from Jesus, God the Father and Mary Mother of Salvation. So patient has my Son been, for such a long time. To say that this is the case is an insult to My Father and the Holy Spirit. I will come again on the last day. Friday, August 31st, 2012 @ 23:20. UPDATE: April 16, 2014: Official statement concerning Maria Divine Mercy from the Archdiocese of Dublin website: You must follow the Word of God for my Sons voice is being cast aside and ignored just as it was the first time. Jesus, King and Saviour of the world, to You do we pledge our honour, our loyalty and deeds, to proclaim Your Glory to all. Maria Divine Mercy, Schism! My Seal is My Promise of Salvation. Has all heavenly messages and all prayers from Jesus, God the Father and Mary Mother of Salvation. My Sons disciples will be turned on by those in charge of the Catholic Church on earth and accused of being false. Our lives? Today you and I are beginning to witness the same tragedy that occurred 2,000 years ago: the Church, Which Is the Mystical Body of the Redeemer, is about to undergo a new Passion which will conclude in Her Crucifixion. Given through Maria Divine Mercy on Thursday, January 17, 2013, Well over 150 Crusade Prayers have been given to Maria Divine Mercy. Not one. The Second Coming will herald the return of Christ to judge the living and the dead and a new world without end a new Paradise will be home to everyone who accepts Gods Hand of Mercy. My Father protects you, My little one, and so you must forge ahead always in the knowledge that He desires souls, for every word which is uttered from your lips, for every word, which is drawn by your hand and for every soul you reach out to. Another possible cause can certainly be added: the upcoming changes that the False Prophet will impose on the Truth will change the faithful's perception of God's Teachings by falsely rendering them to be harsh, intolerant, and unloving when compared to the newly introduced pagan and sin-erasing cult of universal false love in the New One World Religion. They murdered the prophets of old. It is like a sword piercing My Heart, which will not go away. (This blog,, is not associated in anyway with ChristoGifts. I have sent her a group of people who will co-ordinate these groups, in different regions in the world. The prophecies, contained in the Book of Revelation, are only partially known Now it is up to you to spread the Truth. Maria will let you know what is expected, soon. Our God Lost it all when He Became one of us for our sake: are we ready to lose ourselves? She saw Jesus clothed in a white garment with His right hand raised in blessing. This is a plan crafted by the Evil One to take you away from Me. Without the Book of Truth, you, My disciples, would be like lambs being led to the slaughter, as you must know that your faith in God will be challenged and many efforts will be made to wipe out all traces of Me, Jesus Christ, off the face of the Earth. Always. My dearly beloved daughter, you are at the cusp of an explosion, which will see My Mercy pour out over the world in an event, which will change the face of the earth. Many of you say you honour Me, but many have fallen away from the Truth. If you deny the gift of prophecy you, too, will be forgiven. *** Messages and prayers can be downloaded and saved. They will do this through ignorance, for many of them assume that they already know the prophecies I Am still to reveal to the world, before My Second Coming. I refer also to those who practice their faith; to those who believe in Me, but who do not visit Me and to all those who remain loyal to the Truth. Now take My Gift of the Truth along with all the other Gifts, given to you through this Mission, and accept them with gratitude. Alexis Bugnolo True mercy is saving those who are deceived from lies. These "New Prophecies reveal global events in the lead up to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ". Every word you utter in this Mission comes from Me. We unite ourselves in body, mind and spirit within Your Sacred Heart. In the meantime you do not have the authority to defend My Word. My Son created division although that was not His intention. Through the words in John 1:17 "For the Law was given through Moses; grace and truth were realized through Jesus Christ" we are told that Our Lord was the Realization of Grace and Truth. I constantly seek them out. Jesus told her that the messages were to be compiled and produced in a Book in volumes and that it was to be called the Book of Truth. Many were unsure whether they were, in fact, prophets at all, but by the fruits of their Mission, when they could see the spread of the Word of God and how quickly conversions were witnessed, they understood. Do we believe to be better than the pagans? Our Infinitely Loving God Has Promised to Bring His Kingdom for a Thousand Years of Peace: THY KINGDOM COME, Thy Will Be Done, ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN. "I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me. I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me., Blog Post (3/2/17): They gave Pope Francis four years to make the Church over again. Heres how hes tried a short introductory post with link to article on LifeSiteNews, The Book of Truth: A Critical Review by Michael Shimpert Please click below for free downloadable copies of the prayers given by Heaven in the Book of Truth, as well as the guidelines given to Maria Divine Mercy from Jesus on how to set-up prayer groups. For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it; but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it. You have been given the summary and yet many of you refuse to acknowledge its contents. Click here for 2011 Messages Book of Truth Your will is Mine, for you gave it away to Me and now I reside completely within you. And that is what FromRome.Info is all about. Only by the Power of the Holy Spirit will My true followers be able to withstand this battle for souls and I Am giving you every Grace to open your eyes to the Truth and to prevent you from being devoured by deceit.

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