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Antes do ocorrido na festa do clube Vortex, Kate era muito amiga de Alyssa Anderson e Stella Hill; algo que Max no sabia.[6]. Yellow tulips stand for hope and cheerful thoughts and are common get-well gifts. Defending Kate from David, encouraging Kate in her initial decision to report the matter to the police and answering her phone call earlier are helpful, but she can be saved without making those actions by making the right dialog choices.If Max succeeds in talking her down, the montage at the end of the episode will show her recovering in a hospital bed. Estudante de Ensino Mdio As a graduate of Theology from Liberty University, he puts his experience with religion, philosophy, and debate into his work. All rights reserved. As snow begins to fall over Arcadia Bay, Kate sits in her room crying. Kate will later be deeply thankful, as evident from her messages, although it does not have any effect on the rest of the episode, as Max later travels back in time again. De acordo com seu arquivo, Kate tem um GPA (mdia de notas) de 3.9, e uma das pessoas que "representam" a Academia Blackwell. The email is found on her computer in Episode 3 during the morning Max stays over at her house. As Max searches through David's garage for tools to fix her camera, she can happen upon David's files. Erasing the mean messages written about her and the link to the video, answering her phone call) I think add up to helping to save her. Answering it will cause Max to miss a confrontation between Chloe and her mother, which Chloe will chide her about later, but will comfort Kate. Max notes that Nathan's name is not on the card from the Blackwell students. Later, on her way to the Prescott Dormitory, Max spots Kate sitting on a bunch nearby where Logan Robertson and Zachary are throwing their football. No wonder they call it a "web" nothing can ever get out.said to Max in "Out of Time", I don't expect you to get in trouble for me. Sometime before the events of the LIS, she had very embarassing accident, when she was at Vortex Club's party. Ela parece surpresa pela quantidade de pessoas da Blackwell que escreveram algo para ela, incluindo Daniel DaCosta, o Sr. Jefferson e at a Victoria escreveu um bilhete gentil para ela. It's still possible to save Kate even if Max wasn't as nice as she could have been toward her bullied friend. The adults in Life is Strange are incompetent because they inspire no trust. Aparies Pokemon Scarlet and Violet DLC Expansion Pass, if Max took a photo instead of intervening in Episode 1 or not, Games With Inclusive LGBTQ+ Romance Options, Life Is Strange: The Most Important Choices Youll Have To Make In The Game, Most Iconic Kid Detectives In Video Games, Hogwarts Legacy Couple Waste Over 2 Hours Trying to Open Locked Chest, You Probably Missed This Hogwarts Legacy Side Quest. Nascimento Life is Strange . Apagada a mensagem, ela pode substitui-la pelo smbolo da paz. She asks Max to take photos for the book for her. Yellow is also the color of friendship. Aps sair do dormitrio para encontrar o Warren, Max v a Kate sendo incomodada pelo David Madsen. She can be visited in the hospital, and even gets to help Max at a later point in the story. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. In the following evening, her dorm room was sealed off with barricade tape. sugerido no, O versculo da Bblia favorito de Kate : "Venham a mim, todos os que esto cansados e sobrecarregados, e eu darei descanso a vocs." Kate's work with the Meals on Wheels organization she is affiliated with was featured on the KBAY 7, a local news station in Arcadia Bay, according to her school files. A new decal will appear on the page to cover the 'LiFE' graphic that was visible in the previous two episodes. The rabbit is a symbol of vulnerability, comfort, abundance - it's associated with sentiment, desire and procreation. Dayeanne Hutton (Ingls) Hana Takeda (Japons), 11 de outubro de 2013(presumido, determinante), Morta pela tempestade (presumido, determinante), Sra. Elas at comearam a fazer sesses de ch semanais. A sleepy town with a dark secret--and the three kids brave enough to uncover it. Atender a ligao far Max causar uma discusso entre Chloe e sua me, algo de que Chloe ir se queixar mais tarde, mas ela tambm poder confortar a Kate. Foi especulado que Kate possa ter comprado drogas com o Frank durante sua fase depressiva, pois Chihuahua seria um tipo de cachorro adequado para Kate e a tal "Katie" comprou um remdio para dormir chamado sonho verde, e uma droga que pode causar a morte (as duas drogas seriam teis para Kate, dado seu estado de insnia e depresso). Dayeanne Hutton, VA for Kate Marsh, Alyssa and Juliet begins her playthrough of Life is Strange Remastered! After a brief conversation, Jefferson tells her that there is nothing he can do and she walks away crying. Bit of a trigger warning for some of these scenes. In the Dark Room, Kate's binder is one of the three viewable binders other than Rachel Amber's binder and Victoria's empty one. Her family is now very protective towards Kate, and feel very guilty. Provided that Kate survives the events of Episode 2, Max and Chloe will visit her in the hospital before going to the Prescott Dormitory to look for Nathan. " [] maybe there's a reason we pretend? The name "Katie" appears in Frank Bowers's client list (codenamed as "Chihuahua"). Actually, she understood that there are a lot of people who love her. Max, who is extremely happy to see her, will talk with her, noting that she seems happier since her attempted suicide. Defender a Kate do David, encoraj-la em sua deciso inicial de denunciar o ocorrido para a polcia e atender a ligao dela mais cedo contribuem para que ela acredite nas suas intenes, mas ela ainda pode ser salva sem estas decises tomadas se voc fizer as escolhas certas no dilogo. Max can disagree, banning boys from the trip, or question Warren's involvement. Max conversa com Kate sobre o que aconteceu na festa do Clube Vortex e sobre o vdeo viral. Kate then runs out crying saying that Victoria will be sorry one day. I'm already playing their drama games. If Max speaks with her after failing to answer Jefferson's question, she worries that she embarrassed Kate by not knowing the answer. After class, Max Caulfield investigates the paper thrown at Kate and spies the message, "Dear Kate, we loved your porn video . Kate will then bring up how no one cares about her, but Max tries to bring up a member of her family, only her father and sisters will convince her while her mother and brother will not. Isso evidente pelo arquivo dela na Academia Blackwell. Suas atividades extracurriculares incluem o programa Refeies em Rodas e um diversificado grupo de estudos religiosos.[1]. Suicdio ao pular do telhado do dormitrio (determinante)Morta pela tempestade (presumido, determinante) No lembro de ter visto a Kate Marsh rir ou sorrir no ltimo ms. Colors associated with Kate the most are black and white due to her clothing. Avel No banheiro, Kate pede de volta Max sua cpia do "O Pas do Outubro". She has a black and white pet bunny named Alice in her dorm room. If she succeeded in committing suicide, Max describes in her diary that Kate's expression was frightened when she began to fall from the rooftop. Iceman Jun 13, 2015 @ 8:00pm. Returning Kate's book, Max can look around her bedroom. Ela e Max at falam sobre fazer uma visita s lojas de ch de Portland. Odds are good that, unless players have been following a very specific guide, they can fail to save her through a combination of choices and dialogue options. The drawings seem to make her more hopeful for the future. No more! Near the end of the second episode, Max walks into class, only to find out, that Kate is missing. Similar to Alice whose sanity becomes increasingly questionable the more time she spends in Wonderland, Kate becomes increasingly more unstable emotionally as the story goes on to the point where in the end she was willing to kill herself just to make it stop. On the grounds of the Prescott Dormitory, Kate sits looking off into the distance alone on a bench. Principal Wells sent her an email wishing her a speedy recovery. It actually was a legit link to Kate Marsh. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Max CaulfieldAlyssa AndersonStella HillWarren Graham The link you could choose to erase in the mirror. But Nathan also suffered under Jefferson. Porm, foi confirmado pelos desenvolvedores que a Katie na lista de Frank no a Kate Marsh. Additionally, Kate could have been released by the hospital after a 48 hour hold period, by which time her family would have visited (as she mentions they would during Max's visit). If gamers have been taking notes, they'll remember that one such photo had Kate's father and sisters in it. Here's my next Life is Strange 1 scene pack!! There is a note from a Psycologist, in the dark room, that notes that Nathan's father complely ignores the Psycologist. It sucks to be dragged into the spotlight.said to Max in Mr. Jefferson's art class in "Chrysalis", I'm already on the internet forever. Max Caulfield is seemingly good friends with Kate and watches out for her during . She seems to have a positive relationship with them as well. She's really sweet and nice, even though the other students make fun of her abstinence campaign. Principal Wells sent her an email wishing her a speedy recovery. Life is Strange Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. I do this: Things will get better, I'm here for you, You were drugged, Be strong, Your sisters/Your Dad. Ela tenta usar seu poder para salv-la a tempo, mas acaba sofrendo vrias dores de cabea e sangramentos nasais no processo. No final do corredor, Juliet Watson est assistindo ao vdeo da Kate em seu celular junto com Brooke Scott. Porm, ao chegar no telhado, Max no consegue usar seus poderes devido a dor que eles lhe causam. Ao falar com ela, Max pode encoraj-la a parar de compartilhar o vdeo. Black and white together also give a sense of religious "uniform" due to the habits and veils of nuns and the collar and cassocks of priests.[7]. It's very likely that Kate survived the storm in the Sacrifice Arcadia Bay ending, since the hospital is a solid brick building that could have been able to withstand the storm as opposed to the destroyed wooden buildings that are shown in this ending. Maxine Caulfield is a fictional character from the Life Is Strange video game series published by Square Enix.Created by French developer Dontnod Entertainment, she first appears in the 2015 video game Life Is Strange as the main protagonist.She is voiced by actress Hannah Telle. She and Max even talk about having a tea-shop tour of Portland. Kate se arrepende profundamente de sua tentativa de suicdio e se sente ridcula, mas Max a reassegura que outras pessoas devem se sentir responsveis pelo que aconteceu. Kate foi filmada beijando vrias pessoas e no se lembra de ter feito isso por causa das drogas. provvel que Kate tenha sobrevivido tempestade no final Sacrificar Arcadia Bay, j que o hospital um prdio de concreto forte que poderia resistir a tempestade, diferente das construes de madeira que aparecem destrudas neste final. I did everything I could. what choice did I make that turned out killing her? Kate is the first human character who has a determinant status. She then says that Nathan Prescott said that he would take her to the hospital but is uncertain as to what happened afterwards. Seu pai mandou a ela um carto postal para lhe dar esperanas, enquanto sua tia mandou uma carta condenando as atitudes dela no vdeo. Kate was caught on camera kissing several strangers, and recalls none of it due to the drugs. Se Max conseguir impedir que ela se jogue, no fim do episdio ela ser mostrada se recuperando em uma cama de hospital. The options for this dialogue will change depending on if Max took a photo instead of intervening in Episode 1 or not. Kate gets . According to Max, Kate likes to get up early in the morning. 18 Actually, she understood that there are a lot of people who love her. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. In light of her absence, Max takes care of Kate's bunny. She attempts to use her power in order to reverse time, but suffers severe headaches and nosebleeds as a result. Kate Beverly Marsh (born September 12, 1995) is a student at Blackwell Academy and a devout Christian. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Seu pai Richard Marsh pregador na igreja, e ela parece ter uma boa relao com ele. She has to talk Kate down without the assistance of the Rewind. After seeing a postcard by Victoria sent offering her help, Max can talk to Kate about Victoria's personality, speculating about either her insecurities or how bitchy she is. Max's journal page for Kate will change in Episode 3, depending on whether Max manages to save her life or not. This is because they refuse to truly listen to the students at a time when they want to be taken seriously. This guide will cover how to save Kate in Life is Strange by providing the correct dialogue choices, no matter what players have done up to this point. MORE: Most Iconic Kid Detectives In Video Games. Kate para Max em "Chrysalis", Kate Marsh [note 1], Suicdio ao pular do telhado do dormitrio. Se Max se aproximar dela, ela pedir que a deixe sozinha por um tempo para que ela possa refletir; claramente pensando sobre sua reputao aps seu vdeo ter se espalhado. Para convenc-la a sair da borda, Max precisa estimular Kate a ser forte e enfrentar os valentes que espalharam seu vdeo, e tambm necessrio ter prestado ateno em alguns items do quarto da Kate e us-los como exemplo de coisas que significam muito para ela (como o pai de Kate ou suas irms e seu versculo favorito). A nurse provided Kate with pencils and paper, and Kate started drawing children's illustrations again; planning on creating a new book about bullying. Later at the junkyard, Kate texts Max thanking her for calling saying that she needed a friend. Ela comeou a estudar na Academia Blackwell em setembro de 2013. Voc pode encontrar uma garrafa de vinho no quarto dela, escondida atrs da cmoda, apesar de ela ter falado para Max que no bebe lcool. She reveals that she was not drunk, and after consuming only a small amount of wine, was seemingly drugged by Nathan who failed to take her to the hospital as promised. Pessoas com este esprito animal so normalmente imprevisveis, espontneas, gentis, carinhosas, observadoras, atentas, inteligentes, perspicazes, bem sucedidas e bons conselheiros. Ela considerada a representao dos melhores alunos da Blackwell. While he likely meant that she was now in Heaven, it could also be yet another reference to Wonderland. In the binder, you can find several photographs of a drugged Kate, taken by Mark Jefferson. As duas conversam por alguns instantes antes de Max ir tomar banho. Se Max escolher falar com ela sobre o Nathan, Kate afirma que ele deve pagar pelo que fez com ela e que elas precisam impedi-lo de machucar mais algum. Do lado de fora, ela passa correndo por Warren e o ignora, enquanto David Madsen tira fotos dela escondido. Life is Strange is available now for PC, Mobile, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch. Kate to Max in "Dark Room"Even angels need angels, Max. Kate tells Max that she doesnt remember or care about much of anything from earlier that morning. She started attending Blackwell Academy in September, 2013. Seu comportamento fora do comum, beijando vrias pessoas e agindo loucamente, pode estar atribudo s drogas, provando a inocncia de Kate. Kate is one of the attendees at Chloe's funeral in the "Sacrifice Chloe" ending. At the end of Episode 2, Max is faced with the dilemma of getting Kate off the roof. If Kate died, a local service will be held at 2:00pm for Kate Marsh on Saturday, October 12th. It was speculated that Kate may have bought drugs from Frank in her depressed state, as Chihuahua would be a fitting dog type for Kate and "Katie" bought a sleeping drug called green dream and a drug that causes death (both uses would be fitting for Kate in her sleepless and suicidal circumstances). He talks about a rally in her honor, and tries to offer her help. RELATED: Life Is Strange: The Most Important Choices Youll Have To Make In The Game. Apesar de ser adulta, aposto que ela est "proibida" de ver filmes com classificao para maiores de 18 anos". Profisso Ela ficou amiga da Max em seu primeiro ms na Blackwell e elas passaram a se encontrar regularmente para tomar ch. Kate's favorite Bible verse is highlighted on a post-it note inside the book; Matthew 11:28 - "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.". ), You can find a bottle of wine in her room, hidden behind the drawer, despite the fact she told Max that she doesn't drink. Max can unfold it later and it will read: "Dear Kate, we love your porn video - xoxo Blackwell Academy". Following the events of her attempted suicide, according to Max's diary, Max walked Kate down from the rooftop. Kate tells Max that she has to stay at the hospital for another day until her family comes to visit. Chloe Price (Life is Strange) Warren Graham; Kate Marsh; Victoria Chase (Life is Strange) Rachel Amber; Mark Jefferson; David Madsen; Joyce Price; Sean Prescott; Frank Bowers; Blackwell Academy Students; Homeless Lady (Life is Strange) Original Characters; Caroline Prescott; Kristine Prescott; Slow Build; Adicionalmente, Kate poderia ter tido alta do hospital aps um perodo de 48 horas, hora em que sua famlia teria chegado para visit-la (como ela menciona durante a visita de Max). When Max discovers that Chloe was drugged by Nathan Prescott, she assumes that the same thing happened to Kate due to her strange, uncharacteristic behavior in the viral video. If you get through them all she lives, goof up twice and she jumps. 2015 Square Enix Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Se a Kate viver, o adesivo que estar no dirio ir sugerir que ela morreu (Amor quando voc permanece vivo, mesmo depois de ter morrido). It could also be some grim foreshadowing of Kate's possible suicide, as she attempts to throw herself off a building, mirroring Alice's descent down the rabbit hole (though in Alice's case, her fall was accidental while Kate's was deliberate). Jefferson only killed the girls when they remembered everything that happened in the Darkroom. provvel que ambos sejam referncias , O nome do meio e o sobrenome de Kate podem ser uma referncia personagem Beverly Marsh do livro. Na Sala Escura, o fichrio da Kate um dos trs que ficam visveis no Episdio 4, com os outros dois sendo o fichrio da Rachel Amber e o fichrio vazio da Victoria. [note 1]. The choices that Max makes determines whether or not she jumps off. Ela tem uma coelha de estimao preta e branca chamada Alice em seu quarto. Mais tarde, Kate aparece no pesadelo da Max. Zachary will run into Mr. Jefferson's classroom, saying that something is going on at the dormitories. Yellow is also the color of friendship. She reveals that she was not drunk, and after consuming only a small amount of wine, was seemingly drugged by Nathan who failed to take her to the hospital as promised. At Blackwell Academy, a distraught Kate will be seen talking to Mr. Jefferson for help, who will dismiss her. The girls talk for a moment before Max goes to have her shower. In the bathroom, Kate asks Max for her copy of "The October Country" back. This dialogue choice will change based on whether or not gamers answered the call from Kate earlier. Kate is a friendly, kind-hearted, shy teenage girl who doesn't like being the center of attention. You only get that for a previous failure. O contedo da comunidade est disponvel sob. Suddenly, everything stops, and Max, after noticing that everything is non-motion, she goes on top of the tower. Zachary Riggins will run into Mr. Jefferson's classroom, saying that something is going on at the dormitories. Ela no bebe lcool e lidera uma campanha de abstinncia na escola, embora ela tome alguns goles de vinho na igreja. But she's been extra quiet and introverted the past couple weeks. I see a lot of people defending Nathan Prescott by sympathized with his illness, but you forget that he is the main antagonist of the game. Max comments that Kate's original drawings would be perfect for a children's book; so there is the possibility that Kate had aspired to have a career in published works. said to Max in "Out of Time"I don't get wasted. He killed Nathan since he's the one who gets framed. It does not appear to have any effect on the rest of the episode, as Max time travels back to the time before the selfie was taken. She comments that she gave most of the flowers away to other patients, believing they need them more than her. Drawings of nooses and the word "waste" adorn the page. Muitas pessoas parecem sentir muito por ela, dado o nmero de cartes postais, cartas, bales, cartes e flores que foram mandados para ela. Embora na maioria dos cenrios ela acabe morrendo durante sua tentativa de suicdio, ela pode ser salva se voc fez as escolhas certas antes da tentativa de suicdio dela (se voc salv-la, ela vai para o hospital tratar de sua sade mental). His first kill was Chloe. If she survived, Max will receive grateful texts from both her and her family members. 21 Famous Life is Strange Quotes. This cookie tracks usage of the site's Dark Mode option to give us an insight into its value and relevance. [4] Victoria Chase publicou o vdeo na internet e o espalhou para os alunos da Blackwell. She became friends with Max during her first month at Blackwell and they met regularly to drink tea together. Taylor has sent her pretty tulips. Adesivo que aparece por engano na pgina sobre a Kate se ela sobreviver, devido a uma troca de nomes nos arquivos do jogo (Kate_scrapbook_alive). The relationship between Jefferson and Nathan has evolved into something like a relationship of a father with his son. To talk her down, Max needs to encourage Kate to be strong and beat the bullies who spread her viral video around as well as to have paid attention to items in Kate's room while returning the book to Kate and pointing out all those pertinent items that mean a lot to her(Kate's father or sister and her favourite Bible verse). Heroes & Villains Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. In the following evening, the girls dormitory had set up a small memorial in front of Kate's door, which was sealed off with barricade tape. Explore katemarshlifeisstrange Popular this century Next First, she tries to stop the time, but, she is being hurt all the time. Outside of class, David follows Kate and watches her from a distance. This is the first time I'm not pulling my hair out over recording scenes- I hope it gets this easy for the rest of my packs xD If you have any requests for tutorials or any questions don't be afraid to comment below!__________________________________________________________ Other Info - -- -- All my tutorials are here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLW9AC3he9xn36bmrXrHtODGk0XqWJ_niG - -- -- All my scene packs are here: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLW9AC3he9xn3Glrsj2-oQsFMXKEe1NXjY__________________________________________________________ Support me! improvvel que Kate tenha usado maconha e cido (outras drogas no nome de Katie no livro), e que alguma das transaes tenha ocorrido na Blackwell, onde ela passa a maior parte do tempo; Kate nem consegue um dizer um palavro quem dir se envolver com o Frank. Appareantly, someone filmed it, and put it on the web. Sneaking out to meet Chloe, Max meets a remorseful Dana, and finds out that Victoria and Taylor are still very wrecked after Kate's suicide attempt. His other interests include sports, smoking meats, and podcasting. Following the incident, she consulted the school nurse who, concerned about Kate's current mental state, contacted Principal Wells to keep an eye on her. Please be sure to credit me (either . No chuveiro, Max presencia Victoria e Taylor mexendo com a Kate, com a primeira escrevendo o link do vdeo viral no espelho antes de ir embora. I apologised and owned up to it, but too little too late. Ao devolver o livro de Kate, Max pode explorar o quarto dela. If Max chooses to go to the police, Kate will be easier to deal with at the climax. With Kate gone, Max becomes the caretaker of Kate's bunny. To talk her down, Max needs to encourage Kate to be strong and beat the bullies who spread her viral video around as well as to have paid attention to items in Kate's room while returning the book to Kate and pointing out all those pertinent items that mean a lot to her (Kate's father or sister and her favorite Bible verse). Zachary Riggins ir interromper a aula de Jefferson, dizendo que algo est acontecendo nos dormitrios. (Mateus 11:28). I just feel like nobody caressaid to Max in "Out of Time". J estou jogando os jogos de drama dela. Lastly as Max nears Kate, she tries to tell her that God has big plans for her, but Kate will say that he put her on the roof, Max can either recite a word from her bible, or convince her that she's not doing the right thing. Upon leaving the dorm to meet Warren, Max finds Kate being harassed by David Madsen. Kate regrets her suicide attempt deeply and feels very ridiculous, but Max assures her that other people need to feel responsible for what has happened. Unlike similar games, Life is Strange genuinely feels like your actions directly influence the world Dontnod Studios has created.Life is Strange doesn't fall into the trap of becoming a point-and-click and gives you enough of the environment to explore without . When Max enters the dorm, she notices that someone vandalized Kates board with a horrible comment. Morte Se Max no consegue salvar a Kate no Episdio 2, as bandeiras do lado de fora da Blackwell Academy permanecem completamente hasteadas. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies as part of our overall. Aps ver um carto postal mandado pela Victoria em que ela oferece ajuda Kate, Max pode conversar com Kate sobre a personalidade da Victoria, especulando sobre as inseguranas dela ou sobre o quo piranha ela . Kate decide perdo-la, pois acredita em perdo e redeno. This cookie is native to PHP applications.

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