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They saw the Catholic Church as a powerful force of reaction and anti-modernity, especially after the proclamation of papal infallibility in 1870, and the tightening control of the Vatican over the local bishops. Reason: Update mod to version: 13.02.23 "What if Germany had won World War 1?" File info Added by: TOP-Mods Author: Kaiserdevs Mod version: 13.02.23 File format: ZIP Low German was spoken throughout northern Germany and, though linguistically as distinct from High German (Hochdeutsch) as from Dutch and English, was considered "German", hence also its name. [94] There was a growing fear that the supposed enemy coalition of Russia, France and Britain was getting stronger militarily every year, especially Russia. "The Question of National Interest in Imperial German Foreign Policy: Bismarck, William II, and the Road to World War I.". Instead, after an uncharacteristically long waiting period, Kuno Graf von Westarp, chairman of the German-Conservative Party (DKP) - only notable for copying the DVLP program as closely as possible - became Reichskanzler out of the blue on August 3rd. Another provision gave the government a veto power over most church activities. But even though Hugenberg immediately started a massive campaign to promote himself as the only possible successor of Germany's Second-Greatest Chancellor, the Kaiser did not choose Hugenberg as new Reichskanzler. 2. Generally, religious demographics of the early modern period hardly changed. Stephen Broadberry, and Kevin H. O'Rourke. After defeating France, Germany would turn to attack Russia. von Siebmacher's Wappenbuch 1. "[96] Few outside observers agreed with the notion of Germany as a victim of deliberate encirclement. However, the repeated German offensives in the spring of 1918 all failed, as the Allies fell back and regrouped and the Germans lacked the reserves needed to consolidate their gains. But of these German colonies only Togoland and German Samoa (after 1908) became self-sufficient and profitable; all the others required subsidies from the Berlin treasury for building infrastructure, school systems, hospitals and other institutions. Imaginary? The more radical deputies in the Reichstag formed an inner circle, led by the media mogul Alfred Hugenberg, to combat liberal and democratic influences. All of these codifications are, albeit with many amendments, still in effect today. Wehler argues that it produced a high degree of internal tension, which led on the one hand to the suppression of socialists, Catholics and reformers, and on the other hand to a highly aggressive foreign policy. ", This page was last edited on 4 March 2023, at 09:27. Islands were gained in the Pacific through purchase and treaties and also a 99-year lease for the territory of Kiautschou in northeast China. A subsequent Race to the Sea resulted in a long-held stalemate between the German Army and the Allies in dug-in trench warfare positions from Alsace to Flanders. Germany did acquire a second ally in 1914 when the Ottoman Empire entered the war on its side, but in the long run, supporting the Ottoman war effort only drained away German resources from the main fronts.[100]. The president of the Reichsbank, Rudolf Havenstein, established a team of renowned economists, including Karl Helfferich, Hjalmar Schacht and Hans Luther. Most of Germany's ground forces are stationed in Europe in line with a defense plan created in the late 1920s by Reichskanzler Alfred von Tirpitz. However, these larger gold and silver issues were virtually commemorative coins and had limited circulation. Kaiserreich Mod Kaiserreich for Hearts of Iron 4 (v1.12.10) +216 13.02.2023 12:00 230.29K TOP-Mods Description Change List Previous versions Screenshots Video Last update: 13.02.23. Prussia stretched across the northern two-thirds of the new Reich and contained three-fifths of its population. The commander of the punitive expedition, General Lothar von Trotha, was eventually relieved and reprimanded for his usurpation of orders and the cruelties he inflicted. [26] Starting very small in 1871, in a decade, the navy became second only to Britain's Royal Navy. The empire collapsed in the November 1918 Revolution with the abdications of its monarch, which left the post-war federal republic to govern a devastated populace. German workers enjoyed health, accident and maternity benefits, canteens, changing rooms, and a national pension scheme. As a result, by the time of the great expansion of German cities in the 1890s and 1900s, rural areas were grossly over-represented. The SPD now openly agitated for ending the war once more. Germany is frequently considered one of the great powers of the world, with its influence stretching across much of the globe. In 1917, Russia collapsed into Revolution and thousands of soldiers were transferred from the Eastern Front to the Western and Southern Fronts. The Sonderweg paradigm has provided the impetus for at least three strands of research in German historiography: the "long 19th century", the history of the bourgeoisie, and comparisons with the West. Conservatives, liberals, socialists, nationalists, Catholics and Protestants all had their own interpretations, which led to a fractious political and social climate in Germany in the aftermath of the empire's collapse. The larger industrial firms provided pensions, sickness benefits and even housing to their employees.[81]. By the turn of the century, the urban-rural population balance was completely reversed from 1871; more than two-thirds of the empire's people lived in cities and towns. The end of October 1918, in Kiel, in northern Germany, saw the beginning of the German Revolution of 19181919. The combined effect had the German right flank sweeping down in front of Paris instead of behind it exposing the German Right flank to the extending French lines and attack from strategic French reserves stationed in Paris. Staunchly anti-syndicalist, Germany has declared its hostility against the Commune of France, the Socialist Republic of Italy, and the Union of Britain. Tirpitz ended his agenda of foreign withdrawal in 1925 with the well-executed occupation of British colonial possessions following the outbreak of the British Revolution and an alliance with the Zhili Clique of China the next year. By the time of his accession, however, Frederick had developed incurable laryngeal cancer, which had been diagnosed in 1887. The Kaiserreich Wiki is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. On 9 November, the Social Democrat Philipp Scheidemann proclaimed a republic. Meanwhile, soldiers had become radicalised by the Russian Revolution and were less willing to continue fighting. In the process, he created a system with a serious flaw. Prussia in 1871 included 16,000,000 Protestants, both Reformed and Lutheran, and 8,000,000 Catholics. However, the original constituencies drawn in 1871 were never redrawn to reflect the growth of urban areas. On June 6th, 1930, Reichskanzler von Tirpitz died suddenly during a visit to Hamburg. With the exception of 18721873 and 18921894, the chancellor was always simultaneously the prime minister of Prussia. In eastern territories, confession was almost uniquely perceived to be connected to one's ethnicity and the equation "Protestant = German, Catholic = Polish" was held to be valid. [72], The Germanisation policies were targeted particularly against the significant Polish minority of the empire, gained by Prussia in the partitions of Poland. Kaiserreich most fun nations: 1. The causes included the transfer of many farmers and food workers into the military, combined with the overburdened railway system, shortages of coal, and the British blockade. Around 287,000 people died of Spanish flu in Germany between 1918 and 1920 with 50,000 deaths in Berlin alone. In 1879, the German Empire consolidated the Dual Alliance with Austria-Hungary, followed by the Triple Alliance with Italy in 1882. If possible, verify the text with references provided in the foreign-language article. The security of the colonies, save for strategic garrisons in Morocco, Singapore, the Pacific islands, and West Africa, are entrusted to private militias raised and maintained by Mittelafrika and the German East Asian naval administration. The empire was founded on 18 January 1871, when the south German states, except for Austria, joined the North German Confederation and the new constitution came into force on April 16, changing the name of the federal state to the German Empire and introducing the title of German Emperor for Wilhelm I, King of Prussia from the House of Hohenzollern. This began to change with the secularization arising in the last decades of the German Empire. De facto, however, Prussia is by far the biggest and most influential German state. How can Cuba become NatPop. Germany is a member of the Consular Council of the Legation Cities, along with its ally Flanders-Wallonia. As Mittelafrika seized the British Colonial Holdings and the Aufsichtsrat der Ostasiatischen Generalverwaltung established influence in China, the empire's reach and prestige extended still further than before. This period was marked by various factors influencing the Emperor's decisions, which were often perceived as contradictory or unpredictable by the public. By 1902, the factory alone became "A great city with its own streets, its own police force, fire department and traffic laws. Nipperdey, Thomas, "Deutsche Geschichte 1866-1918: Zweiter Band: Machtstaat vor der Demokratie" (1995), p. 98108. On the whole, the Protestants had a higher social status, and the Catholics were more likely to be peasant farmers or unskilled or semiskilled industrial workers. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. While Germany officially endorses classical music - especially Wagner, Bach, Brahms, Mozart, Hndel and all German composers, it isn't quite as popular as it once was. With the British Revolution, Germany managed to expand her influence into Malaya, with the former British protectorates of Brunei, Sarawak and the Federated Malay States as well as the former British Crown Colonies of the Strait Settlements and North Borneo becoming subordinates of the newly established naval administration in Singapore. Lacking a technological base at first, the Germans imported their engineering and hardware from Britain but quickly learned the skills needed to operate and expand the railways. [34] The new constitution (Constitution of the German Confederation) and the title Emperor came into effect on 1 January 1871. Germany was left with no firm ally but Austria-Hungary, and her support for action in annexing Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1908 further soured relations with Russia. Reprograf. The political system remained the same. In 1904, the Herero and the Nama revolted against the colonists in Southwest Africa, killing farm families, their laborers and servants. [85] This policy failed when the Social Democrats won a third of the votes in the 1912 elections to the Reichstag, and became the largest political party in Germany. After the black monday Germany succesfully reforms into a true constitutional monarchy, gives women rights, allow trade unions to exist, and ends autoritarian rule. In South America, Germany's primary interest was in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, and Uruguay and viewed the countries of northern South America Ecuador, Colombia, and Venezuela as a buffer to protect its interest from the growing influence of the United States. The Ottoman Empire signed the Armistice of Mudros on 30 October 1918. In 1914, 60% of German foreign investment was in Europe, as opposed to just 5% of British investment. The link to the sheet is https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1s9nR9qt4IHlRIykkYE0Ow8u36euO6Ems1JET_VfXiUk. From 1871 to 1890, Otto von Bismarck's tenure as the first and to this day longest-serving Chancellor was marked by relative liberalism at its start, but in time grew more conservative. arguing that Germany was not on a special path to destruction. Bulgaria signed the Armistice of Salonica on 29 September 1918. It was succeeded by the Weimar Republic. Ludendorff found himself banished to his estate and elections were called for the first time in 10 Years. "The Kaiser in the Federal State, 18711918. Despite his hatred of liberalism and socialism he called liberals and socialists "enemies of the Reich" social programs introduced by Bismarck included old-age pensions, accident insurance, medical care and unemployment insurance, all aspects of the modern European welfare state. [24] Germany also became a great power, it built up the longest railway network of Europe, the world's strongest army,[25] and a fast-growing industrial base. So, in November 1918, with internal revolution, the Allies advancing toward Germany on the Western Front, Austria-Hungary falling apart from multiple ethnic tensions, its other allies out of the war and pressure from the German high command, the Kaiser and all German ruling kings, dukes, and princes abdicated, and German nobility was abolished. Theodor Mommsen received the Nobel prize for literature a year later for his Roman history. New Paths Added: Europe: Albania Germany Greece Iceland Ireland Papal States Portugal Romania The Kaiserliche Marine (Imperial Navy) is the largest and arguably the most powerful navy in the world. The war resulted in the partial replacement of the Confederation in 1867 by a North German Confederation, comprising the 22 states north of the river Main. There was a significant disparity between the Prussian and German electoral systems. There was universal male suffrage for the election of members to the Reichstag. As the French lacked the strength to defeat Germany by themselves, they sought an alliance with Russia, which would trap Germany between the two in a war (as would ultimately happen in 1914). Heyday of German, Failed dtente attempts with Britain & Russia and efforts to keep the peace in Europe, simultaneously however occasional foreign political crises (, First reluctant steps towards parlamentarization due to appointing a cabinet with some party politicians (, Passed a tax reform that created new taxes and centralized tax collecting, removing privileges from constituent states. The German Empire consisted of 25 states, each with its own nobility, four constituent kingdoms, six grand duchies, five duchies (six before 1876), seven principalities, three free Hanseatic cities, and one imperial territory. The population had been pushed to the brink of starvation by the British blockade, which had only truly ended in 1919, and the economy was in a similarly dire state. Thousands of soup kitchens were opened to feed the hungry, who grumbled that the farmers were keeping the food for themselves. [97][98] English historian G. M. Trevelyan expressed the British viewpoint: The encirclement, such as it was, was of Germany's own making. Unlike Britain and Russia, the French entered the war mainly for revenge against Germany, in particular for France's loss of Alsace-Lorraine to Germany in 1871. Most people were generally segregated into their own religious worlds, living in rural districts or city neighbourhoods that were overwhelmingly of the same religion, and sending their children to separate public schools where their religion was taught. Subsequent interpretation for example at the Versailles Peace Conference was that this "blank cheque" licensed Austro-Hungarian aggression regardless of the diplomatic consequences, and thus Germany bore responsibility for starting the war, or at least provoking a wider conflict. Before unification, German territory (excluding Austria, Liechtenstein, and Switzerland) was made up of 27 constituent states. Unlike his grandfather, Wilhelm I, who had been largely content to leave government affairs to the chancellor, Wilhelm II wanted to be fully informed and actively involved in running Germany, not an ornamental figurehead, although most Germans found his claims of divine right to rule amusing. Top-level decision-making was in the hands of professional salaried managers; leading Chandler to call the German dye companies "the world's first truly managerial industrial enterprises". [59] The total length of German railroad tracks expanded from 21,000km, (13,000 miles) in 1871 to 63,000km, (39,000 miles) by 1913, establishing the largest rail network in the world after the United States. Kaiserreich have much more nations to play than vanilla HOI4. The creation of the Empire under Prussian leadership was a victory for the concept of Kleindeutschland (Smaller Germany) over the Grodeutschland concept. Recognising the importance of modernising forces in industry and the economy and in the cultural realm, Wehler argues that reactionary traditionalism dominated the political hierarchy of power in Germany, as well as social mentalities and in class relations (Klassenhabitus). Several of these states had gained sovereignty following the dissolution of the Holy Roman Empire, and had been de facto sovereign from the mid-1600s onward. In East Asia, the Aufsichtsrat der Ostasiatischen Generalverwaltung (AOG) based in Tsingtau holds huge influence over several coastal cities in Eastern China while Germany directly controls the holdings of Kiaochow Bay, Guangzhouwan and the former British port of Weihaiwei. [79] Wilhelm became internationally notorious for his aggressive stance on foreign policy and his strategic blunders (such as the Tangier Crisis), which pushed the German Empire into growing political isolation and eventually helped to cause World War I. Moreover, in large part due to the efforts of the now deceased Friedrich Murnau, it has managed to surpass its tentative roots as a mere government propaganda tool and take a more artistic approach. In 2004 a formal apology by a government minister of the Federal Republic of Germany followed. After black monday Germany transforms into a absolute monarchy, the Kaiser never do any kind of reform and basically is a prussian style goberment. By 1911, Wilhelm had completely picked apart the careful power balance established by Bismarck and Britain turned to France in the Entente Cordiale. All rights reserved. In 1886, he moved to stop an attempted sale of horses to France because they might be used for cavalry and also ordered an investigation into large Russian purchases of medicine from a German chemical works. Link to all my Kaiserreich Guides! Shocked and outraged at this most likely personally motivated crossing, Hugenberg entrenched the pan-German ideology in the party (which included rabid nationalism, antisemitism, authoritarianism, desire of unification into a Greater Germany and economic laws favouring the Junkers) and increased anti-government propaganda. Bismarck stubbornly refused to listen to Georg Herbert Mnster, ambassador to France, who reported back that the French were not seeking a revanchist war and were desperate for peace at all costs. The situation at the home front had become bleak; hunger, deprivation, and anger over the war led to a Socialist uprising in September 1918 that quickly spread and eventually required front line units to be fully suppressed, leading to the signing of the Enabling Act in November 1918 by an intimidated Reichstag. Generalfeldmarschall August von Mackensen, the current head of the Deutsches Heer, has been adamant in insisting that there is no need for large-scale reforms but he is old and things may soon change. The reform was surprisingly supported by the Zentrum and passed by chancellor von Hindenburg, despite heavy opposition from Bavarian and Alsatian representatives. Berlin also guarantees the country's defense. Enter the full URL of your item or group's Facebook page, Enter the full URL of your item or group's Twitter page. Rhl, John C. G. "Kaiser Wilhelm II: A Concise Life" (2014), p. 172173. This item will only be visible to you, admins, and anyone marked as a creator. About 92% of the population spoke German as their first language. Because she has the most content, events, decisions, etc. German writers have also been involved in extreme politics: Bertolt Brecht's plays barely avoided censorship due to their celebration of syndicalist values, although this has been diluted somewhat in those plays which he has made with his far more conservative collaborator Oswald Spengler, while Will Vesper's nationalist poems, novels and essays enjoy popularity amongst students and officers. Wilhelm II wanted to reassert his ruling prerogatives at a time when other monarchs in Europe were being transformed into constitutional figureheads. 2. A heavily rural collection of states in 1815, the now united Germany became predominantly urban. 5. On two occasions, a French-German conflict over the fate of Morocco seemed inevitable. Jochen Streb, et al. Shortly after the Empire was proclaimed, Bismarck implemented a convention in which his sovereign would only send and receive envoys to and from other German states as the King of Prussia, while envoys from Berlin sent to foreign nations always received credentials from the monarch in his capacity as German Emperor. According to Kees van Kersbergen and Barbara Vis, his strategy was: granting social rights to enhance the integration of a hierarchical society, to forge a bond between workers and the state so as to strengthen the latter, to maintain traditional relations of authority between social and status groups, and to provide a countervailing power against the modernist forces of liberalism and socialism. Germany's large industries provided significant social welfare programmes and good care to their employees, as long as they were not identified as socialists or trade-union members. [54], By 1900, the German chemical industry dominated the world market for synthetic dyes. [55] The three major firms BASF,[56] Bayer and Hoechst produced several hundred different dyes, along with the five smaller firms. While some historians have abandoned the Sonderweg thesis, they have not provided a generally accepted alternative interpretation.[115]. Elaine Glovka Spencer, "Rules of the Ruhr: Leadership and Authority in German Big Business Before 1914". The Empire was a constitutional monarchy, with the Emperor commonly referred as the "Kaiser" as its Head of State and ultimate authority. The German cartel system (known as Konzerne), being significantly concentrated, was able to make more efficient use of capital. Despite this, its supremacy compared to other contemporary navies is not of the same scale as that of the British Royal Navy before the Weltkrieg. Welcome to the official subreddit of Kaiserreich: Legacy of the Weltkrieg, an alternate history mod for Hearts of Iron 2, Darkest Hour: A Hearts of Iron Game and Hearts of Iron 4. Polish and other West Slavic languages (6.28%) were spoken chiefly in the east.[d]. It allowed Russia to make a new alliance with France. Germany's only other ally besides Austria was the Kingdom of Italy, but it remained an ally only pro forma. Each component of the German Empire sent representatives to the Federal Council (Bundesrat) and, via single-member districts, the Imperial Diet (Reichstag). During the siege of Paris on 18 January 1871, William accepted to be proclaimed Emperor in the Hall of Mirrors at the Palace of Versailles.[35]. Germany is bordered on the north by the North Sea, Denmark, and the Baltic Sea, to the east by Poland, Lithuania, and the United Baltic Duchy, to the south by Austria-Hungary and Switzerland, and to the west by the Commune of France, Flanders-Wallonia, and the Netherlands. [33], On 10 December 1870, the North German Confederation Reichstag renamed the Confederation the "German Empire" and gave the title of German Emperor to William I, the King of Prussia, as Bundesprsidium of the Confederation. [80], While Prussian aristocrats challenged the demands of a united German state, in the 1890s several organizations were set up to challenge the authoritarian conservative Prussian militarism which was being imposed on the country. Many Germans wanted an end to the war and increasing numbers began to associate with the political left, such as the Social Democratic Party and the more radical Independent Social Democratic Party, which demanded an end to the war. ", "Everyday Antisemitism in Pre-War Nazi Germany", "El debate sobre "el embrujamiento alemn" y el papel de la ciencia alemana hacia fines del siglo XIX en Chile", "Material Connections: German Schools, Things, and Soft Power in Argentina and Chile from the 1880s through the Interwar Period", Comparative Studies in Society and History, "Schlieffen Plan | German military history", "Fremdsprachige Minderheiten im Deutschen Reich", Modern Germany; her political and economic problems, her foreign and domestic policy, her ambitions, and the causes of her success, Germany and the great powers, 18661914: A study in public opinion and foreign policy, Bismarck and state socialism; an exposition of the social and economic legislation of Germany since 1870, "Lecture Notes, Germany and Europe, 18711945", Berlin Under the New Empire: Its Institutions, Inhabitants, Industry, Monuments, Museums, Social Life, Manners, and Amusements, Administrative subdivision and census results (1900/1910), German Reich map of states 1913 (300 dpi), Dissemination of the German Language 1913 (map, 300 dpi), Dissemination of the main foreign mother tongues in the German Reich 1913 (map, 300 dpi), https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=German_Empire&oldid=1142778364, Northern and western parts of the country, including. In 1873 the constitution was amended to allow the Empire to replace the various and greatly differing Civil Codes of the states (If they existed at all; for example, parts of Germany formerly occupied by Napoleon's France had adopted the French Civil Code, while in Prussia the Allgemeines Preuisches Landrecht of 1794 was still in effect). These states consist of kingdoms, grand duchies, duchies, principalities, free Hanseatic cities and one imperial territory. Go to Kaiserreich r/Kaiserreich by Luigiman98 What are the main paths of India? In many cities, the new railway shops were the centers of technological awareness and training, so that by 1850, Germany was self-sufficient in meeting the demands of railroad construction, and the railways were a major impetus for the growth of the new steel industry. Antisemitic parties were formed but soon collapsed. Most of the money went to developing nations such as Russia that lacked the capital or technical knowledge to industrialize on their own. The result is a series of innovative reflections on the crystallization of nationalist ideology, on patterns of anti-Semitism, and on how the nineteenth-century . Many consider Bismarck's foreign policy as a coherent system and partly responsible for the preservation of Europe's stability. The Allied naval blockade caused severe shortages of food and supplements. After von Tirpitz' burial parade through Berlin became the largest mass gathering Germany had ever seen, the media magnate Alfred Hugenberg won the party-internal chairman elections against Ulrich von Hassell. Germanys top author at the moment is Erich Paul Remark, whose anti-war book 'Durchbruch' (1929), followed by 'Der Weg vorwrts' (1931) have become immensely popular despite opposition from the General Staff and militarists. Flanders-Wallonia and the currently mothballed Ludendorff Line in Elsa-Lothringen form the basis of defense in the west, while the many Eastern European satellites act as buffer states against Russia in the east. The imperial crown was hereditary in the ruling house of Prussia, the House of Hohenzollern. After black monday Germany transforms into a absolute monarchy, the Kaiser never do any kind of reform and basically is a prussian style goberment. Per the German constitution, the King of Prussia is allowed to call himself "German Emperor" (Deutscher Kaiser); However, he is not authorized to call himself "Emperor of Germany" (Kaiser von Deutschland), as that would deeply anger the other German states, which view themselves as sovereign nations as well as Austria, which is still considered part of the cultural region of Germany. The Deutsches Heer (German Army) is the second-largest army in the world, behind that of the Russian Republic. The SPD stayed the largest party with 34%, as they had been for twenty years at this point. The completely different legal histories and judicial systems posed enormous complications, especially for national trade. The iron and coal industries of the Ruhr, the Saar and Upper Silesia especially contributed to that process. However, the long presence of female politicians in public life, not least of whom is Rosa Luxemburg, grandmother of German Socialism, as well as Clara Zetkin and Bertha Thalheimer, has made Frauenwahlrecht (women's suffrage) a hot political issue. The other states retained their own governments but had only limited aspects of sovereignty. However, Imperial Germany had success on the Eastern Front; it occupied a large amount of territory to its east following the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk. [91][90] Germany attempted to promote Chile, a country that was heavily influenced by Germany,[92] into a regional counterweight to the United States.

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