excuses to get out of drill weekendshoprider mobility scooter second hand

We get our images from the OG in stock assets. You can consider this option as well. I would call in sick. Being sick with anxiety fits the definition of a valid use of a sick day. There are plenty of hours in the day to work, but youll only get one chance to attend that special occasion. I still dont see any reason to simulate a real event that thoroughly. I have 2 young children, not quite school aged. one of her students went to the supply closet and distributed scissors and protractors to his classmates during a suspected active shooter event. We have a lot of jerks in my city who flout the fireworks bans (wildfire risk) and he said the clouds of smoke glowing with fireworks and sunset accompanying intermittent booms and crackles had an uncanny resemblance to firefights where he had been stationed. Telling David a massive no straight to his face will come across as rude and will likely hurt his feelings in the process. CLICK HERE to get your copy. Editor-in-Chief & Career Development Expert. Its horrifying to me that newer humans get exposed to this from day one and that some people think this is fun and games. The UK is having a heck of a lot of problems, and every so often we wonder if wed need to head back Stateside, but active shooter drills keep it crossed off the list. I feel for commanders and NCO on this issue because the people at the top REFUSE to truly find ways to resolve this issue because a number on the books is all that matters. My civilian job is very accommodating to me for any of my needs. Its a little trickier because youve already told him youd rather not attend, but if this is the easiest of the options for you, you can do it. My workplace does building-specific workplace shooter training and it lasts maybe 30-45 minutes tops. Afterwards, we did a Run/Hide/Fight video, talked about some specific places for it in our building, and listened/watched some videos from an actual active shooter event from a few years before, as the video showed what police response would actually look like. By the same token, a person who cant deal with guns being fired in their vicinity is unlikely to be able to work as a law enforcement officer, particularly in the US. Im in charge of working with our local law enforcement to conduct an active shooter training. I planned out my escape routes the first time I walked into the office and figured out which things on my desk would make the best projectiles by week one. I am stuck on *seven hours. My supervisor (largest waste of space ever) still talks about how much fun she had getting shot at with foam disks. The university police ran the session and they were very professional yet laid back, which made the training far less stressful than it could have been. The half day will be for transportation. Many generation Z are adopting the quiet quitting culture and it is not because they are lazy. Now its Friday afternoon. I would imagine that it helps by not being another unexpected thing going on (if it came down to it) that might throw off someone even further. The statement Repeated [high-quality] training hones reflex actions is true. Its very ableist to assume that all people can crouch/somehow hide for hours at a time without feeling pain. We then had a staff meeting to discuss their concerns and a number of my staff expressed anxiety about mass shootings, workplace shootings, and what their kids went through with drills at school. Are there many gossipers in your work place? When my grandkid was 5 their school was involved with an active shooter, luckily, it was resolved fairly quickly, but thinking about how it could have happened still makes me shake. Now, chill and relax. Again, lockdown, except for the three classrooms that were directly underneath this workplace grudge-match turned fatal, we scurried like hell into the hallway to the next wings classrooms. Id like to nominate this man for worst boss of the year for this sentence ALONE. To use this excuse, you need to make a story of how awful that Tinderdate went to be described later to the party host. I already deal with the anxiety on a daily basis; I dont need someone pointing it out in a tasteless joke. LW, your boss is being extremely blas about his staffs mental health. The employer would be viewing and treating it like drills for other types of emergency. Im a teacher and have been in charge of children during these drills. My unit was pretty strict though, so who knows. excuses to get out of drill weekend Bullets fired by a mass shooter will actually curve away from people who know that the only way to conquer your fear is to face it. Hey Ive gotta drive to [Insert Town/College Name] to pick up [Insert Your Siblings Name] [Insert the Party Date]. I havent read all the comments, but this makes me truly ill. To be fair, I was already angry on your behalf before reading this letter. Asking the host for a favor right before they are holding a party is going to result in your favor. There is not a single f***king thing funny about suggesting you would direct the shooter to kill someone else. Ive never had (or heard of before now) building-specific active shooter training which is really sad because that would be so useful! Even if it doesnt, she would still have to face a conversation about it the next time she shows up to work, so it doesnt help the problem any. Move away from windows? My elder kid went through a shooting at their workplace a few years ago. (Funny how this rarely happens when the rental office is open; some hapless security guard has to try to decode the alarm system fault codes and tell the fire department what happened.). And where the training is done by people who are professionals *in the topic they are training*. Same shoes. I was 5th grade when Columbine happened, young enough my parents tried to keep us away from it, old enough I knew everything anyway. If there is valuable information being conveyed, I want to know it, but the toll on my mental health if I do this training is going to be immense, and I cannot imagine what content they will be teaching that I havent already heard and internalized many times before. Is there a way to get the instructional content without going to the most triggering parts, which I cannot imagine will outweigh the psychic cost this is going to take on me? The messaging was very much this is the best way to keep you from getting killed, take your own life into your hands and fight back! And its like, well, given the current gun laws, yes, this is my best option but it felt insulting to be told this. However, there are a few exceptions to this rule. Know what youre signing up for. Not a drill, but my church employer, with school and preschool attached, had us all watch a video of a shooting simulation at a school. *Deep breath* Many triggering statements made below, please be advised. I guess they need more real time training.. Did no one think any of this through? Cookie Notice This is basically a formal warning letting you know that if you miss another drill weekend, there will be consequences. My library system makes staff watch Active Shooter Training videos each year, but theyre just videos. If youre a party person, in your teens or early twenties, a party at Davids is news that will stir a lot of excitement. This is almost enough to make me start using makeup on a regular basis! I already know how to do nothing. Hey [Name], I wouldve loved to have gone out tonight but Im currently. How is including that supposed to change the behavior or perception of the students during an actual event in any way? You say hes a nice guy, but She was very kind about it, didnt even make me use my leave for it, and sent me info to our EAP. You can opt out the same way you opt out of team trust falls and workplace hotdog eating contests. I was home sick that day and watching messages pour in over our communication app on my phone; cant even imagine being there, but Ive heard similar things from coworkers. Standing up for yourself now gets my vote. SiteGround boasts a whole list of fantastic features at amazingly affordable prices. And its so much worse now than it was then. Took a grand total of an hour and I was crying furiously by the end. 4. I think Im about same age as you. He/She has a fever. Before you comment: Please be kind, stay on-topic, and follow the site's commenting rules. My apartment building has so many drills (false alarms) that maybe 12 people out of 102 units (some with 2 people, so more than 102 tenants) bother to evacuate when the alarms go off in the apartment AND hallway. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. I snuck out between the lecture piece and the hands-on drill to sob in my office and then go home sick for the rest of the day. The answer is maybe. I always see college as a priority for soldiers, they are taking the time to progress themselves. One of our locations had had an employee shot and murdered in the block between the facility and the bus stop: another experienced a shooting in the street while an adjacent outdoor facility was full of children and families. Michelle Rennex, Culture He took one look at me and sent me home, I was obviously in no fit state to work. 7 hour training is Crisis Porn. As most millennials in the US here can attest to mass shootings are incredibly tough subject and quite traumatizing. My school ran its fire drill annually, in the autumn term when the weather was still nice enough that we could reasonably stay outside for a bit without freezing. Youre busy adulting and creating the life you want and deserve, maybe you have children, have important introvert duties or youve been silently spending your evenings working on that business youve always dreamed of. Michelle Rennex, Film This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Alerting system for all employees and associated people created. Happy Me time! Thank you! Interestingly, this attitude has prevailed even at the two urban campuses Ive worked at where gunfire outside is a not-entirely-uncommon occurrence. The LW said this drill was being run by law enforcement. Theres just not that much to cover. I hope theyve fixed things since Katrina: that was four years after New York had similar problems during 9/11 with the police and fire departments not being able to communicate because they were using different frequencies. Oh my! The great thing about the working late excuse is that all the blame fallson your unassumingmanager. Many many pointed questions would be asked, if they are going to make me go through that kinda nonsense Im going to insist that they are asked as many uncomfortable preparedness questions as possible. And sad no, more angry, I think that you had to go to such lengths to get excused from that training. I was irate several years ago when I found out an unqualified emergency management person made his own active shooter drill video and sent it to all staff at my agency. Lost colleagues and students. If youre a party person, in your teens or early twenties, a party at Davids is news that will stir a lot of excitement. However, life happens and there may be times when you cannot attend. Since BA schedules are published well in advance, Soldiers have plenty of warning and should plan accordingly. He may appear to be superficially nice but he is not kind. And you know theyll treat it all as a big game because its all fake anyway. We need to do better. Hope you dont get cornered! That is absurd. Id call in sick, but if I felt thered be any room or worry about grief Id schedule a doctors appointment for that day in advance to get some kind of note related to headaches, gastric distress, bad allergies or any other kind of generic ailment that could be having a flair-up. This took an hour, and I work in law enforcement! There Is Inclement Weather 9. It will not be possible for me to participate.. A text like this will save you up from any long unnecessary, especially if you cant come up with any other genuine sounding excuses at that moment. Copyright 2007 - 2023 Ask A Manager. Do you own a pet? The day she got back to the office, there was news of multiple mass shootings in the States and she was so unaffected. and it will be late till you reach there. Im just old enough to have gotten out of high school with very minimal active shooter type worries. Ive worked at a college for two years, administrative assistant to a Dean. No one processed the paperwork and the slot got filled up every single time. They told the older members what to do. You are sick. no one is going to know that you are bluffing. What are you suggesting Americans do to combat gun violence and the wide availability of guns, other than voting and organizing? A headache isntsevere enough to render you useless for a long period of time but its bad enough that itll get you out of a social engagement. If not, why is this particular emergency getting such outsized priority? So,I am going out on dinner with him. These are done periodically at the large state university I work at. You Had a Flat Tire 10. Its gone on far too long, we need real societal changes, not bandaid drills. In cases like your school its more important that the adults know what to do than showing kids what to do/where to go. For anyone to work in a position where they may have to do non-violent restraint and not have hands-on training in a controlled environment is INCREDIBLY dangerous and would open your facility to a huge amount of liability, both civilly and criminally. Seven hours is unbelievable, but sounds more like a training event for the police than your workplace. Call in sick. So why not plan this up again someday?. I also dislike the concept of being locked in a room. I am a complete chicken- I once got dragged to a haunted house and I had a panic attack and they had to turn the lights on and call EMS. In college, we watched Run/Hide/Fight training videos and we all glanced at the massive glass windows in the classroom to the hallway. I am having a hard time seeing why this is even necessary for a company so small it doesnt have HR. Communicate early and often with both your NG chain of command and also with your college professors. I bet too many people at work would opt if they could (even just for if Im going to be at work I have actual work to do) and make it not useful training. Im 38 now and I still think about that day with anxiety and sadness. (Like Alisons proposed it wont be possible.). With Katrina, it was a mix of local ordinances & state laws which essentially banned communications on specific frequencies. Theyd just experienced one in their community. Now that my eldest is in school, I am grateful every day that I married a British man and moved to his hometown.

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excuses to get out of drill weekend