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But my son also dabbles in drugs. They were eventually engaged to be married. I have seen people/myself go from great people to completely changed. I knew she was really I will also never let you be forgotten as long as my heart beats.this website was made in memory of you, Layne and Rosheen..and now sadly, Mike too. Michael was a really tall big guy. 1). I thought that taking drugs is an adventure, that it makes possible to survive such a thing as great artists who are an inspiration to us, but now I know its not an adventure, it is often the road of no return. The place was supposed to be for both. As mean and selfish as it may sound for an addict to abandon their loved ones THATS exactly what I am talking about! Makes me scared to have children. He had his cats and a nice place to live and his art and his hobbies. im not an angel either, no one is, but alchohol is my stupid drug, whish it wasnt so, makes you fat and sick. Im just happy more people came out and started to share pictures of her. I wish I could hug you and Thank you again for visiting my website and coming back again after 10 years thats crazy huh? Im sure that hes sad, Im sure he feels it. If you go onto Facebook you will find a number of groups dedicated to the memory of Layne. That was the night of the 28th. Its not Angry Chair, its the revised addition, Get Born Again. The hat was donated to them because I have never sold a thing of Andys and I was afraid of what may happen to it should something happen to me. Oh my she was so beautiful, so beautiful!!! Much love to you. People around the world come here to share informations and curiosities and read stories about people you love so much. Its extremely heartbreaking. Its all in your head how this life is and if you can find away to stay positive then everything wont look so dark. Demri was a leech. theres a black and white photo of Layne and a girl who looks like Demri, to me at least. She was apparently very chatty, witty and loud. me too, i wonder what it is about her that's so magnetic! Thank you again, Layne. Sadly, Demri passed away in 1996 of endocarditis caused by her drug use. Not just a story about Layne and Demri. Hi Susan, my name is Layla and I saw your comment about your cancer situation. If it is made up, then she is an amazing writer. I think I would feel much better to write my story which includes them all Mike, Layne, Demri, Rosheen, Darin Tracy.. RCKNDY the Off Ramp The Seattle grunge scene in the early 90s.. now that would be a book that Id like to write. and yeah, Jerry writes beautiful music as well as Layne did..also, can someone confirm me if Layne did live with Mark Laneganfinding it a bit strange, dunno..ive read some of Lanegans interviews where it says that aroun 98 he mostly lived around L.A, just moved therewhatever, and by the way, Im also a big Nirvana fan, can you Barbara or someone here confirm me if Kurt Cobain was friends with Layne? Poor girl. Today I decided to post some pictures of Layne and Demri. Once you fall, that base diminishes. Best Of Luck to you Ms. Jacqueline from Scotland. She stumples out to the car and passes out (O.D.s duh!). Demri didnt wear glasses like that girl. Risk factors include intravenous drug use). People also asking: . You are so missed. But he never said so outright. Demri Parrott. She was an addict, just like Layne. We live in a world of selfishness. Photo Timeline. We welcome your contributions so please create an account if you would like to collaborate with other editor's in helping to shape this website. Layne Staley and Demri Parrott were, according to close friends and bandmates, described as perfect for each other and the term soulmates has been used more than once to define their relationship. Thank you for this site, and these photos, and your memories. Thanks for your honest opinion when you look at it like that its true im thinking of friends from 16yrs ago and even if someone wrote a book on me that facts are so not lined up with who i really am But sometimes feeling it completely is what we need to do. Ok, thank you Liz! Hope you write that book about the two of them and/or those times! I am so sorry that post was so long. But hes right here with us now on the fire place! That sucks! Yes people who werent there and did not know the facts were always injecting their two cents and conjuring up untruths because asking made too much sense. Same symptoms. Demri always and forever a wild wood pixie. Drugs can bring you to the highest heights. Demri was born in Bremerton, Kitsap County, Washington, in the United States of Americas Pacific Northwest. Jerry always had this I told you so thing going on. They started dating around spring or summer that year. I heard a lot of nice things about how Layne how he was a very down to earth person but, we need to remember we are all human and we all make mistakes in life. I happened to know that my Mom.. who I love dearly and means the world to me would have no clue. Great work and it happens faster than you know and very few actually survive this mistake. These talented people were all under the thumb of an evil drug addiction that tortured them and eventually ended their lives and heroin is not a drug you try once so if you want to be another tragic statistic..go ahead and try it only once but Ill tell you from my own personal experience being there when people have tried that it for the first time and very few successfully do that. Demri was staying with a friends Dad trying to kick by the time I got out so she could come stay at my parents while I recovered from surgery and she had to be clean to do that. 17 talking about this. I didnt even know it was even possible to be that naturally beautiful. Start a new life and meet new friends otherwise its always a phone call away and for addicts its just to easy to make that call. Layne loved what they had done, he thought Jerry did it on purpose. There are very few happy endings for heroin addicts. It has been very therapeutic for me over the years and it has helped to keep Demris memory alive and has introduced her name to so many who never knew who she was which was my original goal. Thank you Ana and yes addiction destroys your body Thank you for bringing that up. It was kept by a friend over the years, who had it in a box and it was in perfect condition. Why do you think it is so hard to stop? I have always speculated that the girl he was referring to was her. I guess its possible that he dated someone else for a short time in between but everybody knows that heroin addicts have major issues with impotency so its not like he was gonna be grinding away with someone else. That Koa story has been particularly perplexing and I never could figure out exactly how it fit in. Thank you, I know you may not get the chance to answer this. Being so removed from the reality of it all only made it more exciting though, and through all my adult years I have regularly sought out every bit of information I could about the real lives of the musicians involved, and in this case, their significant others. It is a familiar tale but one that just cant penetrate the young minds. Addiction is no joke, I go to med school so I spend a lot of time in the hospital and its just awful what being addicted to something does to people. I remember a few months after she got the pacemaker that certain friends of Laynes were blaming her illness on him. That means 13 times she was clean. Was it the greater love that made them sole matesdrugs? PONY MAURICE (Feast singer) I kind of fell in love with Xana and Demri for a while. She still looked cheerful and pretty I was a reference for him. They went down to QFC and he asked her to wait in the car while he ran into the store to buy a few things. I honestly hope so but if not.. no judgment here just love and understanding. Alice In Chains. I know her story is full of pain and mistakes, you never hid that from us, and maybe because of this some close friends and family dont come in public to tell about her. It will take a different catalyst for every addict to finally take that leap off the cliff and get helpsome will need to be love bombed, some will need tough love jail is not the answer but ALL will need the help of people who understand them and wont judge them and a very strong and loving support system, also time away from their old friends, sometimes family and the places theyve used in is crucial and they all need to want it at least enough to try it one day and then hopefully one more day and they will need to learn new tools to cope with their new reality and how to live their new life clean without the old faithful emotional and physical buffer of opiates. Heroin isnt a social drug that you experiment with. Content on this page is contributed by editors who belong to our editorial community. Ethnicity: English, Swiss-German, Irish, Scottish, remote Welsh, possibly 1/64th Cherokee Native American. WTF are you talking about? I looked a little bit like Demri back then and I always had the feeling that Layne was a little weirded out by that. I believe Layne when he said before his passing that Demri visited him. thanks for enjoying the post, i think at some point in the future i'll write a longer one with more details (especially positive ones), it feels impossible to do her justice in just a few paragraphs, The last of your months ..days ..none of this matters? Sure, that might work for a short while but ultimately addicts need more incentives in their life then how someone else feels and those two things shame and guilt can also completly back fire on family members who always seem to try this route too and it will just cause their addict to go deeper and farther into their addiction and they may begin to isolate themselves emotionally and physically away from the people who made them feel that way because they dont wanna let them down anymore or let them see the disgusting mess they know theyve become.. so theyll just remove themselves from their lives instead.. breaking everyones hearts including their own. She seemed to have style that was individual in fashion and photography. So for all the AIC fans who hate Demri because of this, you are all wrong. I am not saying Rachel is a bad person, prior to this I thought she was a hat maker genious, but it was at the very least odd because they werent friends, but Demri always the gracious host even on her deathbed. I remember Johnny being the same way. But in continuing with heroin and coke, she damaged her body more, to the point of no return. Back in 93 early 94 Layne was seeing this dip**** model who did more harm to him than good. I used to live off Denny with Rosheen and Demri stayed with us alot so it was very easy for me to picture the scene when you found your poor sister. She was wicked to him but Layne was being a dumb kid and he just wanted to date a model, he said so himself when it was over. I also do NOT recommend enabling or helping addicts stay in their addiction by loaning them money or letting them stay with you.. especially if their addiction is messing up your own daily lifebut I also dont recommend calling them names or hating on them either they do that enough to themselves already. Now to think theres Demri fan sites and Facebook groups!? What she looked like, how she dressed, & the decoupage shed make from angel& Victorian cutouts that she would paste on boxes & give as gifts. And then shortly after that, their whole sound changed cause they got introduced to the scene and Susan Silver. Now you may say that he was just fed up with waiting for Layne to find solid ground once and for all, and I could totally understand that, but youd be missing the point. Demri is a beautiful woman. Opiate Addiction is selfish to the core. 2 of Kathleens patients told her about this weird thing that happened (he had done the same thing). My nickname growing up was AD so if it was shortened by her she would call herself little D. Dont know unless she was doing a rap thing if she did that with others but do remember her correcting people who did say Dem, not Demri even to me. Build your family tree online . I could go on and on, but simply wanted to leave my mark on this site, and thanking Barbara for keeping it alive for all this time. Their own Children, Parents, best friends, partners and lovers do not usually stand a chance against it. Teri, Mark Arms girlfriend, was maybe going to live there and then Chad from RHCP did for a little bit but they all had their issues. There is no magic cure.. but writing, journaling and even just talking about the ones you lots does help or at least it helped me. Truly a loving person. I was in a situation to where EVERYTIME I would get high I would be happy to know I would be quitting after this last time only to fall asleep and wake up and be in a totally different mind frame of freaking out with anxiety and trying desperately to get more. I have seen it being talked about here, though, and I cant force anyone to magically have empathy but please dont use this as some way to condemn her. I realize this stuff is old news for you guys, but for people who are just coming to this subject (who have a passion to know the truth) the information via comments on this site is vital. Those things would be great, I just wanted to be there when others werent so they had a safety net at all times. It was just so shocking and upsetting. The rest Yes, Jerry had a coke problem. I never met Demri but I used to rehearse at Naf and played at the Offramp and RCKNDY , so I met Layne, Mike, Sean and Jerry a few times. He adopted her and her birth name became Demri Lara Parrott. Demri counted on Layne & others to help, & they did. He was already quite reclusive in 1996" The last time Demris mother, Kathleen Austin, saw Layne Staley, was in 1997. I would like to write a book about my life with stories in it about them. She had three younger half-brothers from her mothers side, Devin Remme, and Derek and David Murphy; and a younger half sister from her biological fathers side, Christa Dougherty. I know thats super personal n i thought i remember Barbara saying she didnt know specifics on what exactly happened. Demri Lara Parrott Murphy (February 22nd 1969 - October 29th 1996) was an American model, artist, and muse, and an amateur actress, girlfriend and later fiancee of Alice in Chains singer Layne Staley. A place for Demri's fans to meet and discuss what little information we can gather on her. Jerrys almost entirely about money, or at least he was 3 years ago. Some people are predisposed to addiction and so their story is written for them. She died last March. They dated for 2 years after getting together in Mar 1988. Just wanted to say hi and that I really love all the site and all the posts about Layne and Demris music, art and lives. But Im glad that Demri existed, she was special and brightened the lives of many of those around her special enough that we still talk about her and admire her beauty 24 years after her death.

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