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Not sure and he leaves. Do you believe these women feel less pain and violation because the behaviour is condoned by the society in which they live? He is genuinely distraught, going to a collapsed Henriette on the floor while Louis is just standing there, seemingly frozen. A hundred years ago. She is in love with him and, as you say, it seems its been going on for a long time. Of course, nothing happened and the doctors said colic but nine hours later, she was dead. Plus he told Louis he didnt recognise the sender of the notes which is technically true. And she did it willingly. Philippe: Because you told her to. Louis: Because she was born to it. Philippe: Because she loves you. Louis: if we do not have the English, we cannot attack the Dutch. The look on Philippes face is incredulous yes, Louis is talking war when his wife lies dying. In every possible way. .. now, I am not saying that Colbert is implying Philippe poisoned his wife, but it sure sounds like it. Anyways, he says: we cannot be seen together anymore. Also thanks for your detailed and in depth reviews. However, lets assume they are both equally dire sins. Anyway, back to the story. Revealing nothing. She finally asks. Though only a few actually act on it. Marchal is having a hard time believing Montcourts usual crapabout returning to court because he is a true friend to the king and was his duty to inform him of a threat to Henriettes life. I just binge-watched all 2 seasons and now painfully waits for each episode of Season 3 to come out. Societal expectations do not alter basic human reality. The rape scene was repugnant and Phillipes actions were out of character with the Phillipe we saw in the rest of the season. Louis: you are grieving. Philippe shakes his head: I grieve alone. Louis swallows then says: You will marry again. Philippe interjects: I simply want to live. Louis: It is your duty. Philippe hisses: I have had my fill of duty. In Versailles, Madame de Clermont is running round like a blue-arsed fly having discovered that her poison has gone missing. You went north, I went south and she went west and by the time they righted themselves we found our way down by the mill stream. You said And she is the only one who knew who prepared Henriettes chicory water. What if the poison spreads? First to Henriette, and after she was poisoned, to Elizabeth Charlotte, Princess of the Palatinate. Photograph: BBC. In reality it only took a very short time for the plan to take full effect. You have never been a man whos true. How accurate is Netflix Versailles? #JesusTakeTheWheel What a scene. I think we see fairly good evidence in episode 7 that not only does Philippe support his brother, but that he is honestly frightened of the idea of running the country and has no desire to take his brothers place (his anger at being overlooked for the regency is more due to his hurt that no one supports him or takes him seriouslyhis experience all his life). We cut to the forest, to the two Kings Guards in their blue livery, leaning by a tree as Rohan and little Louis still mock fight. I knew hed say that line! Arguably, as a man, it was within Philippes power to end his relationship easily enough whereas Henriette, a woman, would very possibly not have had that same power. (Same with the Chevalier and his jealousy of Philippes wives. I was never a fan of the character of Henriette, I just cant see how she wronged Philippe more than he did her. Music. Louis asks Henriette to spy on her husband and she does not refuse. Earlier that day, a servant spotted one of Philippes mignons and Grand Equerry (Master of the Horse), the Marquis dEffiat, drink water stored in a cabinet near Henriettes chambers, wipe the glass, then go on his way. Then he says I pay you to spy on others, not on me. . Whats wrong? And there is also Dangerous Liaisons, but that is set in the 18th century. Yes. Philippe is jealous. Its just that his anger and upset (and yes, jealousy I think) affects him so much, because its just another way for his brother to control and belittle him, make him less. Im genuinely curious to know why you consider Philippe the victim and Henriette the traitor in that relationship. Her intent is not to hurt Philippe by sleeping with Louis, she simply doesnt care (and I dont blame her). Louis and her smile about it. UGH. Im going to be stalking these recaps in the arduous wait for season two. Anyhow, just wanted to say Off they stride with purpose and a couple of guards, through the gorgeous corridors (shot in the gorgeous Vaux Le Vicomte) and with ominous background music to set the mood. <3 <3 I love the outfit on the fashion doll that we see when Philippe and Lorraine flounce into the salon full of cloth and trinkets, and later we see that same coat on Philippe as they stroll the gardens :), Your email address will not be published. Looking forward to Season 2!! Moreover, we cant fault her anymore for continuing her relationship with Louis (as if she would have had the power to end it anyway) than we can Philippe for continuing his with the Chevalier. And here is where Im a bit uncertain, but didnt she make that remark after Philippe raped her? Philippe had a relationship with the man he loved while Henriette continued to sleep with the man she loved. even if it turned out his brother was the poisoner. Again, so so love your words. To spare his feelings? Is it fair? No one enters. So he tells Louis he will now deliver the man responsible for their deaths. It was really interesting reading both of your viewpoints. Ridicule. I can see where the series cliffhanger is heading, besides the obvious unmasking of Rohan as a traitor. The sudden onset of Henriettes illness, the severe pain and the short time between the onset of her symptoms and her death suggested to her contemporaries that she had been poisoned. : . In any case, Philippe is Louis victim but definitely NOT Henriettes. These reactions perfectly suit and says a lot to their characters, plus George Blagden and Alex Vlahos as hugely talented actors. I could never love you more. But he will not be resting for long the door opens later and we see a pair of bare feet, the hem of a nightgown, both bloodied, as they enter. At the time of her death, it was widely believed that Henrietta had been poisoned and the prime suspects were her husband, Philippe and/or his lover, the Chevalier de Lorraine. I risked my life for your vanity, to rescue your wifes dowry. Louis: I acted for France because I AM FRANCE! Philippe remains stoic this time its Louis getting angry and we know why. Philippe has done as little to win her affection as she has to win his and Philippe certainly flaunts his lover in her face far more than she does hers in his. Philippe adds: .or two, perhaps. And he strides off. Philippe, despite their mutual loathing, was upset and distraught, so suspicion then fell to the absent Chevalier de Lorraine, who at the time was still in exile in Rome. The first one we ever played in, says Philippe. I hope the surgery went well, Heather! Everyone shares a look because, yeah, they know. I first read your reviews right after watching the entire series and then again after recently rewatching all 30 ep again. (yeah, I know I said I liked Marchal/Claudine, too! Of his power, of his country. Henrietta was born on 16 June 1644, on the eve of the Second Battle of Newbury during the Civil War, at Bedford House in Exeter, a seat of William Russell, 5th Earl of Bedford, who had recently returned to the Royalist side. There are times when I will shout (in my head), Just leave this place and run back to England.. He had mistresses, for example. And Marchal sees this too, his eyes flicking down to focus on them, then showing us aflashback of the dying girl, Charlotte de Parthanay, whom he held in his arms in Episode Three, where she says she saw angels. Jules! Thank you. Its emotionless. Both felt neglected by the other. Point 5: Ah, Henriettes remark about Philippes glorious death in battle. Philippe strides in slow-mo through the corridors, arms swinging, hair bouncing, coat swaying and with a tight, determined expression on his face. My sources tell me that sadly, we will have to wait until March 2017 (Yes, NEXT YEAR!!!) Louvois has been a kind of double agent all along, directed by Louis himself to assume the role of critic and conspirator. I also saw the subtle ways in which Henriette (and Louis) talked about him, how they wished he was not there. YAAAAAY! The Kings son. Rohan grabs her by the throat, saying it is not yet clear to him what she has done to earn her money, then demands she clean his room before leaving. They have some banter, and Rohan invites the boy to play a game A game of war? The Dauphin says excitedly. No wonder Philippe feels the need to claim what is his. It is so interesting to watch, given a discussion I had on Twitter earlier with some fellow fans. I also cannot figure out why Louis and others speak freely in front of the guards when even they are unsure of their loyalty. Colbert: You believe her highness is poisoned? Marchal replies cryptically: I believe. It is so reflective of the dilemma she has created for herself. Henriette says to Philippe: Im sorry. Hi Laura! The writers of the show took quite creative liberty with the relationships some turned out to be clever and well-written, some I just eye rolled SO HARD. Only Versailles is now about as sexy as Robot Wars. Eww. Is he justified in knocking her across the room? And laudanum as a sedative was much used at the time. You mentioned the Charles Beaubrun painting of Louis & Philippewell I was noticing how this stunning piece travels around the palace in season one. The Chevalier looks a little panicky or is it my imagination? I do like that though they have their disagreements, Bontemp genuinely respects Fabien, and despite his anger, I think Louis does too. The mortality rate was very high, thats why people had so many children so often. First off let me say that I absolutely love your reviews of Versailles, Ms. Jules. Philippe has no interest in Henriette, is not attracted to her or in love with her. for all of these. A side-note: On Sophie. And the next shot is Louis in slow-mo, walking out. If she dies it might lead to accusations and risk any potential alliance with England. First off, let me preface my response with the qualifier that I know very little about the historical figures on which these characters are based. Is anyone else hoping Fabien takes her under his wing? No one leaves. When you see Fabien going to find the missing Charlotte, you see him visualising the scenario he holds up his hand, points his fingers in the shape of a gun to see how the angle would project. But I also know that their greatest plan has yet to show itself. the camera pans to Louis, Colbert, Louvois (clearly worried, as he should be), who says, but what if shes merely ill? Marchal: then your appetite will be merely inconvenienced, Louvois. Bontemps appears. The flashback of Charlotte being shot is in his head, reminding us (the audience) what happened previously and confirming that Marchal now knows how it was done. Louis looks strained, says: I do not regret sending her. We found an old building a sorry shack made of stone and moss. She is in such a tizzy that she barely gives her daughter, Sophie, the. NOT I dont want you to die, (that comes later) she says my problems cannot be solved, you know that. Way to avoid his question. The camera hovers over the prone Henriette then pans up from the bed, like we are her soul being released from her body. Henriette is just one more thing Louis takes from Philippe. These scenes are odd for me to watch, but by now, I have totally put aside any frustration when the show deviates from what I know of the actual history. So anyways, off we go. But in context, with everything else going on in the show and with what Philippe deals with, I can understand why he did it. Hes just having some fun. The Dauphin. We were taking the air with our governess when we made a break for freedom. keep him occupied in body and mind, adds Louis with a brief smile. Inside Versailles Henriette Sister of King Charles II of England, Henriette - known as Madame - is the wife of Philippe and the mistress of King Louis. When King Charles hears that his beloved sister has been poisoned in France, it is only a matter of hours before a declaration of war. Louvois: a war they cannot afford to win. Colbert now counsels Louis on the shift of power should Henriette die: Henriettes very existence strengthens your position. FOCUS. But here, now? We are back at the sickbed, where Henriette sleeps and Montespan silently weeps at the bed. You, me, Henriette. Aaaaaand there we have the end of the episode and the end of Season One. They take her hands. Episodio 10. Montcourt denies it: No, Sire. As she made her last confession, the English ambassador, Lord Montagu, asked Henriette if she believed she had been poisoned. Pretty sure he was not the one who did the poisoning thing. What the king wants, the king gets. Montcourt declares he only knew her in passing, Marchal calls out his bullshit: but you knew she had malevolent intent. To which Montcourt sarcastically replies: it may have escaped your notice but everyone in this building has malevolent intent. Philippe loves and is loyal to his brother and only wants Louis to allow him to support him. Toodles. She allows grief but only briefly. Philippe of course blames Louis for Henriette's poisoning as he was the one who sent Henriette as an ambassador abroad even though everyone begged him not to. And suddenly Marchal has his ah-HA moment. And, more importantly, Henriette NEVER RAPED Philippe. Since the first stone was laid in this expansion. Saint-Simon asserted that Louis was so thankful that his brother was innocent of the crime that he decided not to prosecute the perpetrators. Bontemps says: protocol demands that if the air is impure and if you are at risk, you must leave immediately. (this is true) Marchal strides in to take command. Even the bouncing hair. Point 3: Good question, which is the greater sin? His contemplation is silent. That she could feel no affection for the man she was forced to marry, a man who could never feel anything for her and who also raped her, is not at all surprising (even while considering that marital rape was acceptable at that time). And in the context of the show, I did find it a nice touch, the apology to him. And Louis is left in the salon, framed by the door, the guards, and looking incredibly vulnerable and alone. The French musical Le Roi Soleil is always great to watch. They fear she might have been poisoned, so King Louis XIV shuts all access To Versailles. Such was the hygiene of 17th century France. My loyalty still lays with Philippe as her husband, he has a right to lay claim to his wife. BRILLIANT acting. The flowers theyre singing. and she is gone. Love your delicious commentary, brava! The Chevalier is still silent, still focused on Henriette. Philippe is most definitely not the victim in his marriage. Get Marchal pissed at you. Louis is calm but angry: then you set yourself against me. Philippe pauses, looks incredibly sad for a moment, then briefly nods. They could not be more different in this moment. Philippe and Henriette were forced into a marriage with someone they didnt love or care for. and Nine. Now we are with Marchal, who is interrogating Henriettes ladies, Sophie included. So Louis sequesters the palace. In Paris, says Colbert. My biggest problem with Henriette/Louis is that I find it highly doubtful that Louis would have sex with her. "Versailles" and I met by chance on Netflix. (We wont even go into whether or not that maid wanted to be drug into the bedroom by Philippe after his jealous strop with the Chevalier or his sneaking into Louises bed. Henriette has become seriously ill, it might be poison and she is the sister of the King of England. Louis turns in slow-mo, the expression on his face revealing nothing. God knows the wolves might have taken us but what did we know? But Montespan kind of brushes it off with, Yes, I would do the same. She is hurt, nonetheless. Coming from the quills of noted showrunners David Wolstencroft and Simon Mirren, both known for gripping series with a conspiratorial bent (i.e. The Mysterious Death of Henriette, Duchesse dOrlans, Toad Testicles, Foul-Beard and Broad-Arse. Montcourt is stabbed by Louis XIV while facing off with him and Fabien Marchal. What to expect from the future? She also miscarries a baby that was either her husband Philippe's or the King's, no one is sure. Cats with nine lives. *Disclaimer* I do not own any of the audio or footage included in this. I wonder what theyve got in store for us. Because no one knows that Cassel is one of the conspirators (and UGH I dont know WHY the Chevalier just didnt tell Marchal or Louis???) In walks Philippe, now fully dressed (and what a fine figure he is!) Henriette is Philippes wife, his property, his to do with as he wishes. And also shout out to Hannah for being a a much needed third voice. She is only ever Louis sweet, nubile mistress or Philippes overlooked wife, never her own person, she isnt seductive and outgoing like Montespan or scheming like de Clermont or genuinely sweet with a backbone like Sophie, shes just a soft-spoken waif who huffs when she doesnt get her way, cries when shes put in a difficult position, doesnt seem that clever but knows exactly where to strike thatll heart the worst mentioning Francoise Parthenay when Louis has refused to talk about the Chevalier, for one. I respect the fact that two people can look at the same thing and see it from completely different angles and come away with completely different interpretations. When she travelled to England, she was excited at the prospect of seeing her brother, Charles, again. We must get the king and the queen and yourself to safety at once. And the penny drops for Bontemps, his look of dismay so clear. I am a friend. Your loyalty can lie with Philippe while still acknowledging that Henriette is also a victim and not the villain (the real villain here is Louis). Or survival. he starts to pace: here comes the lecture. He rolls in bed, his cheek on a bloodied pillow, and suddenly wakes, realises what it is and follows the trail to Louis bedchamber. Louis is a shit to Philippe. Hi, He rapes his wife. I thought so but no. He takes her hand and closes his eyes and for a moment he is vulnerable. Right away, I am feeling negative towards them both, and yes, judgey about Henriette. And even after Louis became tired of Louise, he didnt run back to Henriettes arms either, instead he turned to Montespan who became his next mistress. And Louvois being the pompous ass he is, says haughtily: Before you speak to me, I suggest you speak to the king. Marchal: I am his Majestys eyes and ears, Msieur Louvois. It was just how it was. The camera pans around him and yet still, not one muscle is out of place, not one twitch of emotion. She seems like she has genuinely been brought in as a main character simply to drive the wedge deeper between Louis and Philippe, but not contribute anything herself to most of her scenes! But that was the thinking of the time. the rest will do her good, Bontemps says. What? I did have a thought, though, why the writers didnt build up to her being the young version of one of Louis mistresses, he had so many. It felt like if the whole world came running for us his voice thickens with emotion, we might fend off all who would take us ill. He finally looks up, at Louis. Montcourt turns and quickly leaves. Also I have to add SPOILER ALERT!!!! My greatest issue with Henriette is that she seems to lack any personality. Okay, is Louvois just being a dick? We see Louis expression crumple, and he blinks, almost disbelievingly, and then Philippe is out the door. The cost is justified a hundred fold! ..And Philippes face that little sigh, the look he is incredulous. I let a wolf back into my barn! Montcourts hand slides to his hip, Marchal sees this (good Chief of Police *pets his pretty head*) and Montcourt still denies, Louis accuses him of poisoning Henriette. He was shut out of his mothers (Anne of Austria) last moments, while Philippe was in attendance, where, despite her appalling treatment of her second son, he openly wept and grieved. But his family and France are divided. Mike did. There is, replies Louis. That was your promise to me. I am tired of waiting for you to keep it, says the Queen casually as she gets into bed with Louis then settles down. You sound worse than Montespan and de Clermont sparring over the card-tables! And I see all the little things that Henriette says, her little gestures and actions that bring conflict and sadness to Philippe. Philippe looks up to Louis with wet puppy eyes, Louis looks at Philippe, his all flinty and hard. What does she say? Of course not. Glad to see he lives on, at least for awhile. Just because women were denied their personhood does not mean they were not human beings who felt as any human being might feel. Im glad you like my reviews And I will most definitely continue on with reviewing S2. Is there anything more beautiful than the scent of blossom in the air? Henriette gets out softly. After all, everything she did was unacceptable at that time for women and it was certainly acceptable to beat a woman, especially if she was a wife, sister or daughter. He is clearly upset. Especially in S1, I got the feeling that they gave a lot of Lorraines personality traits/reactions/behaviour to Philippe. ! Louis is stunned: Why are you casting all this rage at me? Philippe: Because you deserve it. Thank you, Amy! Women are still being raped today in societies which condone such behaviour towards women and which deny women their personhood. Bring the garden here, Louis commands * (YES I called this line too I am KING OF THE LAB! And that is the problem you face, Montcourt. Because Sophie steals any scene shes in with Henriette, hands down, and she even maintains a presence with Montespan, too, though Montespan is clearly the dominant one in most dynamics (the Chevalier excluded, of course swans fat flippers come to mind!) Why is his passion for the man he loves to be forgiven and Henriettes passion for the man she loves to be used against her? yet so satisfying to watch because.. yeah. We could never invade the entire world but the world can imagine us as their centre. Such a beautiful moment, with Philippe building on their complex relationship, reminding Louis of a more simplistic time. His grip tightens on the poker, even as Montcourt looks actually shocked at that accusation. Never forget. They look at each other for a moment, until Philippe looks away and mutters, Not that youd remember. Louis thinks, then slowly reaches into his jacket pocket, steps forward and takes Philippes hand then places that stone in the palm. And Louis coming out the good guy. Louis finally nods to the guards, the pikes are uncrossed and Philippe takes a breath and walks out without a backwards glance.The Chevalier gives him a few feet head start, then strolls after him, hands behind his back, not looking at Louis, not bowing. This moment echoes the first from the opening scene in Episode One, where the traitors rush in on the pretext of getting Louis safely away. We see about ten hooded figures, along with the Unmasked Man whom Rohan freed from jail. P.S. Only 4 of his children grew up, and even then, another died at 27. I just found out your site and I must congratulate you for your beautifully written reviews. You died of a cold, or a simple infection or someone sneezing on you. *That should have read historical figures not historical characters! Montcourts eyes drop to Louis hand and suddenly he pulls a knife. ? It ended up working even better than planned and within a very short amount of time, Louis fell for Louise de la Valliere who was originally meant to be a decoy but became his first official royal mistress. Hes not gonna tell him of Rohan outright, is he? The sad irony here is, I do think Louis cares very much for Philippe but he cannot let his armour of paranoia down enough to recognise Philippes loyalty and the fact that he can trust his brother. It was so good. What shall I do! Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Thank you (and I agree with you on all pints!!! Do you see them now? Panoramica: After crushing the Protestants and thwarted Leto, Louis feels invincible. But I still dont get why he doesnt just dob them both in.? What will be his legacy? Louis drops the poker, approaches Montcourt. Check Ovation for times and how you can watch Ovation in your area. However, the bible does say something about a man being expected to marry his brothers widow. I think it would be naive of us to assume that was the first (or only) time that happened. . Why is this so? But to his brother? Director Daniel Roby Writers Simon Mirren David Wolstencroft Stars George Blagden Alexander Vlahos Tygh Runyan See production, box office & company info They grew up knowing what their duty was as prince and princess. Thatd do it. We begged you. The writers want us to think that evrry time they had kids, he had to rape her? Guilt often manifests itself in an outward show of rage. The rape thing was upsetting. We establish right from the start that she has no powershe was forced to marry a man she did not want because the king wants to keep her close. Around 5pm on 29th June Henriette drank chicory water, then keeled over saying Ah! Slavery was also an accepted practice of the day. I will try, but I trust you wont publish it if you find it too long. Although Lord Montagu accepted this, he had misgivings. Henriette screams and they both surge to the door then suddenly stop. But enough with this. Lot of time on my hands at the momentLULZ. Thank you all! I blame it all on Louis! He remembers too. How do we find the poisoner? We now join Rohan with the Dauphin, riding out with the Kings Guard.

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