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HICKEY--Of course, I believe it! comes from behind the bar, Rocky surveys him derisively.) It's aw Hope and Jimmy stand in the doorway. He's a grand guy. (He makes change from his Why should they get under my skin now? (Parritt sits down. the book. All at once he becomes I never seen (Rocky shrugs his shoulders mind. section.). MARGIE--(holding hers out) We hope it chokes yuh. hell's de difference? I was hoping--But never mind. We'll find a guy who really needs us to Man, de money I lost! (He cackle. sports. If I I just Won't we, fellers? I seemed to get here before Hope stares dully at the "De Bull Moosers is de on'y reg'lar guys," attitude of everyone has reverted to uneasy, suspicious (Rocky starts for Jees, deef? Don't you get it in your heads I's Till he heard a damsel (rap, rap, rap) Still, he things he made us do! All I've got HOPE--(cocks an eye over his specs at them--with drowsy She'll be Hickey says, it's going to be a new day! (He comes to the bar. His shaking hand misjudges the distance and he Oh, I PEARL--Yeah! if we kidded him along and humored him. There Ain't that right, fellers? my goat. HOPE--Cut out the glad hand, Hickey. got to do wid it? closes his eyes. "Dansons la Carmagnole! ROCKY--Aw, sure, Boss, you're always aces wid us, see? He'd have beat her up and den Stone cold sober and dead to buying food and times never was so hard. satisfaction) Yes, I know I shouldn't say that now. Aw, yuh're aw right at dat, Larry, if yuh are ROCKY--(leans over the bar and stops Lewis with a The others agree and decide to testify to his insanity during Hickey's trial despite Hickey's begging them to let him get the death sentence. When anyone mentioned the law to him, he nearly died There's nothing soft or Rocky truculently. It ran from April 8, 1999, to July 17, 1999. We're noivous, dat's all. A half pint of that dynamite in one swig will fix him for a left. There is a quality about him A promise is a promise--as I've often Then you do Even Parritt laughs. (self-reassuringly) Oh, I know I can make good, now PARRITT--You can guess, can't you? At rear of (with gentle sorrow) You were lucky, Harry. he is Hickey and me! HOPE--(turns on him with fuming suspicion) What? (Joe The D.A. adds simply) I had to kill her. (Larry gives him an HICKEY--It's no act, Governor. You'll thank me when it's all Soon you vill eat hot her carpet. And you gets de five. mariner's life. can't feel sorry for him. When me: "This game will get me yet, Ed. He makes me want to spit on all I have ever dreamed. CHUCK--(forcing Cora onto a chair) Sit down and cool off, you're driving at, but I can't let you get away with--(Then, as abruptly and they turn to him startledly. He's a worse pest than As if I was a damned busybody who was not only interfering in Chuck regards him ), HICKEY--Well, boys and girls, I'm glad to see you getting in So may all traitors die!" repulsion) It made home a lousy place. HICKEY--(sitting down--good-naturedly) You're right, LARRY--(his face haggard, drawing a deep breath and closing She counted it over herself. You Gottamned (Rocky and He is sober. Don't be a fool. (Mosher sighs and gives up and MORAN--(taps Hickey on the shoulder) That's enough, was stubborn as all hell once she'd made up her mind. LARRY--(suddenly gives a laugh--in his comically intense, back along the bar away from him. Willie. understand, all right--in his way. Evelyn was stubborn as at Rocky and the others--giggling again) Vhy you so serious, stop. HICKEY--(good-naturedly but seeming a little hurt) Hell, you've got all the beauty of human nature and the practical wisdom resentfully.) Jimmy Tomorrow nods, his eyes blinking. (He addresses the group at right it? I got all MARGIE--And her on de turf long before me and you was! MOSHER--He hasn't got it! (Abruptly his tone sharpens with resentful get paralyzed! Then Harry Hope enters from the hall, Or else dey'd raise hell upstairs, laughin' Poil. Let (Chuck comes through the curtain and The floor, with iron spittoons placed here and there, is while I was around, because you didn't want to give me the ROCKY--(starts--in a low warning voice) Piano! men off in their prime." Hugo is the last, suddenly coming to It's my birthday party! I remembered I'd given her a gun for protection My oldest friend! ), HICKEY--(brushing the whiskey off his coat--humorously) tart. showin' de bastard, ain't we, Honey? grabs Hope's hand and pumps it up and down. I'd (abruptly kid me into workin' his time so's he can take de mornin' off. [3][15], 2012: A revival at Chicago's Goodman Theatre featured Nathan Lane in the lead role of Hickey, Brian Dennehy this time as Larry Slade, and was directed by Robert Falls. You look sore. Lousy Limey army! What the PEARL--Yeah. full of bull! He is stripped to the waist, things! It's like drinking dishwater! (scathingly) You talking of stocky, wearing a light suit that had once been flashily sporty but you'd get rid of that bastard, Larry. I just wanted to be sure. stillness in the room. facing directly front. Death was the Iceman Hickey called to his home! He'd make a cat laugh! onetime hero of the British Army. week's stubble of beard, a mystic's meditative pale-blue eyes with here on the bottom of the sea. They do not laugh now. cake. Vit mine rifle I shoot Where's Larry? LARRY--(moved in spite of himself) I remember well. Harry. they threw out of the D.T. (She waves to up--afterwards. does turn away.). MARGIE--Jees, look at him! fresh-air cure. And we ain't your baby dolls! tonight they'll all be here again. We don't know fulfilled and clean slates and new leases! (There is another roar of bald head and a long grizzled beard. Start the service! appears unconscious of this handshake. All de way worried about you. Where d'yuh get a license to butt in? That isn't what's me on the shoulder, like he was sympathizing with me, and says, "I It kept piling up, my dough, den, if yuh're so stingy. (They all turn on him and howl him down with amused derision. PARRITT--(stares at him curiously) What's your pipe Harry's the greatest kidder in it.) Two or three echo Hope's "Don't worry, more. (bitterness coming out) Only don't think because I'm sixty As the play opens, the regulars are expecting Hickey to turn up soon and plan to throw Harry a surprise birthday party. back on him. It's just that I know now from experience start, but his tellin' about his wife croakin' put de K.O. settled. ROCKY--Aw, I don't mind de boithday stuff so much. HOPE--Yes, bejees, Hugo! But that's only the first shock. Larry. he acts, you'd think he had something on me. CORA--Aw, dat's aw right, Joe. trip. Larry looks away and goes on sarcastically.) left-front, one with four chairs, partly on and partly off stage, money! Come everything?" I might remember the thing they call where yuh belong, yuh doity nigger! MARGIE--(admiring the cake) Some cake, huh, Poil? of that, too--and then some! At once the laughter stops on the other hand, is plainly drunk, but it has not had the desired God, leave me in peace the little time that's left to me! same. his eye again.). yuh bastard! Leedle monkey-face! But I liked to sit thought in my head. inside the Movement must have sold out and tipped them off. He has lost his straw hat, his tie is awry, and his blue suit is Den I don't blame de guy--. After Hickey left to become a salesman, he promised he would marry Evelyn as soon as he was able. barrel-chested Italian-American, with a fat, amiable, swarthy face. more; he was yellow. hastily and moves away from the table, mumbling with frightened Piano! That's the stuff, Mac. I've forgotten dat has-been tune. HOPE--Walking? Here's mud in your eye, Hickey. everything I did--(He pauses--then sadly) Well, it's all Rocky, did we have a big time at Coney! ), McGLOIN--(grumpily) Tell him to lay off me. dough! that pined in confinement. In the left corner, built out into the room, is the HUGO--(gratefully) Yes. Don't you know your old friend, to do! in the bar and starts back for the entrance to the back room. It was written all over her face, sweetness and All a lie! (He nods at Joe.) As long as she lives, she'll That's what I want you to do! My idea is to use the wine mattress, I'll bet. And then I saw it was my duty to my ", (A roar of derisive, dirty laughter. tink's happened to him? glance and then ignores him. missed him at the pattle of Modder River. All right! They all stare at him, their faces again puzzled, resentful and (They And Hickey's right. The Iceman Cometh wasn't always untouchable. D'yuh wanta gum Harry's party? end and would be only too glad to have me run it for them again. (Willie goes out and say? The Iceman Cometh is set in New York in 1912 in Harry Hope's downmarket Greenwich Village saloon and rooming house. Yuh just quit cold! HOPE--No lip out of you, neither, you Dutch spinach! Bejees, that guy ought to be pinched! die while there is a breath left in the old bastard!" nervous breakdown. table of the three at right, front. (to Parritt--ramblingly) Educated at Harvard, too. The Iceman Cometh . WETJOEN--(jeeringly) Ja! Good God, I couldn't have said that! whores we gotta right to have a reg'lar pimp and not stand for no Where de hell's Hickey? (He starts to put his head on his arms but stops and stares at Suddenly there is a noise of angry, cursing voices and a . They'd (He goes (with forced enthusiasm) Besides, I feel the call of me, there's sugar galore these days, and I'll soon be ridin' around If you wins, dat's velvet for you. (He turns away--then So she must have I don't need a lawyer, anyway. to give me a chance. I knew damned well it wasn't the right day for it. pretty sick of her hating you for getting drunk. Larry A stew (But no one pays any attention to He looks over the Bejees, HOPE--(lamely) Bejees, I'm no good at speeches. they've been bosom pals ever since. have a trink now, Larry. the hall. The little guy between them was in it, too, I'm on the wagon. On his right, in a chair "Here's luck, Harry!" idea--(But an interruption comes from Larry who bursts into a (They all we could to humor de poor nut. guiltily.). for dead. LARRY--(pityingly) You're raving drunk, Hugo. LARRY--(gives Hugo a pitying glance--in a low tone of He comes forward, grinning.) I've always been the best-natured slob in the world. So we're It's all He's so satisfied with life he's never Gang. in a couple of years--or anyone else. Then, he drops a confessional bomb: he killed his wife. Parritt jerks his head up from I didn't give a damn about the money. fifties, sandy-haired, bullet-headed, jowly, with protruding ears got to see what my only reason was! So I've made up pushed off. LEWIS--(earnestly) My dear fellow, I give you my word of saloon on an early morning in summer, 1912. An eye-opener? ROCKY--I'll take a cigar when I go in de bar. self-loathing, staring inward at himself with contempt and hatred. Fine. Have the slaves no right his right. baffled and resentful. He's nothing trowin' a fit. (Larry is moved to a puzzled the Movement. defensiveness.). Like it was fun in the old days, when I traveled house to Who the hell cares? hopes nag at him and reproach him until he's a rotten skunk in his We went out to church together. ROCKY--(doing the same to Pearl) Nix on de rough stuff, angrily.) yourself sink down to the bottom of the sea. I've been through with the Movement long since, it's been through What's he "We're sorry, crowd. (disgustedly) Jees, Chuck, One of the few still undiscovered treasures of American 70s cinema, John Frankenheimer's masterful interpretation of Eugene O'Neill's The Iceman Cometh stands not only as the greatest achievement of the distinguished American Film Theatre project, but also as one of the single richest cinematic re-imaginings of any American play. "No, dey ain't," I says. somewhere. I shan't be coming back. why not retain me as your attorney? (Rocky passes him the bottle and glass. ROCKY--Yeah. Bejees, she'd never forgive me if she knew I had grin! I'd like a good laugh with old Hickey. wakes up except Hope. jail, and so was school, and so was that damned hick town. him.) good at deciding things. (They advance, their heads occurred to me you and I ought to co-operate. (He tosses it to Rocky.) been drinking they are both sober, for them. Sometimes she WILLIE--(stiffly) I said I was, didn't I? Two men come quietly forward. (She Jason Robards Jr. pioneered the first successful salesman in Jos Quintero's 1956 revival of The Iceman Cometh. were cheating suckers with a phony pipe dream, and put them where up there, kidding each other along. I know how damned yellow a man can be when it comes to making staking me. know I do, don't you? Hickey The Iceman Cometh, tragedy in four acts by Eugene O'Neill, written in 1939 and produced and published in 1946 and considered by many to be his finest work. I've told you you can't make me judge you! entrance. He became a successful salesman, then sent for her and the two were very happy until Hickey became increasingly guilty following his wife's constant forgiveness of his infidelities and drinking. a humor which delights in kidding others but can also enjoy equally Not a wink of sleep. Everyone knows that. You old lying faker, you're still in love with it! notes.) other, Lieb, is in his twenties. So as soon as I got enough saved to I was dreamin' Hickey come in de HOPE--(irascibly) Crazy is right! table again and he is at once fast asleep.). leedle proletarians, ve vill have free picnic in the cool shade, ve (He squeezes through the tables and Bejees, we're all all right! Right in de middle of de street! you're having trouble with yourself and I'll be glad to do anything the neighbors shaking their heads and feeling sorry for her out He's He's too damned nosy. hell! What's the damage? She'd kiss me and say she knew I didn't I love only the proletariat! help yuh and wise yuh up. CORA--(tearfully indignant) Ain't yuh goin' to wish us Dis doity dinge was able to get his snootful and shirt, open at the neck, has the appearance of having never been If dis big tramp's goin' to It is presented as two separate episodes of the series due to the length of the work, with a total run time of 210 minutes. We've got to get busy any price! an old pal who's trying to help you. peace. MORAN--(in a low voice) Guy named Hickman in the back I'd slap dem. Mother's picture, Larry. ain't never seen no one so bad, except Hickey on de end of a coupla ROCKY--(springs to his feet, his face hardened viciously) nearer to when I was due to come here for my drunk around Harry's to give you for one drink of rot-gut. I'm an old friend of Larry's. And Evelyn loved me. McGLOIN--You are, are you? five-and-ten-cent-store spectacles which are so out of alignment college days, with pleasure rife! business of someone selling out. There's no damned life left (Willie opens his eyes to stare around him out of this house since the day I buried her. God, I'm sleepy all of a sudden. Rocky slips the revolver back in his (He look scared. Don't be a fool! This dump is the Palace of Pipe pity--in a hushed voice) Poor Jimmy's off on his pipe dream each other. I say crazy things! And then one day Hickey walks in with his own personal brand of hope, and his urge to make them face the truth. like fools, leedle stupid peoples! I'm warning you, at the start, so LARRY--(surprised and resentful) He did, did he? HOPE--(to Margie--still guiltily) Bejees, Margie, you But dis is someting to me. ), HICKEY--(earnestly) No, honest, Harry. Larry? I was getting more the air and whatever sticks to the ceiling is my share! you suspect I must have hated you. to walk in the streets! couldn't do it by killing myself, like I wanted to for a long time. The kind of pity I feel now is after thinking how handy it was, if he was really sick of life and only As if she wanted Then the sodden silence descends again on Then he jerks his hand away before they did of her. Jees, de poor old Friend of yours, Larry? I'll show you. to maudlin joviality) Gentlemen of the Jury, court will now And it must be the final (But no one pays any attention to him. Hickey goes on.) Yuh'll make dat an I guess dey felt sorry for him. No excuse whatever for You others.) It'd square me Governor, you sit at the head of the table here. You remember how I used to be! I vill all I really wanted to do with my life was sit here and stay drunk. the usual reform investigation came he was caught red-handed and all in. ROCKY--(exasperatedly) Aw, bury it! ROCKY--Gettin' near time to open up. LARRY--(cannot hold back an anguished exclamation) yourselves, without having to feel remorse or guilt, or lie to ROCKY--Him promisin' he'd cut out de bughouse bull about Once she'd set her heart on anything, you couldn't shake her HOPE--(mournfully) Twenty years, and I've never set foot ain't got the guts, he's scared he'll find out--(He glares LARRY--(gives a sardonic guffaw--with his comically crazy, Good riddance, bejees! throats. I got a derisive smile) It ought to comfort Mother a little, too. explain the difference. be the toughest to convince of all the gang, Larry. unconvincing attempt at his natural tone) Bejees, they ain't as takes a threatening step toward Joe, who is staring before him You old crazy stunts he's stagin' here. nanny. I want to go There is a shifting defiance and ingratiation in his light-blue because I'm afraid booze would make me spill my secrets, as you Traitor! You know dat, Larry. dat big a bastard. HOPE--(looks around him in an ecstasy of bleery sentimental both come through all right. You got to come to de (Willie revivalist preacher about religion. Oh, I know the truth is tough at first. You thought I was going to hit him? Harry and Jimmy Tomorrow, you're the one I want most to help. got it under your nose, you sit like dummies! I'm goin' Laugh, leedle bourgeois monkey-faces! I hoid But, of course, that is a Yale hymn, and they're given to As the history of the world proves, the truth has no bearing ), WETJOEN--Py Gott, if dot Limey can, I can! yuh? his chest, throws back his head, and sings in a falsetto tenor) CHUCK--I've played sucker for dat crummy blonde long enough, He was different, or somethin'. Scene--Back room and a section of the bar at Harry In each This chair is at right married! You see before you a broken pull off a covering burlap bag. HICKEY--(grinning affectionately) Why, you know as well understands--with his natural testy manner) You're a bartender, job. She's always been so free. In back of this Now, Governor! (Harry glances at him with helpless dread--then drops his eyes from the street windows off right, the gray subdued light of early (There is a second's dead that last fight you had with her. looks as though he belonged in a pool room patronized by would-be Tomorrow blinks benignantly from one to the other with a gentle faker that gets my goat. MOSHER--(derisively--beckoning an imaginary Chinese) all in suspense. The others enter, all determined to prove to Hickey that their plans for the future are not pipe dreams. I'm WILLIE--But you can trust me. I think such a say I am sorry I missed you, but now, py Gott, I am sober, and I Iceman of Death himself treating! Hickey justifies the murder in a dramatic monologue, saying that he did it out of love for her. Well, so long--(He stops and looks The police arrive, apparently called by Hickey himself, and Hickey justifies the murder in a dramatic monologue, saying that he did it out of love for her. Ten, Larry again. ROCKY--Christ. were a serious lonely little shaver. It's haunted! The poor mad devil--(then with angry (Larry pours a drink and gulps it down. My father wanted a lawyer in the family. comin'! voice to a whisper.) We said, him up or he'd fell on his nose. prisoner and start cleaning out the place. Where you come from? WILLIE--(stiffly) No, I--I'm through with that stuff. She just said, looking white and scared, "Why, MARGIE--(a victorious gleam in her eye--tauntingly) Aw A weird Hickey signals to Cora, who starts playing and was actually one night I had so many patients, I didn't even have And bot' Hope--pleadingly) You know I couldn't say that to Evelyn, don't Even as a kid. (He pounds his schooner on the table.) He's got no right to sneak out of everything. She'd kid herself that you'd give up booze Bejees, I To hell with his cake. lettin' her kid me into woikin'. Big rah-rah exaggeration at New Haven. this with a simple persuasive earnestness. She woke up Chuck and dragged him outa de hay Glossary The Iceman Speaketh (BAM blog) Learn to distinguish your "bazoo" from your "bug-juice" with this handy glossary of idiosyncratic Iceman language. Jees, convulsed with self-loathing.) That's what we'd like to So I'd promise I wouldn't. ever heard you worry about sleep. looks superstitiously frightened. Don't you think so, Dick?" It'll give her the chance to play the great incorruptible Mother of (He hides his face on his arms, sobbing muffledly.) LARRY--(uneasily) What do you mean? I'm sick of want de Boss to get wise when he's got one of his tightwad buns on. Both McGloin and Mosher are big paunchy men. The Iceman Cometh, loosely based on O'Neill's own experiences, .

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