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In fact, one of the few references to this entity can be found in Treasures of the Stars (Vienna, 1658, author unknown), which states the milk is, wondrous and that it may heal wounds and grant visions. The text then goes on to say that drinking the milk should be contemplated only by those with stout fortitude as the aftereffects are cataclysmic. It is a shame the book says no further on this Seemingly, a number of earthly cults have changed their allegiances after unwittingly calling Utulls-Hrher to manifest. Those who have crossed Hastur in some way may find themselves beset with terrifying nightmares warning that they are soon to be visited by the Feaster. has been added to your Cart . Magic POW: 175 Magic Points: 35 Spells: Animate Flesh Thing, Chasm to Hell, Compel Flesh, Dho Formula, Dominate, Grasp of Cthulhu, Mindblast, Send Dream, Sense Life, Wrack; others as the Keeper desires. Behind the facade of majesty, wonder, and illumination is the gnawing sense of things coming undone and of rot eating from within. Pluck Heart: causing a heart attack in a touched target (costing 10 magic points or more, takes 1 full round); target suffers 1D10+1 damage (halved with a successful CON roll). Note that the howl can be heard beyond 10 yards/meters, with its effects overcome by a Hard POW roll within 50 yards/meters, or a Regular POW roll within 100 yards/meters. 240 DEITIES OF THE MYTHOS that the Vile Ones influence acts to compel other lifeforms to great consumption, causing animals and humans to lose themselves in a mania for gluttony, with no regard or thought for anything other than eating everything they see. Such voices, heard by no other, speak of realizing desires and attaining power through acceptance of the Unspeakable Oath and giving oneself over to the devotion of Hastur. It is a subliminal focus for madness and an icon of corruption. The cultist is not only healed but gains eight years of life to their natural totalfor some, this may actually decrease their natural age. 198 DEITIES OF THE MYTHOS SHUDDE MELL Aura Given that the Keeper of the Moon-Lens most likely manifests during Goatswood festivals, the atmosphere is likely to be lively and boisterous, although this probably changes to solemnity once the avatar arrives to take sacrifice. Black Sutra, Cthonic Revelations, Madam Yi (avatar of Yidhra), Uralte Schrecken, Yhath, Yidhra, and Yolanda (avatar of Yidhra) copyright 2020 Walter C. DeBill, Jr. Used with permission. Encounters If experimenting with the Gate spell or similar portals, one may inadvertently find a way into the pocket dimension holding Yu-mengtis. In time, such victims of Aforgomon literally cease to existwith all knowledge, memory, and record of them fading from existence. At zero POW the victim is permanently controlled; an otherwise mindless thing hosting a portion of Saaitiis will. As already noted, Yig favors snakes above all earthly things, so this may be a simple extension of its regard, with the Old One neither hating nor loving, and in essence being indifferent toward humanity. While those in direct contact (within 1 yard/meter) should attempt an Extreme CON roll or suffer 2D4+2 damage (a successful CON roll halves the damage). - F - Aura Like the rest of its fellows, Fthagguas touch is flame, burning and painful. Certain scraps of musical notations have been produced, said to have been transcribed by humans who have heard Trunembras music. Bast 41 CHAPTER 2 m a l Encounters Some dreamers recount seeing temples to Bast in the Dreamlands where the cult of the goddess appears to remain active and strong. All told the Monstorum contains 480 pages and the . In Fallout: Wasteland Warfare, players build their own crew from a wide range of factions, allies and iconic characters from the Fallout series, and play in apocalyptic games of 3 - 30 high quality 32mm scale resin miniatures through a huge variety of iconic scenery and settlement buildings, from the Red Rocket to Sanctuary Hills, Nuka-Cola vending machines and wrecked cars. While little is known of the sick rites practiced by this deitys adherents, most guess that ritual murder and torture are key components. Vol 2 is on each Mythos Deity and their cults, a gold mine of info. All products will ship from the warehouse you select. An individual who had broken the illusion can attempt to use Fast Talk, Intimidate, Persuade, or Psychology on another person to break their illusionary experience. Cult A brief summary of earthly and alien worship, and perhaps providing an idea of the scale of such devotion offered toward the entity. Contact with a sleeping human is automatic for those in close proximity; otherwise, depending on distance, allow a POW roll for the unconscious human mind to resist. The small spider-thing acted like a parasite and seemed to gain command of the human, and both spider and human were sent back into the world. These whispers may be heard at certain times that could, some say, align to astronomical alignmentsparticularly the alignment of Regulus (within the constellation of Leo) and the planet Mercury. Some of its servants are tasked with writing, copying, or compiling volumes and editions of the Revelations of Glaaki. Specific attack forms and maneuvers are detailed, including the skill rolls or actions required to escape with life and limb. The Necronomicon makes mention of a Green Flame (which most assume to be Tulzscha) that dances around sleeping Azathoth. Thus, do you want to have a chase scene with this deity? Chorazin and Leviathan CHAPTER 2 Mind Influence: while not as strong as its mind control power, BMoths presence causes animals and humans to become savage and bestial, attacking anyone or thing nearby with violent fury. Should a collector come into possession of such a bottle, the choice as to whether to open and taste the wine or save their investment may prove a tough dilemma, as it is said the wine can cure all ills and grant immortality. One tale, told by an inhabitant of Innsmouth, MA, likened the pair to Cthulhus star-spawn, which remains a possibility in terms of their origin. the milk may at first heal, but later begin to corrupt and/or transform an individual). Press J to jump to the feed. Certain magic may help to relocate a displaced mind to its original (or a new) body. Fighting automatic, based on magic points expended (see above) Armor None. Each tends to be unique and built around a small number of concepts. MORDIGGIAN (Great Old One) Throughout the night in that accursed vault deep in the earth, my guides eyes flickered with delight as he told me of Mordiggian, the god of its kind. Believed to have been spawned or created by Yibb-Tstll (according to the Necronomicon), this faceless and batwinged entity is considered by some to be a Lesser Old One, although some resist this classification and describe it as a unique and particularly large specimen of a nightgaunt. Its aspect was of a loping and crouching thing, and altogether unwholesome. Despite being dead in conventional terms, Cthulhu dreams. Inside this cavern he finds a great trove of precious gems, as well as its monstrous owner, the latter of whom devours Avoosl Wuthoqquan before he . Gnophkehs is something of an enigma, with little known or confirmed about the entity, including whether it actually exists. Lost CON regenerates at a rate of 1D6 points per week of medical care. Aura Cult Death and fate figure largely in modeling the atmosphere of this entity. Other times, a lone gunman who has somehow become attuned to Arwassas scream (perhaps certain modern radio frequencies can pick up the gods wail?) It goes on to say that should multiple seeds find their way to a single place, they would churn the ground and mill the earth into dust, which presumably is to say they would destroy that planet entirely. Sanity Loss: 1/1D10 Sanity points. For those sensitive to such things, these pods may give off a strange and alien psychic vibration or aura, causing humans to be repelled or fearful. If unsuccessful, they cannot be saved and they become one with the deity. Requesting The Blasphemous Roster - Guilds of Infinigrad and the Machinations. If reduced to zero hit points, the Wailing Writher loses its cohesion and becomes a wave of black goo from which another monstrous form emerges before flying off into space. The deity may use this power across dimensions by expending 10 magic points and may repeatedly target an individual who has once failed the roll. 114 DEITIES OF THE MYTHOS Magic POW: 375 Magic Points: 75 Spells: all spells. Get the rulebook here. Fighting Consume (mnvr) Dodge 90% (45/18), damage 1D4+1D6 90% (45/18), absorbed (see above) 90% (45/18) Armor none; Madam Yi cannot be harmed by normal weapons; if the avatar is reduced to zero hit points, it transforms into a monstrous form (these vary and are subject to the Keepers design). 13 CHAPTER 1 m a l 14 UNKNOWABLE: ABOUT THE GODS OF THE MYTHOS 15 CHAPTER 1 m DESIGNING a MYTHOS GODS l What does this Deity look like? If I were to guess, my list of favourite games is almost 400 gbs 1 tb. If reduced to zero hit points, the Keeper of the Moon-Lens bursts and its bodily fluids wash into the ground. Sebek, the scaled one Sanity Loss: 1/1D8 Sanity points to encounter Sebek in physical form; 0/1D4 if incorporeal. It's beautifully designed, gorgeously illustrated, and stunningly complete. Other names: Bal-sot, Bsst, Bastet, Mother of Cats, Ubaste. Things in the blast area are torn to pieces and the ground is ruptured. In, The Eastern regions of Africa are largely unexplored by Westerners. For, if Yog-Sothoth is coterminous with all things, seeing everything and everywhen, then Yibb-Tstll is like the recorder, gathering this data within itself as though a living library. Possible Blessings Mind Contact: those unfortunates who obtain a glimpse of Nctosa and Nctolhu (usually via binoculars or telescope) may find they become mentally linked to these twins of horror, and forced to do their bidding. If within 10 miles (16 km), it costs the Old One 1 magic point to communicate with a human or to bind a human to a site for a day. No direct linking please. Despite such cataclysmic concerns, some hold that the laws of our universe are like rubber, able to reshape and withstand the appearance of this Outer God, and that Azathoths presence acts to regulate such cosmic occurrences. Long Life: those who accept servitude are blessed with un-life, free from the pains and sorrow of life. If reduced to zero hit points, Mgulelocs flesh rapidly corrupts into a stinking soup of slime. Most scholars agree that should this Old One wish to move to another location, time, or place quickly, it could do so through its innate powers, but, for some reason, it seemingly only does so when summoned by external forces, such as foolish wizards or humans seeking its approbation. Combat Attacks per round: 1 (lash or grab) If threatened, lashes out or grabs, forming pseudopods, tentacles, or limbs to do so. Such reports may illustrate BMoths power to affect or control the weather, such as causing winds to pick up and fall and thereby direct boats toward its foggy clutches. While the information is fragmentary, it is suggested that during the manifestation Tulzscha took possession of a number of humans (said to have burned out their eyes), whom then departed and disappeared without a trace. insanity results, the targets bout of madness is to perform the task commanded by Ygolonac. Aphoom Zhah is believed to have a form of connection to Cthugha, with some speaking of the former as being the spawn of the latter while others say they are twin manifestations, each in some cosmic opposition. If mundane weapons can harm it, allowing the investigators to actually hurt it is a good thing, giving the players some agency and possibility of achieving something; setting the armor value at 20 means that theres no way for the investigators to do anything, whereas 8- or 10-point armor permits the possibility of harm (even if it requires an Extreme success to do so).

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