isaac hale father of emma smithis there sales tax on home improvements in pa

[26], Emma Smith stated that the first time she became aware of a polygamy revelation being attributed to Joseph Smith was when she read about it in 1853 in Orson Pratt's booklet The Seer. all Lands held by patent, warrant, location, or improvements; Houses and lots of ground, and groundrents; all gristmills, sawmills, hempmills, oilmills, snuffmills, papermills, and powdermills; all Furnaces, Forges, Bloomirzes [bloomeries], Distilleries, Sugarhouses, malthouses, Breweries, Tanningyards and farries [ferries]; all Negro and Maulatto slaves; all Horses mares geldings and Cattle above the age of four years, and all offices and posts of profit, trades and occupations, Ministers of the Gospel of Everry Denomination and Schoolmasters only excepted. Laban Capern and Johnah Brewster, letter to John Hilborn, January 24, 1814, 1813-1814 Tax Assessment Records, Harmony Township, Susquehanna County Courthouse, Montrose, Pennsylvania. Byron Hale, Reuben Hales Obituary, newspaper clipping in possession of descendants of Alva Hale, copy in authors possession. When her son Joseph III became president of the RLDS Church, she was again asked to compile a hymnal. Because Cope lived in the city he was more attuned to differences in attitude between the valleys occupants and persons in a more cultivated country. He also viewed hunting as a leisure activity rather than an occupation that left little time for making ones home fancy, and he clearly overstated his case. While Mumford was in the township David Hale was not taxed for a residence.281 Jeriah Mumford also paid taxes on the 434 acres of unseated lands (not occupied) for which the Joseph Smith connected to Jacob Smith was first taxed for in 1823. 22. 17. But his involvement in the search for the mine may not have been more than an economic relationship as he rented out living space. After the half starved Colbert ate with a nasty dirty woman and her nasty children, he established a black class in the valley west of Willingborough and then headed home.182 Methodist classes were loose associations that gathered for Bible study and provided organized service to help the needy in a community, and the white members of the community typically organized classes independently from their black members.183 This class would have operated without formal support or direction and would not have taken religion over the mountain to the Susquehanna Valley. 145. The Hale farm began with Isaac Hale. . 167. Photograph by. 230. 116. 45. The only child of theirs to be baptized after the controversy began was Isaac and Elizabeths daughter Emma, who was baptized by Buck not long after her birth in 1804, just before Methodism arrived in the valley.173, The slave Sylvia Dubois attended the same congregation where Emma was baptized and described it as the Calvinistic faith . This lady was a very intelligent woman, when young she moved in the first circles of society. The similarities in name, location, and activities can easily lead to confusion between the two men. B. Buck noted most residents of the valley were drawn into Methodism during this early period, but religious enthusiasm quickly waned as the fires of conviction soon died down and the valleys residents largely returned to their previous indifference.210Some members of the Hale family continued their persistent involvement in religion despite the declining interest. A wing (no longer extant) was added to this house, which Emma operated as a hotel. GitHub export from English Wikipedia. Terms of Use Updated 2021-04-13 | Privacy Notice Updated 2021-04-06 |. old Brother Hales, and he mentioned, Mr. 4 (Fall 1984): 44950. . Im also grateful to Harold N. Hoyal, Ben Park, Heidi Harris, Jason Twede, Dawn Agenti, the staff of the Bishop Memorial Library (which houses the Luzerne County Historical Society) in Wilkes-Barre, Penn., Stan Thayne, and Mary Jean Vance who each helped on elements of the project. Husband of Elizabeth (Lewis) Hale married 20 Sep 1790 in Wells, VT. Descendants. 125. . 282. . Town of Hingham,History of the Town of Hingham, Massachusetts(Hingham, Mass: n.p., 1893), 160. 152. Privacy Policy. 27. During this period, the Wood family and some of their neighbors accepted Nathaniel Woods religious doctrines, and this growing group began meeting together in Middletown. Wells village in the central valley became the center of business in the township, while the northeastern portion of the town where the Lewis family lived did business in the village in neighboring Middletown Township where a booming settlement began to develop. About Public Member Trees. John Comfort, letter to Silas Comfort, January 17, 1840. Also, my colleagues Donald L. Enders, Jennifer L. Lund, Steven L. Olsen, and Benjamin C. Pykles each patiently listened as I worked on elements of the research and responded to my thoughts or shared their own as the project developed. Nationality: United States. 170. Emma's father, Isaac Hale died 11 January 1839. In Harmony Township tax records, Daniels name is recorded as Daniel Tarbill, see 1820 Tax Assessment. Zachariah Tarbles descendants today spell their name Tarbell, Rupert Tarbell, Family Historian, Susquehanna County, Pennsylvania, personal communication to author, July 18, 2013, which appears to be an older and more consistent form, see Jack A. Frisch, TARBELL, JOHN, in Dictionary of Canadian Biography, University of Toronto, accessed July 6, 2013, Last Will and Testament of Isaac Hale, Susquehanna County, Pa., Wills and Administrations, 18121921, December 23, 1838, 1:21213. Others speculated the silver may not have been buried on islands off Connecticut, but elsewhere in the country. Her mother, Elizabeth, was too ill to travel. His tombstone bears this inscription, 'The body of Isaac Hale, the hunter, like the cover of an old boo, its contents torn out and stripped of their guilding, lies here, food for worms, yet the work itself shall not be lost, and it will appear once mor In 1813, Jesse Hale turned twenty-one and reached legal adult age. . In May 1829, Emma and Joseph left Harmony and went to live with David Whitmer in Fayette, New York. Year-round running water in the home would have been a comfort worthy of notice. He believed that Smith was not a good match for his daughter and that he would not be able to provide for her financially. Isaac and Elizabeth Hale had few expenses during their early years. I have interpreted Blackmans fifty years as a round number meaning for a long time. Since Blackman only mentioned Elizabeth as a consistent member and not Isaac, either he was a late joiner or had not initially been consistent. Drawing by Ted. See Sacred Music,The Centinel,1 (December 1, 1816): 3; Church Music,The Centinel2 (May 17, 1817): 3. Isaac Hale had initially welcomed Smith when he came to Harmony, Pennsylvania where Emma grew up, looking for a place to stay and continue his translation of the Golden Plates from which the Book of Mormon would be translated from. Edward Lewis, however, also owned a dock at Coopers Island (a land mass in the river delta of New Inlet today known as Wills Island) where he would have been involved in shipping. The newlyweds then settled six miles north of Litchfield in Goshen, Connecticut, where their first child was born November 19 or 20, 1767.71 They named her Elizabeth Lewis. David was tall and straight, with eyes bright and brown, and hair dark almost black. He looked much like his sister Emma with whom he had a close relationship. Isaac Hale worked for the Pickering family over the next few years. While activities of the Rodsmen climaxed in 1801, the use of rods began in the late 1780s as Nathaniel Jr. approached adulthood and started courting. It was on this largely unimproved farm that Joseph Smith Jr. first met Isaac and Elizabeth Hale. And Alva was born November 29, 1795. I checked these facts after listening to a recent podcast with Grant Palmer here. MarkL. Staker, A Comfort unto My Servant, Joseph: Emma Hale Smith (18041879), in RichardE. TurleyJr. and BrittanyA. Chapman,eds., Women of Faith in the Latter Days, Volume One, 17751820 (Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 2011), 345,349. If the Hale home included wallpaper it would have impressed.246 The Hale home became a civic center and a church as it was used for a variety of meetings.247 The Hale family left remnants of a high quality tea pot made of fine Jakefield pottery, a style of ceramics used by English royalty roughly during the second half of the eighteenth-century (17401790). It is said that he did not appear to be a man like Paul, brought up at the feet of Gamaliel, though, doubtless, he was a good man. Nathaniel returned to the war briefly as he enlisted a fourth time and served in Vermont.74. 102. isaac hale father of emma smith . 227. He was tasked with finding and unearthing buried treasure presumed to be located there. And Elizabeth Hale expected a child again. They then became discouraged, and soon after dispersed. EMMA HALE In late 1825, Joseph Smith was working as a hired hand on a farm in South Bainbridge, New York. Longtime Harmony resident John Comfort called it the Susquehanna Valley, John Comfort, letter to Silas Comfort, December 24, 1836, Syracuse University Archives, Syracuse, New York. Isaac Hale was born on June 23, 1997 in United States (25 years old). Nine months after Robert Rose purchased much of the valley, Isaac Hale paid him one dollar on November 29, 1809, for 90 acres of land and agreed to a mortgage of $340.92 for the remaining sum. de Doina Babcinschi. Before Isaac Hale and his family raised a new frame home on their first homes repaired foundations, they slid the log home to a spot nearby (most likely toward the well in the yard to the east of their home where outside work was typically done), where they lived until they finished their new home. Several of the Hales neighbors made a living weaving, some producing skilled work, and the county encouraged carpet weavingoffering a prize at the annual fair for the best piece of carpeting, Cattle Show and Fair,Susquehanna County Herald,2, no. Joseph SmithIII, Last Testimony of Sister Emma,290. Thou Art an Elect Lady: D&C 24, 25, 26,27,, My Great-Great-Grandmother Emma Smith,, My Dear and Beloved Companion: The Letters of Joseph and Emma Smith,, A Heart Full of Love and Faith: The Prophets Letters to His Family,, Emma Smith letter to Joseph Smith, Mar.7, 1839. The modest headstones the men could see as they traveled were made by stonemason J. W. Stewart, known for years as Coffin Man. But it was Oliver Harpers large, ornate headstone just to the south of the two simple ones that would have likely been the focus of any discussion the men had with its neatly chiseled inscription announcing Harper had been robbed and murdered the previous year on March 11, 1824. 94. Copies can be purchased by visiting, Dubois believed, Taint no use to worryit only makes things worse. 89. Emily C. Blackman,History of Susquehanna County, Pennsylvania, from a Period Preceding its Settlement to Recent Times(Philadelphia: Claxton, Remsen, and Haffelfinger, 1873), 103. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Soon lumbering became a major activity along the river from as far north as Cooperstown, New York, and south beyond the Susquehanna Valley to the German settlements in Lancaster County. 270. 184. A photograph of the map is in the authors possession. See Warrantee Names, R. H. Rose Survey Map.. She wold often say to those that came to see hir for they ware many that she knew that hir Redemer liveth and she longd to bea at rest in the paradise of god.292, After Elizabeths death, Alva saw that his mother was buried in the family plot in the nearby cemetery. The artifact scatter suggests a door in the log home faced east toward the work yard and toward a rock-lined well that still exists near the seasonal brook. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. 127. Blackman,History of Susquehanna County,23. My belief is that the Book of Mormon is of divine authenticityI have not the slightest doubt of it, she testified in an interview she gave late in life.8 Emma Hale Smith Bidamon passed away in Nauvoo on April30, 1879, and is buried next to Joseph. Hale Farm, left of center line; Morse Farm, top right of center. But she did not need to offer them prominence in the community. The site was very clean as if they had internalized Methodist founder John Wesleys aphorism cleanliness is next to godliness.299 Despite John Comforts later concerns that an interest in pursuing wealth was creeping into their Methodist community and overshadowing religious devotion, the Hale family appears to have reconciled the role of wealth into their religious practice. On December 21, 1819, John Comfort assessed Isaac Hale a tax for three homes on his property. She later wrote in an interview with her son, Joseph Smith III: "In writing for your father I frequently wrote day after day, often sitting at the table close by him, he sitting with his face buried in his hat, with the stone in it, and dictating hour after hour with nothing between us. While in Kirtland, Emma's feelings about temperance and the use of tobacco[11] reportedly influenced her husband's decision to pray about dietary questions. --- The below. The census enumerator could assign one of three categories of business: agricultural, commercial, or manufacturing. Emma served as a scribe during his first efforts to translate the Book of Mormon. He in turn hired Isaac Hale the following summer of 1793 to make sure the road on this last segment was properly constructed from Colesville south through the eastern edge of Willingborough Township.109 The segment of road Hale supervised construction on became the Harmony Turnpike as it passed along the eastern edge of Oquago Mountain.110 But the side roads remained barely passable for years afterward. 18 (October 27, 1821): 141. John Comfort, letter to Silas Comfort, April 8, 1837. They returned to Pennsylvania in December 1827 to live near her family and work on the translation of the Book of Mormon. See BrianC. Hales, Joseph Smiths Polygamy, 3vols. Mary Bryant Alverson Mehling,Cowdrey-Cowdery-Cowdray Genealogy: William Cowdery of Lynn, Massachusetts, 1630, and His Descendants(n.p. The Lewis family arrived among the earliest settlers, and they would have spent most of their time clearing land to make it productive. 269. The Lord will have respect to thy cries, and by his judgments he will cause some of them to see their folly and repent of their sins; but it will be by affliction that they will be saved. 62. 205. 276. 64. When Mumford left Harmony Township in 1831, the 434 acres of unseated lands were initially listed again under Joseph Smith then Joseph was crossed out and Jacob was written above it. Josiah Stows discovery of treasure in the Indian burials on his property became well known. When Isaac Hale was a young boy in New Haven, Connecticut, he was raised in a culture that promoted the search for gold. Joseph Smith left no record of what he thought of the Isaac and Elizabeth Hale farm and recently expanded home when he first encountered them at nineteen. Major Stow, shared the same military rank as Buck, and had consistent interaction with him. Nathaniel and Esther had four more children as the family struggled to make a living in the hard scrabble of their new settlement. 203. Many had already left for education, or to follow spouses who preferred to live elsewhere. See, for example, H. Moll, A New Map of the North Parts of America Claimed by France, 1720, Geography and Map Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. 34. After Jesse Hale built a home on his fathers property, Isaac was taxed for three homes until he transferred twenty-six acres of his property to Jesse, and his sons home was taxed separately. Nathaniel Lewis and other Methodist preachers still held their camp meetings in the hollows and forests of the Endless Mountains, where the cries of the penitents were followed by shouts of deliverance.211, Elisha Bibbins and Marmaduke Pearce, brother-in-law to influential Shouting Methodist George Lane, briefly became the circuit riders for the valley in 1812and continued to encourage grove experiences.212They promised the faithful they could receive direct answer to prayer.213 Bibbins was a man of medium size with a prominent nose and benignant eyes who was so successful in his efforts to invite the interested to seek God in prayer that a local hunter found these Shouting Methodists praying in the woods disruptive and insisted they frightened the deer away [as] he came upon praying people everywhere.214. 1. While Comfort did not elaborate on the details of the Hale family exodus, or the apparent religious conflict he had with the family, the following spring he wrote to his son, Jesse Hale Ward Hale and Reuben Hale moved last season out on the Alegany and David Hale went this winter the last of sleighing to the same place and also Daniel Westfall moved near the same place the fore part of winter. isaac hale father of emma smith isaac hale father of emma smith. Isaac Hale, Affidavit,The Susquehanna Register, and Northern Pennsylvanian,May 1, 1834, 1; see also Mormonism,The Republican,3, no.10 (July 23, 1835): 1, where the affidavits are reprinted. Andrew Tracys 17991801 diary as cited in Blackman,History of Susquehanna County,11516. Isaac Hales friend and associate John Comfort consistently wrote his son Silas Comfort expressing hope that the situation would change. The best circumstantial argument for the Hale family using their log home briefly as rental property comes immediately after the 1825 tax assessment when Isaac Hale no longer pays taxes for the log home but Jeriah Mumford & Co. comes into the valley and rents four homes. Blackmans use of the phrase a little deluded suggests in her published history the Hale family initially believed Joseph Smiths revelations. He sold to the railroad the portion of the farm where his fathers body was buried with the agreement the railroad would move Isaac Hale to the cemetery before laying down track over the burial spot. Joseph Lewis recalled his childhood home where he lived with his father, Nathaniel Lewis, as our home and residence,Joseph and Hiel Lewis, Mormon History. 301. She soon began selecting the hymns to be sung in church meetings, working with W.W. Phelps to print some of them in 1832 in Church newspapers at a time when male clergy typically assumed responsibility for hymn selection. One of the key elements of this style of preaching was a belief in direct answer to prayer. Since the Lewis family, as were many Methodists, had been early promoters of temperance, but did not condemn tobacco use, the artifact pattern more likely reflects their use of the site as a Methodist meeting house than a public house. Included in this list but not in the original directive was malt houses. Everyone in the valley assisted each other in their daily tasks during social events where this combination of work and play were known as frolics. Frolics were occasions for dancing, eating, and socializing while settlers raised barns, husked corn, quilted fabric, or other tasks usually completed as a community. Susquehanna Cheers 100 Years(Susquehanna, Penn. After the Hale family built their own mansion during the time of the Comfort conversions, the two families had a great deal in common. Despite a thorough search through the years of the islands in the vicinity, no one found Kidds silver. When the Lewis family arrived in Vermont, they settled in Wells Township. On June 13, 1840, Emma gave birth to a son, Don Carlos, named after his uncle Don Carlos Smith, Joseph's brother. The next day at the Sunday meeting on July 12, more than two thousand people came from as far as several counties away for the worship service. Joseph had come southwest from New York seeking employment in the Susquehanna Valley. See Julia A. A local historian argued wheat could grow well on high, south facing ground that was above the shade of southern mountains, Rhamanthus M. Stocker,Centennial History of Susquehanna County, Pennsylvania,(Philadelphia: R. T. Peck & Co., 1887), 179, but this ground was usually too steep and rocky to farm adequately. He indicated Jesse Hales household was involved in agriculture while Isaac Hales household was involved in commerce. His carefully drawn plans for each floor of the home and elevation sketches for the building exterior depicted two main rooms with a typical window arrangement of two at the front of each room separated by a front door on the main level and five windows on the upper level in a common pattern for the period usually described by scholars as an I-house and sometimes described popularly as, five, four, and a door. While the Pickering home included its stairway access at the rear, and had a third floor half-story level, because the Hale home rear was added later, it had the more common stairway pattern at the front of the home which divided two equal halves, and the 1857 rough sketch of the home depicts a two-story structure. John E. Goodrich,The State of Vermont Rolls of the Soldiers in the Revolutionary War, 17751783, (Rutland, Vermont: The Tuttle Company, 1904), 20809. Pickering negotiated the treaty of Canandaigua in 1794, and he served as the United States expert on Indian relations until he became Washingtons Secretary of State, a position Pickering held until disagreements with John Adams led to his dismissal on May 12, 1800. John Wesley, the founder of Methodism, had recently coined the phrase, cleanliness is next to Godliness, and his thinking clearly influenced Colbert who frequently used the word filthy in his journal to describe the cabins he saw, the people he met, and the meager food they shared.

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isaac hale father of emma smith