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I ask you to___________. So you need to seal your aura with the white and blue protective energy. So give your decrees with joy and gusto and know that when you call to Archangel Michael and his legions of angels, they will immediately be at your side. Shield. I said it might be Michael and I checked my pendulum later it said yes! I am declaring what I AM and transmuting what I am not all day long and soon then I will become what I think all day long that I AM OM Bliss Consciousness resting in all space one with my Bliss God! It cleansed and centered my spiritual energy (: Namaste. Thank you for response. If parents said money does not grow on trees we take that in as children and that operates inside us as a belief that directs our adult life till we clear that energy. The violet flame can alter, mitigate or entirely turn back prophecy. Its all energy. I hope you will know the joy of becoming one of the thousands of people all over the world who have transformed their lives with this miracle solventthe highest gift of God to the universe. Required fields are marked *. My pendulum is saying no to the invoker and yes to be an ascended master! I have no karma as Yoganandas has taken it all from me. Earth is a planet of violet fire, earth is the freedom that God desires. I was wondering if you had any advice. I felt that they knew more than I did. That means, it has the greatest ability to change matter at the atomic level.. You can add the violet flame to your daily prayers or meditations, whatever they are. I was in my home cleaning, as I moved to my kitchen and was busy cleaning I felt a presence and when I turned I saw a man sitting on a chair smiling at me. I will try some throat Chakra meditations and also see if they help. We value a raw, real, and down-to-earth approach to spirituality. We can treat illnesses with proper medical care, but spiritual energy also helps balance our physical, mental, and emotional health. I have been advised by a pychic that they (other realms) want me to write my book and she knew it was in 3 parts! Hello to everyone, I would like to share an experience I had a few years ago and hear your opinions. When it is not misqualified by the human sense of possessiveness, attachment or inordinate desire, it produces within the aura a billowing cloud of pink energy, denoting that the individual is infused with an awareness of God as love. So as we increase our frequency to these higher octaves it draws to us the negative force in creation till we become completely and permanently our true selves again and perfect and in control of all atomic energy then we wont need the protection but will be giving out the protection to others like St. Germain, Ascended Masters and Angels! My email is if you would like to connect! Your karma that is the record of and the penalty for sin. the gift of spiritual alchemy from Saint Germain. I think meditation would be positive for me, but I am really scared of opening up my mind and letting negative entities or energies in or around me. I am feeling extremely weak. What a wonderful letter, thank you. Then let go of the memory and let a bright white sun replace it in your mind's eye. I AM Presence, the Presence of God above you. He put a jar of silver in one hand. I had lost my job, but was in process to retrain and go back to school. A violet flame decree has the power to harness and focus spiritual energies. I would also ask in the dream are you from the Light? Now, Saint Germain reveals, As your soul travels out of the body at night to the etheric retreats for study, you are shown the filigree thread of light that emits from a heart chakra filled with mercys love. The violet flame, or light, is the color of freedom and has the quality of mercy. It feels like the muscles are all seizing up and tightening up inside the ribcage. In fact, simply repeating a violet-flame mantra anytime you feel tense, tired or irritated can make the difference. The violet flame remained a secret teaching in the spiritual or etheric retreats of the Great White Brotherhood until the twentieth century. Hi I signed up but have yet to receive an email from you Nikki, I just saw your email here. I stand up to you for I know what you are; you are a world of sub-human creations, a world of duality. So after another course I took ended I started reading the Pleiadian book in January and notice the reference and got curious enough to google it and the summit site plus others came up. So as we do the spiritual work and these spiritual tools but not yet in the perfected state our frequency energy increases in positive energy. We are also impacting the world by who we are and what we believe, what we are choosing to be, or not to be. I live in Florida. What happened may have taken longer to come to the surface for you to deal with if you had not done the VF decrees and connect to your I AM God Presence! I think you would enjoy learning more! When I do these decrees for an hour I do feel blissful tingly all over! Yes you may be quite vocal but are you vocal in the divine right way??? The consciousness of the people of earth is being reborn and the spiritual fires of freedom are blessing each one, each family, each nation and the world. The violet flame is also been used to protect our house and pets against the negative energies, and the results are fabulous. Try saying to your body when you have an ache You are nothing, you are nothing, stand down you have no power. For sure get things checked out but do not let your attention keep on the problem as energy flows where your attention goes and makes things worse! I did not bother to get it checked out as I have notice a lot of aches that come and then disappear. This is where violet flame healing can help. Keep in mind that when working with the violet flame, there are decrees (or mantras) which are repeated. Not only does it help with transmuting blocks into light, but it also acts as a source of strength, protection, and power. You have the capacity to draw enormous quantities of energy from your I AM Presence to stabilize conditions that might, for instance, be burdening others within your household. Im healing. I have entered into the 30 Day Violet Flame Challenge and I am feeling very happy to do so, all my life i have felt there was more meaning to life, now I feel i have found it. So great to hear from you. Every day I give my heartfelt thanks to Saint Germaine , ArchAngel Michael and the violet flame.for giving me tools to rise my vibration , rise above the darkness and help others. PK. I believe the Master, and violet ray which is an intelligent energy, were connecting with you in a powerful way. The ascended master called Saint Germain had released his teachings about the power of violet energy. I do feel loved and safe with this wonderful gift and know that I will eventually come to grips with this. This changed in September 2019 now there is a pleasant pressure there of my heart flame that was not there before this because it is growing and the decrees help me to bring my attention my my heart flame in my heart area every day. You can work out your violet-flame routine in communion with your Higher Self. help me! She chose a non-bender with a mysterious past and a strong connection to the . The reason is that our planet, society and culture are not perfectly pure. Do yes I had some stress but I personally thought I was relaxed. Heaven has a just in time delivery system. We face intense challenges so we are given the miracle of the violet flame to help us transmute the past and to create a new world. I AM the purity God desires!. Doing the Decrees is working your Throat Chakra so it may have just brought it up to the surface faster than if you did no decrees. Also do not judge appearances (ie this good and this bad) in this world because if you do you give them power to manifest more! Feeling lost, confused, or alone? The reason for this is that it creates the space necessary for healing any soul blockages we carry, and it makes use of two important tools: the healing properties of color and sound. This is the Violet Flame-a spiritual light that actually transmutes and consumes negative energy. I thank you and I accept it done this hour in full power, according to the will of God. Also called the Flame of Transmutation, the Flame of Mercy, the Flame of Freedom,and the Flame of Forgiveness,the violet flame is a sacred fire that transforms and purifies negative karma or blockages. What Is Your True Color Personality Type? Offenders will be incinerated with flames that reach 2,700 degrees Fahrenheit. Both mentioned the violet flame. Every human being uses energy and substance waking and sleeping. When I started the Challenge I asked my pendulum from scale of 1 to 10 where was my violet flame in being balance with 10 being the highest it was at 5 and the weakest plume being the blue power one. Now the book may have a 4th part with the violet flame! Paula. Every time you think of it, you are reinforcing this image. The burden alone that the elementals have carried for the lifestreams upon the planet is great. Violet Flame Meditation for Spiritual Transformation. From child to death we are all being imprinted by others and our environment as to what we belief. Every moment, we decide whether to put a positive or negative spin on it. I have had 3 experiences with St. Germain visiting me: while interiorized a being flew by or into my third eye area, while interiorized lying down for an hour doing decrees I heard inside me Thank You, and one time while meditating I saw a ethereal face come to me at my third eye. Others get spectacular results the first time they open their mouths. The violet flame, or light, is the color of freedom and has the quality of mercy. Since doing them I am now at 10 with all 3 plumes balance per my intuition using the pendulum. Give all your attention and affection to your Beloved I AM Presence and Your Three fold Flame in your Heart! I may have notice a few changes in others for the good doing these decrees. Allow for the Freedom to come to the elemental kingdom. I was guided to set up a Foundation for Higher Spiritual Learning in 2013 in Elmvale, Onwhere I AM Presence , Clare Prophet books are sold and classed are held the last 3 Tues. from 6:30 8:30 @ Be-Still Bridge of Light Bookstore, 6 Queen St. W. Elmvle, On 705-515-1000. Forgive yourself and move on. I live in the Tampa Bay area. The highly flammable phosphorus-based compounds have been found in human and animal faeces, but in tiny quantities. Sometimes it will be energy, feeling of peace or love entering us, or sound, or wisdom or inspiration, etc. Does Kuthumi teach that the aura is an extension of the self. Well there was a reason for the tightness in ribcage, and yes it was the decrees, and it has something to do with the Holy Spirit doing something to my lungs and also a very nice expansion in my heart chakra that I notice in September 2019. We have the free will to qualify Gods energy coming to us. I am so afraid of meditating and not being completely present and aware, allowing my mind to be open and vulnerable to this. We are usually aware when we are in the presence of someone who is holy, and often we have a warning when we are in the presence of someone who is dangerous. Aletheia is a prolific psychospiritual writer, author, educator, and guide whose work has touched the lives of millions worldwide. Or people might begin shouting at one another, causing jagged lines of force to come forth from the throat chakra. You don't have to worry if you are just beginning to practice the violet flame of St. Germain meditation. We respect all Whadjuk Elders both past and present, and any First Nations people. with love and memories, Paula. I then visualized it reuniting with my physical body. Welcome! Be grateful that you are here and that you have the opportunity to erase those records with the violet flame. I was enjoying my morning decrees. We dont have Gods kingdom on earth as yet. The best thing out of that mess , was finally finding a helpful doctor. If everything is made up of energy vibrating at different frequencies, then each color carries its own wavelength and specific properties. I instead turned to natural solutions with Doterra Essential Oils and Max Glutathione supplements plus a candida diet for a year. The use of this spiritual energy is taught by the Ascended Master Saint Germain. We can make the crucial difference in world events. When youre familiar with the flame decree, you may close your eyes and envision the violet flame. excellent post, very informative. This post may contain affiliate links. For example, any time we lose our temper, get annoyed, or spend our time judging others, we are negatively qualifying that energy. The violet flame is the seventh-ray of the fire of God, and. I was a little stressed, but I didnt think it was anything unusual. If you have found any comfort, support or guidance in our work, please consider donating: document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); I'd like to receive your latest weekly newsletter! The Violet Flame is one of the causes behind the science of miracles, a universal solvent of heavenly alchemy, and a special spiritual solution for our time. Menial chores are performed by violet-flame angels and elementals, which allows the people time to pursue the path of . So by removing calcified emotional debris and other substances, the violet flame may allow our bodies to reconnect with their natural healing mechanism. The Violet Flame is a miraculous spiritual energy. Or you may just have the impression that you were in a particular time or place. The trembling voice was not the same person who was in the room with me. It is the coalesced spiritual energy of love, mercy, justice, freedom and transmutation. But there is a different power that comes as you gradually increase the speed and raise the pitch of the decree. He explains that the interference with the aura in its natural, pure state by the mortal consciousness and by the misqualification of light creates negative colorations. One of the best times to give your decrees is in the early morning. I thought I have time to learn to meditate and do VF decrees. We can affirm that heavenly kingdom through our work with the violet flame. Rubidium chloride, rubidium hydroxide, and rubidium iodide are water soluble. Now that your physical energy and conscious awareness are centered, you will begin transforming this white light into a violet flame. Have any thoughts to share? Blessings! As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases, this means whenever you buy a book on Amazon from a link on this website, we receive a small percentage of its price at no extra cost to you. World events and changes appear to be are happening at lightning speed. Let me know if you would like to talk or email each other. Saint Germain is spoken of in the Book of Revelation as the voice of the Seventh Angel that is teaching our souls to come up higher. You saw with your two eyes or third eye the violet flame energy go into your third eye while meditating??? Be Empowered. Receive a daily email with inspiring quotes from the masters and archangels of the seventh ray! Violet light in the aura, then, denotes that the soul is free to commune with God. As a survivor of fundamentalist religious abuse, her mission is to help others find love, strength, and inner light in even the darkest places. It corresponds to the high frequency of violet light and those who have open spiritual sight have seen it as a beautiful violet aura or flame. Here is a preamble that you can use and add to: In the name of the beloved mighty victorious Presence of God, I AM in me, and my very own beloved Holy Christ Self, I call to beloved Saint Germain and the angels of the seventh ray. Violet flame is an absolut must do for each an everyone. Violet is also the color of the seventh ray which is a concept that has appeared in several religions and esoteric philosophies. Once your problem has been dissolved by the violet flame, you can begin closing your meditation session. For eighty years, Saint Germain and the Masters have been preparing the world to enter into the Age of Aquarius, the spiritual era when peace, enlightenment and freedom become more possible. Our mental, emotional, and spiritual states significantly affect our health. If you try any of the Save the World with Violet Flame! The violet fire can erase bad karma and alter the cause and effects of our past mistakes. Thank you, I am so glad my team of spirit guides, and guardian angels, etc, helped steer me to find this page. Call to Archangel Michael for your spiritual protection before you give the Violet Flame decrees. Thank you for your wonderful letter and heart. My experience is so wonderful. Paula. It also contains Adamantine Particles of Love/Light which are offered as a gift, a Divine dispensation; however, they must be activated by the frequencies of a loving, compassionate heart. And what is the scoop on how to actually use it to transform our lives, clean up our negative karma . If the records are painfuland they usually are because your soul is crying out for resolutionyou may feel sadness or regret. He appeared to Guy Ballard, known as the author Godfre Ray King, in the 1930s and gave the initial teaching of how to accelerate your spiritual path with the violet transmuting flame and I AM affirmations. Color has been known for centuries as a powerful tool to prepare our states of mind, change our moods, emotions, and feelings. He forgot the heart of God inside our heart chakra the violet flame as another altar but instead being a Bhakti Yogi of highest degree He used his devotion influence and guidance and love for Divine Mother to help us activate this divine love in our hearts. "I AM a being a violet fire" - that means it is the nature of our being! The Violet Flame Is the Flame of Forgiveness and Mercy. Make sure to sit in a comfortable chair, with an upright head, a straight back, and with your feet flat on the floor. Beautiful souls of love, peace, charity, wisdom and compassion. One step begins the trek of a thousand miles. The only true power anyone has is the spiritual power from their divine source. When you become aware of it, the karma (positive and negative) of that life comes to the surface. Having followed the masters and using the violet flame for many years, I can tell you without equivocation it is miraculous. Great question. I went to see my dentist who is very Holistic. I was doing decrees all of them and visualization of balancing my chakras. If you still have fear you need to do the violet flame a lot! They are only too happy to help us clean up both our auras and the planet with the violet flame. There is always this force of the negative energy being attracted to the positive energy to bring it down is one way to look at it or another way is that the negative energy wants our positive energy and will steal if from us if we do not have the protection of the invisible saints and angels beyond finite creation. Denise Kane 61 Paperback 13 offers from $3.27 Editorial Reviews About the Author Elizabeth Clare Prophet is a world-renowned author, spiritual teacher, and pioneer in practical spirituality.

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