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Too many churches judge them for who and what they are instead of trying to help them. Celebrate Recoverys 12-steps, are AAs 12-steps, but with a biblical comparison to each one. The ouija board got moving in earnest. This is also used in such other passages like: 1 Peter 5:8Be sober-minded and alert. These were also women who professed His Name, one even ironically being from Saddleback. My grandfather passed before I was born, so while I did not know him, I was told he was an alcoholic and was involved in AA. Eventually Baker considered himself a functioning alcoholic, turning his back on God and separating from his wife. Through much prayer, and acquiring the Fathers will, the Spirit instructed me when I needed to go back, to finish what He had begun in me. Thanks for sharing brother. With Gods help, he showed again and again that those cycles can be broken, he said. Contrary to what people think, this program is not only for people with alcohol and drug addictions. How should a Christian view alcoholics? Thanks for your post. Leviticus 19:31Regard not them that have familiar spirits, neither seek after wizards, to be defiled by them: I am the LORD(YHWH) your God. BE SOBER-MINDED. The Birthright: Salvation and the Role of the Firstborn, Christmas Unwrapped: Why I No Longer Celebrate Christmas, The Deception of the New Age Awakening through DNA, Why I No longer Vaccinate: A Veterans Story. $5.16 shipping. We have also been to Indonesia twice . This is a dangerous form of denial. There are many who have either themselves or known someone to have gone through AA, NA, Alanon, etc. It can come as a shock to many individuals to discover that the good times can also be a test as well. This is a good read and that is what God has laid in my heart over the years of my addiction and recovery. If you chose to eat ten candy bars every day and to never brush your teeth, they would start rotting out. In fact, there are many programs and practices that may appear to be beneficial to the mind and body, yet when we test those practices against the word of God, they are proven to be false. It is a tactic of the enemy within the thoughts of men to say well, how can this be bad, if I have seen good in it. Because even darkness can appear as something good, that is why Eve took a bite of the forbidden fruit. Action its keyword. Who am I? It is based on the actual words of Jesus rather than psychological theory. We all have issues that may be interfering with our fellowship . Or what agreement has the temple of God with idols? Go and see for yourself. Ebony, thank you for taking the time to share that with me. Then, the seemingly virtuous entities would elbow them out with messages of comfort, information, adviceand sometimes just sheer nonsense.. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.. Manny blessings, and I will be praying for you! The magnificent reality. Those who profess to be a believer in Jesus/Yeshua should repent of any and all involvement, and get rid of any material associated, to include: books, chips, manuals, etc. The Bible tells us to hate sin and evil, to cut it out of our life. If so, then I challenge you to put your emotions aside from the program, and dig into the Word. Importance of an open mind. His whole purpose of me going there was to gain insight into these areas, help those who He placed across my path, and then expose and confront the lies of it. A new state of consciousness and being is received as a free gift. When we have the fear of the Lord, we fear less of how others might react, and more on doing what is right before Him. (Acts 17:30) At such time we can no longer claim ignorance and will be held accountable to such. I did not continue on with AA, and I am thankful for that. You often find this within eastern religions and practices such as yoga and achieving a higher self or Christ-consciousness. By working and applying these Biblical principles, we begin to grow spiritually. Step 12, not only speaks of New Age enlightenment, but blasphemes the true free gift, that of salvation, as well as the responsibility for a believer to share and take the gospel message to all, not the AA message. (KJV), Deuteronomy 18:10There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch, 11Or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer. The program seems to tip-toe around sin and evil instead of calling it out as such. What partnership have righteousness and lawlessness, or what fellowship has light with darkness? I admit that I am powerless to control my tendency to do the wrong thing, and my life is unmanageable. a sermon that goes along with our Celebrate recovery ministry, covering the different steps. Mental obsession plus physical allergy. Modesty of the HeartWhere is your Treasure? Ive seen Gods fruit in AA and CR as anything Good comes from God. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. If you are a Christian in recovery and currently attending a twelve step program whether it be Alcoholics Anonymous, Celebrate Recovery, Hunger for Healing or any of the other assortment of spin off programs, please take the time to consider the following information. They are drunk, but not with wine; They stagger, but not with intoxicating drink. We all need to be encouraged from time to time, and I am thankful that this has helped you to be able to make some difficult decisions. Both founders, Bill Wilson, and Bob Smith were heavily involved in practicing necromancy, performing seances, using the Ouija board, seeking spirits, and allowing a practice in the occult called automatic writing. It is basically peddling the same lie that Satan spoke in the garden, in that both Adam and Eve would achieve knowledge apart from the wisdom of God. I began slowly and shared about the woman Yah first had me sponsor, and I recited Acts 2:38, and I went through the 10 Commandments, and what sin is, and what repentance is. Baker is survived by his wife and Celebrate Recovery cofounder, Cheryl; children Johnny and Jeni Baker and Laura and Brian Gibney; and their grandchildren. When Jesus stated, By their fruit you will know them, (Mat 7:16) He was speaking about wolves who appear to be good through what they do, and what they teach, yet are false. This is why it is so important to know who we are listening to when it comes to worship music, and where that music is originating from. Whether the battle is with addiction, physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, consequences of bad choices, or any specific mental health issues, Celebrate Recovery saves lives. Theyre always there to help somebody if theyre struggling. Whatever works to get them there or even the ones affected. Worrying about the past and dreading the future makes us unable to live and enjoy God's plans for us in the present. While also providing a witness and a rebuke to the women leaders or the womens group, as it was preaching different gospel, and a different Jesus/Yeshua.. St Boniface Church-Franciscans. I told her, I know, but it has nothing to do with with you telling me, but rather it was already the Fathers will for me not to come back after this. Some people understand what weve been through and some do not. apearlinthevineyard.com, 2018. If God can work through the mouth of a mule he can work through anyone he chooses. 3. It isnt just the impact he had on individual lives but on all of those who loved those who decided to walk into a Celebrate Recovery meeting.. Download Celebrate Recovery and enjoy it on your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. Is Celebrate Recovery a biblical program? There is a good, acceptable and perfect will of God. Too many pastors use an academic model in which they simply lecture their congregations. After I spoke, the atmosphere was so thick, you could have cut it with a knife. Readiness to receive free gift lies in practice of Twelve Steps. Anxiety causes us to waste precious energy dealing with past hurts hiding stuff and fear of being found inept kept me from present Hiding kept me Change can only happen in the present . According to the Scriptures Alcoholism is defined as drunkeness, so if you profess to be an alcoholic, or once an alcoholic, always an alcoholic, then you are stating to be a perpetual drunkard. The ministry, started at Saddleback Church in the 1990s, announced the news of his death Tuesday (Feb. 23) on social media. Or what harmony has Christ with Belial, or what has a believer in common with an unbeliever? Roughly in 2014, I was going through some books in our bookshelf, and my eyes came upon the Big Book (Alcoholics Anonymous), and an Alateen book that I had for quite a long time. My faith was empowered, as I knew it was my time to speak His Words. (1) The Bible declares that drunkenness is a sin but those in Recovery believe it to be a disease. I know several people who were addicts and now can occasionally partake in rare occasions because they no longer want the life they had before . So, I was immediately led to Acts 2:38, and the Spirit had me to start at repentance. All things including our evil ways will work to the glory of God somehow, and that is something I do and must believe in my journey. I decided to leave after that, and not attend the meeting, and I didnt come back for a couple weeks. 1 Peter 1:13Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ;14As obedient children, not fashioning yourselves according to the former lusts in your ignorance:15But as he which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation;16Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy. We have all been lied to or deceived on some level or another, however once we know the truth, we are held accountable and can no longer hide under the mercy of the Father while we were in ignorance. It was designed as a program to help those struggling with hurts, habits and hang-ups . I agree with much of what you say about the spiritual aspects of AA. Jun 12, 2015 - Explore Raquel Aguillon's board "Celebrate Recovery ", followed by 229 people on Pinterest. CR is for anyone with a hurt, habit or a hang up. (2 Cor 11:4-13), No where in the Bible does it say to go through a 12 step program to recovery, starting off with Accepting a Higher Power, but rather: Repent, be baptized for the remission of sins(Acts 2:38) and You shall have NO other gods before Me(Ex. Baker went on to study at Golden Gate Baptist Seminary and serve at Saddleback as volunteer, staff member, pastor, and elder as Celebrate Recovery grew across denominations and ministry networks. Jesus said He came to bring a sword, not peace (Mat 10:34), this means that truth will divide, and the outcome may not be peaceful because of offense. I am going to go through these areas, and will be sharing what I have learned, what I have personally gone through, and what the Lord, or YHWH, has shown me, through the guidance of His Spirit. Hi Kellie, This is the very definition of deception, to appear one way, but with the intention to do another. Your email address will not be published. In other ways I know both programs have brought people into their recovery process and even drawn them to Jesus. Structured as an ongoing 52-week program, The Landing aims to help hurting teenagers get closer to Jesus as they learn key principles based on the Beatitudes to live a . Staff was great, attentive to our needs and" more. Are these 12 steps in alignment with the Scriptures? This is the antichrist, who denies the Father and the Son. Having said that, this review (completed largely with the help of Matthew Mumma) will demonstrate that CR contains two major problems: (1) Though claiming to be biblically based, its teachings are often constructed from a misuse of Scripture and an erroneous hermeneutic. We are all broken and in need of a Saviour; my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ,. Like you mentioned, allowing God to guide you away from false teachings. (KJV), 1 John 2:22Who is the liar, if it is not the one who denies that Jesus is the Christ? As above, I will be going through steps 1-3, and 12, and directly quoted from CR website: 1 ) We admitted we were powerless over our addictions and compulsive behaviors, that our lives had become unmanageable. Happy are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted. I am praying for God to show me what he wants me to do. I understand that people, even those like myself, have been helped through these programs, however, the ultimate purpose of these programs are to lead people to dependency on the program itself, which is why in the 12th step of the AA program it teaches to: 12) Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to alcoholics, and to practice these principles in all our affairs. Joy of living is the theme of the Twelfth Step. Celebrating each milestone is encouraged, as long as you can find safe celebration activities! Perhaps, in learning these truths, God might want you to share this with others; and yes, while you are correct, it might, and probably will offend. I warn you, as I did before, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God. (KJV), John 10:7Then said Jesus unto them again, Verily, verily, I say unto you, I am the door of the sheep. Giving that asks no reward. Action its keyword. AA/NA holds people in bondage, making them think they are free. Strongs Concordance Lost faith found in A.A. 3 ; Recognize that Im not God. This very much includes programs like AA/CR which do not have a grounding in the Bible at all. C. C.R. Recovery signals a dramatic shift in the expectation for positive outcomes for individuals who experience mental and substance use conditions or the co-occurring of the two. Thirty years ago John Baker turned the ruins of his life over to Jesus Christ and God transformed him from a driven businessman with an addiction to alcohol, a failing marriage, and alienated children to a Christ-follower with a passion to help others with their hurts, habits, and hang-ups through the principles of recovery, wrote Kay Warren, cofounder of Saddleback Church and a mental health advocate. This is evident as you compare each step with the scriptures. III. Romantic relationships can be a great source of happiness in sobriety, but they can also be the source of great pain. 10The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.(KJV). Life's problems can be stumbling blocks or stepping stones. 10h 30m. Subscribe to CT His whole purpose of me going there was to gain insight into these areas, help those who He placed across my path, and then expose and confront the lies of it. In Celebrate Recovery, the levels of recovery are far worse. It becomes an addiction because the flesh craves it. We cannot trust our experiences and how we feel as a sole measure of something to be good. However, you can pat yourself on the back for making it . So, now what about the 12 steps? John Baker continues to be the primary author of The Celebrate Recovery curriculum and materials (quoted from Wikipedia). He delivered me completely of alcohol, and a great many of other things. I know, for me, it wasn't hard to recite the 12 steps in solidarity at a . Thank you for sharing. Our staff is up-to-date and knowledgeable, and we are standing by to help you on your road to recovery. I know that nothing good lives in me, that is, in my sinful nature. Some Celebrate Recovery groups offer childcare, Celebration Place for kids and The Landing for youth. A perpetual drunkard, is being in perpetual sin, and those who do so, do not inherit the Kingdom. So, I dont think we really have differing views on this, as you can be led into a church, program or group to share the truth of Gods Word, without necessarily being a partaker in it. Subscribers receive full access to the archives. The magnificent reality. It is for anyone who has a "hurt, hang-up, or habit" within the community at large or our own church body - not restricted to only people struggling with an addiction. What partnership have righteousness and lawlessness, or what fellowship has light with darkness? 2 Cor 11:13For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. It is so deceptive and the transforming supernatural power of the Holy Spirit is not acknowledged but rather working on the 12 steps and how the steps helps us get out of our hurts, habits, and hang ups. Yes, God can and does help people through the church and power of the Holy Spirit with repentance. Celebrate Recovery has been a great program for me as well as thousands of others that need the love and support of others. I take comfort in the thought that as John enters the presence of his Lord, he will hear the words, Great, Johnyou did it!. Recovery is not a straight road or an easy fix. However, what is the true motive of this program, what is it's foundation, and is it suitable for those who profess to be walking with Messiah? I believe that God has put me there for some reason so Im waiting on Him right now. I also, have experienced Gods grace and mercy through the Holy Spirit through some churches I have encountered that was amazing. The actual definition given to Sober-minded means to abstain from wine. It was still a deep tissue massage, which helped me to relax, and relive my sore muscles, however, I was engaging in a practice that is contrary to biblical practices. However, we are commanded within the Scriptures to Hold fast to sound doctrine(2 Tim 1:13) and Test all things, holding on to what is good(1 Thes 5:21). Galatians 6:1. 20:2). I love hearing peoples stories and the work God has done through the cross and his saving grace in others lives. Roadblocks of indifference and prejudice. What does the Bible say about drunkards? He shares in his testimony that he grew up a believer in a Baptist church but struggled with feelings of unworthiness. I agree with what you are saying, in that we can lead those who are seeking, out of the dangers of AA. What an amazing God. So far this year we have raised over $20,000.00 for missions. Today, when individuals with mental and/or substance use disorders seek help, they are met with the knowledge and belief that anyone can recover and/or manage their conditions successfully. Love that has no price tag. I choose to stand on the word regardless who believes or not. In some ways I understand and even believe what you say. I know it would offend the people in the program if I were to discount or question it or say my discomfort. It is mixing the Holy, and the profane. Email vriggins@graceclarksville.com. Also, during this time, I was able to minister to quite a few women, and also became a sponsor. They'll say, "I don't know anybody that doesn't need recovery" where I often chimed in, "I don't know anyone who doesn't need Jesus." However, what is the true motive of this program, what is its foundation, and is it suitable for those who profess to be walking with Messiah? God is good, all the time. Through the prompting of the Holy Spirit, I was told to throw them away. And I believe that somewhere in their journey and even the ones affected from their addiction that they hit a rock bottom. I did not fully know why at that time, but I just did as the Spirit told me to do. See more ideas about celebrate recovery, recovery, recovery quotes. We admitted we were powerless over alcoholthat our lives had become unmanageable.Who cares to admit complete defeat? Celebrate Recovery gives the support and love that so many churches fail at. Why do we need 12 steps when the only step our Saviour has told us to do is repent and turn away from sin/evil. Yeshua is still in the healing and deliverance ministry. This was actually the point of my blog post. 22 Seriously Inspiring Quotes About Sobriety From Celebs Like Demi Lovato & Bradley Cooper. I was also told that alcoholism is a disease, and that once an alcoholic, always an alcoholic. Once you know better, you do better. I believe sin is a sicknesses. 15Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works. 23No one who denies the Son can have the Father; whoever confesses the Son has the Father as well. There did not come a time when there was an exception for drunkenness. 3525 nph properly, to be sober (not drunk), not intoxicated; (figuratively) free from illusion, i.e. (Heb 10:26) God has grace and mercy for us when we are being led in ignorance, yet we are held to a higher standard when the truth of a matter is presented to us. 3) We made a decision to turn our lives and our wills over to the care of God. The loss of a sense of brotherhood and the loss of being part of something important and bigger than myself can lead to feelings of frustration, isolation, emptiness, boredom, anger, or loneliness. Willingness is the key. 60 Kearney Dr Ajax, Ontario, L1T 4N2 Next, I moved on to being baptized, which both my husband and I were able to actually do for her. I would like to serve Him some other way, in another ministry. A. 2. Category: Group Celebrate Recovery. These first three steps of the 12, undermine the gospel, and allow an individual to accept whatever higher power they choose. He wrote out a vision for what would become Celebrate Recoverys own version of the 12 steps, each one paired with a teaching from Scripture, and shared it with Rick Warren back in 1991. It will just be painful, like ripping into old wounds that Jesus has already healed. Dr. Clint Archer is a pastor of many years whose international ministry has taken him to 22 different countries so far. Both were heavily involved in the occult, and many of the practices that were endorsed in Oxford Group, continued on with the establishment of AA. The last thing I want to do is delve deeper into my issues/motivations/whatever. This is what brings us to our Lord. Giving that asks no reward. He wanted to also save lives, now. They meet at Family Life Church on Monday nights at . I sat to the left of the CR group leader, which would mean that I would be the first to speak. And Sobriety in any sense is not just for the addict but also for the many afflicted by the addict, such as the one that died in an accident. This program is not something that you complete and then all of sudden, Hey, Im better. No person has the same journey and everyone has something to recover from. Im going through something similar at my job. The atmosphere had changed, and I could sense the Spirit strong with me, and guided my every step. The one woman though, who had praised Jesus, wanted me to stay and chat with her for a little while. Step Two is a rallying point to sanity. Every meeting, except my last, I was always led to open my Word and read directly from it. At Southside Baptist Church, the purpose of our Celebrate Recovery program is to both fellowship and celebrate God's healing power in our lives through 12 Steps and 8 Recovery Principles. John touched more people with the healing power and grace of Jesus Christ than anyone else that I have ever known personally and one of those lives was mine, wrote Celebrate Recoverys national director and national training coach Mac and Mary Owen. He has taught the Bible and preached in places as varied as Russia, Northern Ireland, Bhutan, and Egypt. Get our Question of the Week delivered right to your inbox! As you can probably imaginethings did not go well for me after that. As they had all turned their backs on Yeshua/Jesus and His Word, they then had no problem turning their back on me. They know that it worked for them, and thats the greatest story they have.. 36If thy whole body therefore be full of light, having no part dark, the whole shall be full of light, as when the bright shining of a candle doth give thee light. And He came to set the captives free! Please check directly with each church to find out if they are running during Covid-19. Plight of the disillusioned. The Celebrate Recovery Bible has been designed to work with the resources developed and tested in the national and international ministry of Celebrate Recovery. Promote your Celebrate Recovery Chapter with a Full Color Vinyl Banner! 12) Having had a spiritual experience as the result of these steps, we try to carry this message to others and practice these principles in all our affairs.

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