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Plant project studies allow us to learn about plant biology and potential usage for plants in other fields such as medicine, agriculture, and biotechnology. The stages of embryonic development. At this point, all apparatus should have been properly set-up and the experimentations should be able to commence. HL Psychology or HL History? Below you will find science fair project ideas primarily related to biology. 1 Department of Food Chemistry,Faculty of Pharmacy, Mahidol University 2 Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Pharmacy, Mahidol University Abstract Recent trends show that consumers have been searching for functional foods to improve bodily functions and overall health. Natural selection - lab bench Which type of water fleas escape predators best? This can become interesting because you can test how different conditions affect milks spoilage, Experimental setup:In this experiment, you can compare milk spoilage. Your Research Question and the Aim of the Investigation are separate sub-headings with different implications. In line with the IB Learner Profile, "Act with integrity and honesty". By Background, IB expects you to briefly explain what encouraged you to choose a particular topic and hopefully a personal story that validates your choice and engagement. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Lots of plant ideas in the questions and answers,, Mean arterial pressure calculator online -, Sciencelab Chemical data sheets MSDS (Materials Safety data sheets). Kimchi is a traditional fermented cabbage dish from Korea. This investigation is a bit biochemical and the answer to simple research questions about the hydrophobic / hydrophyllic properties of photosynthetic pigments themselves would be a little bit obvious, so the challenge is to thing of a research question that could be answered by mixing petroleum ether (a nonpolar solvent) and propanone (a polar solvent) in different proportions and calculating retention factors. The procedure used should be well structured. Copyright 2023 Get the grade you deserve. One idea would be to make a series of soils using active compost and sand. to inspire and stimulate your grey cells! . Bananas lend themselves to this because their skin changes colour. Use the epidemiological data to measure rates of change. Measuring theses factors might be tricky and will involve some testing, although using a phone camera or a video camera could help. Narrow down the subject. Investigating muscle activity involved when standing on ones toes(Ballet dancers). When it comes to selecting from several IB Biology IA ideas for your investigation, it is essential to note that your IA would either require you to: Either way, you have to connect to your topic and portray personal engagement as it lays the foundation for the rest of your investigation. (1 More IB Past Papers). Hurry, this offer ends on January 17th! To help you find your own topic among interesting biology research topics, we prepared some useful tips to follow. Look no further; at Nail IB, we have assembled premium content for you to ace your IBs, and you might want to check out our resources for a smooth IB experience. At lower pH levels of 4.0 - 5.0, lactic acid bacteria can grow and pro- duce lactic acid. Check out some Physics IA ideas here!11, What is the effect of the salt concentration on germination of different types of seeds? If the algae is green, then the maxima should be over in . The analysis of the results and the design of the method is another place where PE can be demonstrated, try to take the standard lab and adapt it so show something which is not 'standard'. it might even be possible to use mesocosms to perform this investigation as these would make it easier to control more of the other variables. Click here to reset it. SIENE IA UIDE 8 23. How do different concentrations of lactases affect the breakdown of disaccharides like lactose in milk effectively? How does extract of the seeds and the leaves of the moringa plant (herbal medicine) show antifungal activity against the Malassezia yeast (Pittosporum) fungi that causes dandruff? Toothpaste is labelled according to how natural or how chemical the contents are. IB Biology IA, Hydrolysis of starch using enzyme amylase 1st Method (SL) using white tile and stop watch How changing Temp/Salt conc Even though many of these topics led to high scores for some of our graduates in the past, it is important that you listen to the advice of your subject teacher before choosing any topic! Student work is internally assessed by the teacher and externally moderated by the IB. This could be a difficult investigation to do quantitatively unless there was a longer time period available to observe growth. One idea would be to make a series of soils using active compost and sand. Investigating how tuberculosis's Incidence is related to a countrys Human Development Index(HDI) level. As the cell membrane disintegrates, alcohol can then enter the cell and . 10, Can we slow down the decaying times of vegetables? Dependent Variable: Degree of growth of plant towards a light source. To measure the rate, you can either measure how quickly different species grow, or one of the other factors described below. IA Overview. 20, Testing the effectiveness of different types of toothpaste in inhibiting the growth of different types of bacteria., 21, The effect of temperature / light on fruit ripening, 22, Exploring stomatal density in a variety of conditions, 23, Testing the effectiveness of toothpaste types, 24, Investigating the effect of smoke water on the germination and growth of E.pilularis, 25, Exploring the effect of sunlight on biomass, 26, Exploring effect of light levels on the predation of the peppered moth, 27, Investigating the effect of different light intensities on water weeds. If there are any ethical implications to your report, how do you plan on minimizing the environmental impact of your experiment?. The performance in internal assessment at both SL and HL is marked against common assessment criteria, with a total mark out of 24. To what extent does the mass of sodium nitrate powder have an effect on the quality of beef as a preservative. The work produced by students is assessed internally by the teacher first, and it is then moderated externally by the IB. Testing global warming: How does CO2, water vapour, oxygen, or any other variable affect temperature inside a cutoff bottle exposed to simulated sunlight? Well, you can try to model bacteria growth, cell division. Or find the correlation between the height of one's parents and their own height, then make predictions based on your findings. newsletters and promotional offers. We hope this article will serve as a foundation for you to get going on that IB Biology IA Investigation of yours! Reference to Course: Molecular Biology(Enzymes). Exploring root hair cells and finding their visibility with age. Don't do it! There are plenty of factors to control which makes this investigation difficult and if there isn't enough data or the controls are not in place this could lead to a low mark after much work. The bacteria-infected mice were given PPEF, BPVF, levofloxacin, and ciprofloxacin at different doses (10 and 20 mg/kg bw) by dissolving in sterile water as a vehicle at a volume of 0.1 mL using a . The challenge is to explain why there might be a change using biology and then to test it using some type of ecological sampling. The biological explanation of why blood pressure might change when reading may be tenuous. How does the acidity of different beverages affect the deterioration of tooth enamel? A quart-sized bowl works great. , its objectives, partwise breakdown, and what IB expects of you. Brian and also Louis G. Nickell and Alexander C. Finlay in the Journal of agricultural and Food chemistry, 2015. Lawrence Kok Sofia, Pancharevo, Bulgaria IB Science Teacher at Anglo American School of Sofia, AAS. The milk that they are added to can be preserved in certain ways before the bacteria is added and the growth A clear RQ is essential and there are quite a few possibilities. A challenge is to work out the biological reasons behind you hypothesis, and it may be a good idea to branch away from toothpaste to test a specific chemical from the ingredients in the toothpaste. While having multiple trials is necessary for the investigation, each trial should also have multiple samples. Before we go looking for IB Biology IA ideas, lets get a clear comprehension of the. Where do you even begin such a task? Luckily, theres so many great topics to choose from, and we've asked some of our top team to note down some topics that might inspire your own incredible research! The task will have the same assessment criteria for SL and HL. Before we go looking for IB Biology IA ideas, lets get a clear comprehension of the IB Biology Diploma Programme Subject, its objectives, partwise breakdown, and what IB expects of you. tillu22. The Aim answers Why while the Research Question answers the What. The internal assessment requirements are the same for biology, chemistry and physics. Plot this data with A on the Y-Axis and wavelength in nm on the X-axis. How do the factors temperature and light intensity that affect photosynthesis balance out each other when it comes to the time taken for photosynthesis to occur? Registration confirmation will be emailed to you. Writing the IA Your introduction is about summarizing what you are doing and why you are doing it. IB HL Biology IA Proposal - The effect of lactase on various percentages of milk The digestive - Studocu the effect of lactase on various percentages of milk the digestive enzyme lactase breaks down sugar in milk called lactose, in order to produce glucose. You. It is quite easy to record the number of individual plants / animals of a single species in a river at different distances above and below a possible source of pollution. What are you waiting for? Go through several IA ideas to understand what all topics are in sync with the IB Biology curriculum and if something grabs your attention, hold on to it! The five assessment criteria are personal engagement, exploration, analysis, evaluation and communication. Can the max performance be measured best using max heart rate or maximum speed? Then use agar plates and bacteria to test their effectiveness by seeing how many bacteria grow in the different plates! With all the necessary information at your disposal, it is time to present before you some amazing IB Biology IA ideas to encourage you to put your thinking caps on and take on the challenge with newfound zeal! There are also many factors to consider in the type of reaction speed test that is used and there are also problems associated with the learning of the skill during the experiment. Comparing the buffering actions of various substances: antacids, milk, sodium bicarbonate, sodium carbonate, detergents, etc. The internal assessment requirements are the same for biology, chemistry and physics. There are some online simulations but these can only be used in conjunction with some other analysis; never just present the online lab as an investigation on it's own. This study could be an investigation of how effectively the toothpaste inhibits the growth of bacteria according to the scale of the chemicals in the toothbrush. Before you can grow bacteria, you'll need to prepare sterile culture dishes. Independent, Dependent variables need to be highlighted, as should the hypothesis. Plants also play a significant role in the environment by influencing climate and producing life-giving oxygen. Still feeling a bit uneasy about the task ahead? Report. It is very easy to extract DNA at home just using everyday kitchen supplies. and uncertainties. Perform the relevant analysis, keeping in mind the research question, and conclude. Avoid any investigation where you are getting friends to drink Gatorade and measuring some unrelated but easy to measure factor, like pulse rate. Download our 2022 Biology IA Guide (Checklist) to help write the perfect Internal Assessment. Use a clean, microwave-safe container to mix the agar with water and then boil it. Teens can work to find out why certain plants present certain colors. We hope our list of Internal Assessment Ideas was useful. are the criteria against which the investigation is assessed. How do natural antiseptics (ginger and turmeric) compare with commercial antiseptics in the inhibition of growth of e. coli bacteria? This investigation tries to establish a pattern between the weather and the spread of a disease. Here are a couple of other ideas you could browse and eventually take inspiration from: We hope these little ideas will help you brainstorm and explore further in the vast yet intriguing expanse, which is Biology. Paper 2 contains short-answer and extended-response questions on the core (and Additional Higher Level (AHL) material . First is to ensure that there is some biology to explain any hypothesis, and that the RQ is firmly focused in the Biology. Download our Guide: How to Write a Perfect Biology IA (Click Here), If youre interested in getting additional support for your Biology IA, we have a team of expert IB Biology tutors that can help you plan, structure and execute your assignment. Without further adieu, lets dive headfirst into, (Metabolism, Cell Respiration, Photosynthesis), Want some A-quality guidance? They cause our teeth to rot, shaping plaque and causing awful breath. The focus is on the parts of the cell and the interaction of the cytoplasm and the membrane as the topic ideas below show: The Pros And Cons Of The Cytoskeleton System Through The Lens Of Cell Motility. Challenges: Providing biological context for why youre measuring certain factors. 9, Do our reaction times slow down with age? The effect of techniques used to preserve milk on its ability to support the growth of probiotic bacteria. . One option might be to test the chemicals on small aquatic plants, or germinating seedlings, but there are challenges to overcome here too. Independent Variable:Temperature, Oxygen availability. The external assessment of biology consists of three written papers. An important thing to note here is that although you are allowed to take inspiration from existing research, papers/journals, you are expected to give a novel perspective to the idea while producing it in your investigation. Challenges: Being consistent in assessing the fruit ripeness. Alcohol is a common active ingredient in many of the commercial mouth washes. Enter your email and tell us where to send them! Is it possible to increase brainpower? Your data shall be kept until you unsubscribe. The following examples are not unethical, but just not very good, because the data is rarely enough for a good analysis and difficult to control. legislation, you have rights in relation to your data. 15, Analysing the impact of river pollution on marine life. At Lanterna we have hundreds of tutors who smashed Biology. Do individuals of different types all behave in the same way to a stimulus. This is an investigation to test a hypothesis that reaction time wll slow down with age. Another difficulty will be to devise a way to measure the extent of fruit ripening, or softness. compare? We know that our topic has to be somewhat related to the syllabus, but where should we focus? The practical methods to germinate seeds and select appropriate salt concentrations will present definite challenges but this is an interesting study for students living near the coast, or in places where salt is applied to the roads in winter. 1: Cell Biology 1.1: Introduction to Cells 1.2: Ultrastructure of Cells 1.3: Membrane Structure 1.4: Membrane Transport 1.5: The Origin of Cells 1.6: Cell Division 2: Molecular Biology 2.1: Molecules to Metabolism 2.2: Water 2.3: Carbohydrates and Lipids 2.4: Proteins 2.5: Enzymes 2.6: DNA and RNA 2.7: DNA Replication, Transcription and Translation Despite so, there are still some that can cause bloody diarrhea, severe anaemia or kidney failure, all in which can lead to death. By siging up, I agree to Lanternas Some of the challenges of this type of investigation will be controlling other factors which affect the growth of plants. location on shore. Let's help inspire M22 students since it's already IA season! How does stomatal density change according light exposure of red and blue light? It is possible to establish a theoretical link between mild stress and adrenaline (epinephrine) which will affect features in the body including pupil size but it is not possible to directly measure the level of any hormones in the body. The video breaks down the c. assessment, worth 20% of the final assessment, consists of one scientific investigation., Heres a useful link for ventilation rates. Browse. How do detergents, drinks, yogurt, and milk stack up when it comes to buffering? This investigation might sound simple at a first glance but there are many difficulties to overcome in terms of controlled variables and the method of measuring the CO2. 5 years ago. This is a list of possible sites for students to use as online labs. CareerBuilder TIP. Different plants that live in different conditions will have different requirements for gas exchange. Investigate the influence of Ph levels in the soil on the development of the Lepidium avitum 2) How does the concentration of potassium chloride affect the growth of Lepidium savitum. The sure shot way to ace ones IB Biology IA or any IA for that matter is by picking a topic that sparks ones interest. Studying how different carbohydrates in edibles impact the blood sugar levels in humans. The 80 Most Common IB Biology Exam Questions! Comparing boys and girls for example will be impossible, unless the sample size is very large. For your privacy and protection, when applying to a job online, never give your social security number to a prospective employer, provide credit card or bank account information, or perform any sort of monetary transaction. IA Biology HL 6 Investigating the relationship between consumption of fat and carbohydrates per capita per day measured in kcal and share of adult obesity in a country as a percentage of the population IA Biology HL 7 Investigating Effect of Different concentration of pesticides on bacterial growth. Maybe you can suggest that to your teacher? At SL and HL levels, the performance is rated concerning a defined assessment criterion which is marked out of the score of 24. These are all genera and the specific species present definitely vary between cultures. Vegetables decay over time but how can we slow down the process? Click, See Independent Variable: Halophyte seed vs Normal Plant seed. This is nice project if there is a specific environmental gradient in the site being investigated. 17. While there is a considerable challenge in designing apparatus and growing plants the idea of using plants to filter the water in 'ecological' swimming pools is quite well established. Experimental setup:Place a corn seed in a dark cupboard with a single light source. The greatest challenge in this investigation is getting a large enough data set which takes into consideration enough of the factors which need to be controlled. Of course the IB guidelines on experimentation needs to be followed and written consent sought for participants. there Skip to document Ask an Expert Sign inRegister Sign inRegister Home Ask an ExpertNew Personal engagement, exploration, analysis, evaluation, and communication. Therefore, it's super important that your IB Biology IA gets as high a mark as possible. It is thought that there may be some aggressive behaviour depending on the qualities of the sportsman, trainer's tactics, and sports fan and media pressure. How does increasing the concentration of Oxytetracycline in mg/L affect root elongation in cm of Citrus limon? You have to show that the data has been carefully selected, and that measures have been taken to ensure that other factors which might affect the data have been controlled, by careful selection of the data used. It is a complex branch of biology that studies the smallest units and the living organisms. 17, What is the effect of pests on the diversity of plants in a lawn? In paper 1 there are 30 (at SL) or 40 (at HL) multiple-choice questions. The development of biotechnology. Want some A-quality guidance? The internal assessment, worth 20% of the final assessment, consists of one scientific investigation. Water Bath Method - Loosen the agar bottle cap, but do not remove it completely. Use it to spread the bacteria across the surface of the Petri dish while rotating it. We have a team of awesome tutors ready to help you ace the IB. Stomata are the areas of gas exchange in leaves. Finding a topic is one of the - if not THE - most important part of writing your IA so we want to make sure that you get it right! Processes such as diffusion and osmosis as well as the effect of chemicals on components of cell membranes, or on enzymes could be included in the theory. Take 10 micro liters of the cultured. HL Biology IA Help! Citing documents/web pages and giving references is another important aspect of your IA that needs to be taken care of. The difficulty begins with identifying the genres in a scientific way. 2, Testing global warming: How does CO2, water vapour, oxygen, or any other variable affect temperature inside a cutoff bottle exposed to simulated sunlight? To make the experiment more detailed, students can rub collected samples on filter paper to observe which plants present which colors. Using paper chromatography to analyse the various dyes present in different brands of jelly candy. Halophytes grow in Salty conditions whereas normal plants dont. Using the pipette dropper to suck in 10 ml of the 3% hydrogen peroxide . Legal My IA was on bacteria by the way if you have any questions. Heres a link to a scientific article that did something very similar, copy their method. It could be used in a wide range of labs. Independent Variable: Temperature, Salts, Humidity, Oxygen availability, Dependent Variable: Rate of Decay measured by pH, mass or temperature change. Subscribe and get the latest IB guides, notes,news, tips and product updates. )/ Studying, Dependent variable:Ventilation rate. at which many forms of bacteria thrive [9]. However it could be really interesting to compare simple behaviour in animals. Test how different household cleaning products affect seed germination! Facebook It might seem like a lot of work, but with the right topic in hand, you will go beyond your expectations! Bacteria with a capital B refers to the domain Bacteria, one of the three domains of life. Student work is internally assessed by the teacher and externally moderated by the IB. opening the floodgates to that sweet 45! Independent Variables: Temperature, Sunlight variation, Skimmed vs Whole, Dependent Variable: Rate of bacterial growth (on agar plates), pH of milk. Increasing sucrose concentration makes more sugar available for Cell Respiration but it also draws water out of yeast by osmosis, which could kill it. reply. These proportions make enough nutrient agar to prepare two petri dishes. Dont panic weve got you covered. Most strands of this bacteria are found to be harmless and even healthy to be part of the human digestive system, however some strands can cause to the development of serious problems like . One nice idea might be to see if the growth in the lungs' vital capacity correlates better with the circumference of the skull or the length of the legs in children of different ages. You can extract your own DNA from your saliva, or you can use any fruit or vegetable you can find at home bananas and strawberries are some of the most popular at science fairs. Many methods are possible, and there has been some very recent research suggesting that antibiotics can affect the growth of seeds and plants.ref P.W. NOTE: These topics are purely meant as inspiration and are not to be chosen blindly. Heres a useful link for ventilation rates. 4, How does varying the gel concentrations of agarose affect DNA migration through a gel? This investigation is Design an experiment to investigate a factor which affects the precision of colour vision, age, tiredness, gender, eye colour, etc. using potassium permanganate and heating, from a protocol from Science & plants for schools. Get your own tutor today! Understanding how a particular abiotic factor affects the biodiversity in a habitat. To find out more, see our. While these organisms inhibit the growth of many pathogenic bacteria and are also inten- tionally employed to ferment milk to make other dairy products such as yogurt and cheese, they can also induce Access them all! The importance of agricultural microbiology. Stir these together well: -teaspoon agar (1 1/5 grams) Outline the Equipment, time, and resources to keep a check on its feasibility. Understanding some basic biology and the processes of plant breeding can help individuals understand GMOs and their safety.

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