american community survey refusal 2021is there sales tax on home improvements in pa

Some doubt these assurances based on the survey collection process itself. The California State Data Center generates reports and tabulations from data files released by the U.S. Census Bureau. The small, everyday, humdrum, quietly approved bills they do each day are where the danger lies and more attention should be paid to those. Please show me where the US Census Bureau was given the right to fine you or even where they are mentioned in these laws? Here are the facts I discovered: Some of the questions asked in this questionnaire are so intrusive that I would not even give this information to my best friends or relatives. Lock and Load. I am wondering is a night time visit legal? I like the idea of the videocam. I left all of the other personal and private questions in the survey unanswered. Those of you who are interested just might try at least the internet to find out what this is all about. Moreover, the survey of about 100 questions asks about private health information and how much in taxes and utility bills a household pays, and even about how many beds, cars, and washing machines the household has, the complaint relays. Since then, I have received four phone calls from the US Census Bureau. i get home don't even get out of the parking lot, she pulls up. I too am going to do the same. Explore census data with visualizations and view tutorials. Direct taxes are inherently unfair because one state, with ten percent of the population, might be one of the richest states while another state, with the same percentage of the population, might be one of the poorest. If anyone would love to start a case action in this matter feel free to get a hold of me. That's exactly the number printed on the lower right had corner of my ACS form. I would never be pleasant with someone who intentionally makes a living trying to make my life unpleasant. Now, Bob and Joan Rapier say their. I am a retired airline captain and a former captain in the U.S.A.F. Thank God I'm not the only one questioning the Constitutionality of this blatant invasion of personal privacy. Good-bye". I threw them off my property. I took the job because it pays really well. It's the amendments that congress is busy adding to the original Constitution while you guys are busy working, fishing, etc., instead of watching congressional actions on C Span or some such that are killing us and our rights. Fact Sheet Aug 25, 2021 Fact Sheet: Protecting and Advancing Health Care for Transgender Adult Communities New data and analysis reveal important health disparities and barriers to care for. [18] Furthermore, the questionnaire also demands that recipients provide information about their family and other people in their home, such as their educational levels, how many years of school were completed,[19] what languages they speak[20] and when they last worked at a job.[21]. What we have here is a violation of HIPAA. They haven't gone so far as to threaten, but I can sense that their tone is getting more firm. Me and my family were properly counted on census day 2010. I'm not a conspiracy theorist, nor a paranoid, but goodness knows the intrusiveness of these questions can certainly drive a person to it. It is widely known that in a five-year span the Bureau lost at least 672 laptops. Movies. If you are thinking about filling this out, don't! I may not bother with this anyway. The states collect the tax and turn the money over to the federal government. No one from the Census has been escorted off your property by the police - Title 13 gives them the right to be on your property. I heard I had to answer the questions or face a possible fine of $5000.00 so I answered the questions. Will these jackasses really come after me or is all this talk about fines and such just a scare tactic? I see a lot of people have more courage than me. I'm paid 400 goats and a chest of elderberries in barter for my services. I noticed that if I left the note on the door, they would sometimes pull up, then just drive off. I received by first survey in early December and a second one just three weeks later. He said he'd have the "government guy" contact me the next day. She was asking the questions again and I told her that I already filled out the form so there is no reason for me to fill it out again. "I'm afraid my trees are eating the elephants, now." I am an american citizen and i will not be forced to give my personal information! Should all of us contact our local media so that everyone knows about ACS? [13] 0607-810 expired on 05/31/2008. [16] However, we will make it quite clear we will accept the risk and continue to take this stand. Anyway, i thought i would turn it into something funny and started a blog. To sign up for updates please enter your email address. She stated that they lost it. Charlottesville, VA 22906 A: The American Community Survey, a questionnaire produced by the Census Bureau, not only asks about the number of persons in a household but also asks a broad range of questions about the activities of the people living in the household. The ACS program provides estimates annually for all states and for all medium and large cities . So I stand up to them and say NO, you don't need my private information in order to serve me better! The ACS is not part of the enumeration required by Article I of the Constitution, and that constitutional provision only applies to a census for purposes of counting the number of people in each state. When you are counted, it helps to decide the number of representatives a state can get, as well as determining federal funding for schools and hospitals. As noted, the ACS seeks much more information than the number of persons in a household. A 72 year old lady showed up at my door yesterday (I being a 65 year old great grandmother), and told me I did not fill my form out properly and it got "kicked out". do we have a hot water heater? Q: What are my options for objecting to the ACS survey as an intrusion on my Fourth Amendment rights? Does anyone know? In 2000 I refused to fill mine out. Outrageous! A tactic that is used too frequently in our society as a means of control. Since 2005, the Census Bureau has administered a set of probing questions to a large random sample of Americans each year. Someone said they can find all our info on the internet anyway. confinement or community-based facilities or staff. Yeah, I've got concerns, and no, I'm not going to answer their questions. We are law abiding, tax paying citizens and always do the right thing. Thank you for being here. One dear government lady actually said she did not have time for prank phone calls. I ignored the phone when it rang. I tried to assure her that this indeed was not a prank but she was too busy being rude and just kept talking, finally telling me to call my senator, which I did. I gave them my name and not much more. Sad, but I simply do not trust the government anymore. If they harass you with phone calls change your number before they do the census and keep it unlisted. As a descendant of both victims and survivors of the Auschwitz death camps, I have a keen sense of the length and breadth of what government intrusion in the lives of private citizens can result in. Browse our topics and subtopics to find information and data. He asked if I was refusing to answer the survey. Would you believe they just called again? I don't answer the door to anyone who comes. Good luck everyone! He didn't know what to think about that (needed to check the law), and took no action. I even gave them the date I mailed it on. (I was astonished to note that apparently only about 12,000 households have resisted so far.) Thank you for creating this site and letting me know that I am not alone with receiving these and answering them. [15] U.S. Census Bureau Notice and Consent Warning You are accessing a United States Government computer network. The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses. They bring in all additional people running up monies needed for schools, social programs. Lecture notes about civil liberties and rights. The 22-page lawsuit against U.S. Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo and Bureau of the Census Director Robert Santos says that unlike the normal ten-year Census, the yearly American Community Survey asks detailed and personal questions regarding a persons sexual orientation, gender identity, fertility history, marital status and divorce history. They must have found it because I heard no more but neither did I get an apology. The highly sensitive personal information provided on the ACS form gets keyed into a master data bank. Then, there were just basic questions for everyone. Official websites use .gov God bless you for creating this site! First survey last month. Don't give in. I still am in my boxers since I just woke up and surely was not prepared for a slew of questions from this guy who was getting paid my tax money to invade my privacy). The rest I will leave blank or make up. This questionnaire id just too personal and invasive of ones rights as a citizen in any country, let alone (supposedly) "The Land of the Free and The Brave" did Cheney, Bush, McCain, Obama fill one out? You would have done well in the SS. Three times they were soaked standing at my door. Most U.S. representatives have local offices. If this money is government funding for schools, street or seating representatives then why are so many teachers being laid off, why are the streets so damaged and incomplete. Keep liberty free and stand up for your countries constitutional rights. So go ahead and fill it out 235. The Institute provides its legal services at no charge to persons whos constitutional and human rights have been threatened or violated. Ultimately, you might just need to either answer the census to get them to stop coming or, as an alternative, make up answers to protect your privacy. And my financial business is my business, provided I pay my bills and taxes which I do. 20 The breakdown by race/ethnicity for individuals who received the vaccine was 39% for Black HCWs, 44% for Hispanic HCWs, and 57% for White HCWs. Amazing. How much do I make per year? While there is no specific wording in the Bill of Rights regarding the rights of privacy. I guess the fear that they may be prosecuted for trespassing on private property wasn't worth the questionnaire. How much is the regular monthly mortgage payment on this property? To those who say they can't publish anything like that, I have seen it. I now have multiple visits to my home every day, followed up by threatening calls with an hour of each. My hubby has served this country for over 30 years, we are about to retire and what a lovely retirement gift we are receiving (NOT)!.Harassment, compliments of the government, just lovely (NOT). Something is wrong in this country when the hard working middle class is getting stomped out from top to bottom. The American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) is a national measure of customer satisfaction since 1994, trusted by US government and reflecting annual feedback from . The law does not say you have to answer their questions (so don't). Camp Lejeune residents now have the opportunity to claim compensation for harm suffered from contaminated water. We then engaged in a bit of "palaver" in which she said that they can require us to answer any question they want because "it's in the Constitution". I don't believe the ACS should, or has the right, to require more. We haven't been bothered since. I am a prisoner in my own home. this census is complete crap and an invasion of my rights a a citizen. D. oes anyone understand what is involved in managing 300 million people spread out over an entire continent, each thinking all that matters is their individual needs? Government entities do illegal things. Anyone who took the time to actually read the ACS and understand how sensitive this information is and how unsecured it actually is would join in the outrage and demand that it be given its proper burial in the grave of horrible bureaucratic policy. Jun 2022 - Present10 months. If you read and listen to them carefully they actually say that it's mandatory and you could be fined. These concern matters that the government simply has no business knowing, including questions relating to respondents bathing habits, home utility costs, fertility, marital history, work commute, mortgage, and health insurance, among others. I grabbed the handle and slammed the door shut. anon 77369: It is incorrect to say that you are required to respond. Not to mention that this information in the wrong hands can cause identity theft. I let her know that I understood their game and wasn't going to play, and she said she would record me as a refusal. Whose damn business is it if I own my house and whether I have a mortgage? Avoiding them will not really be possible since we have a houseful of teenagers who will most likely keep answering the door. That sort of thing. I just left a "Tea Party" I found out I'm not the only 1 that was asked to fill out two census forms, one asking me if I could go up and down stairs, how long it takes for my husband to go to work, how does he get there,how many rooms is in my house, do I have flush toilets, what kind of health insurance, how much is my house payment, insurance on my house, do I have insurance, etc. I refused to answer these as these are not required. The response does not form an attorney-client relationship, nor is it intended to be anything other than the educated opinion of the author. So when/if I get a visit, I can inform them of this. I will also show it to any of my neighbors who might know my name and ask that they not answer any questions about us from anyone. I will not be giving some 18 year old pimple face unemployed moron my personal information. Today I received a notice in the mail from the Census Bureau Director, Robert M. Groves, advising me that next week I'll receive a 2010 Census form in the mail and would I fill it out and mail it in promptly. A: The ACS is not sent to all households. We were hired to call people who did not respond and we left messages on answering machines. Smile. It is so obvious that the same person keeps responding over and over here. The Census Bureau uses sampling methods to select households that represent a cross-section of the population of the United States. Call your senators and congressman now and lets get these commie creeps out of our lives and off our backs. Year: 2021. The Census Act of 1976 specifically prohibits the use of statistical sampling in the creation of congressional districts. Once at 6:11, 7:15, and then 8:05. United we stand divided we fall. Thesis: It is best to be professional and courteous when speaking in person and on the phone to the ACS representatives. Nobody is listening -- another reason not to send in the ACS. An official website of the United States government. I have had them endlessly harass me on the phone after I filled the form out two times and talked to someone they sent to my door. Yes we find the government annoying, but we could turn things around to our advantage and make things fun. They do not give the Defendants the limitless power to compel Plaintiffs to produce personal information or opinions to Defendants.. Get your head out of the clouds and step into reality. If you don't care about america and freedom then you stand by and say nothing when you see tyranny, then congrats. And if they threaten you, video record all of this exchange. The Census Bureau can't issue a fine, they have to refer the case to the Dept. We do not live in 1930's Germany but you sure can't tell by reading the questions on this form. "; "How many times a day do you fantasize about blowing up a federal building? Fiscal Year 2024 Letter to OMB Director Shalanda Young encouraging the Administration to prioritize funding for the U.S. Census Bureau and 2030 Census in its FY 2024 i love my country and its freedom and its up to us to keep the communism out!! I am standing firm this time. With Halloween right around the corner, how about scare the crap out of them. Then two weeks later a reminder to fill it out. A: The Census Bureau states that information from this survey is used to assist a wide variety of entities, from federal, stateand local governments to private corporations, nonprofit organizations, researchersand public advocacy groups. they will tell you its the law, but since when do we have to answer to the government who lives in our house and who they are related to and what time we go to work, what time to we return? Once on Saturday, once on Wednesday, three times yesterday, and so far once today. They are the ones making the money tax free - not me. I filled out my form, sent it in and a few weeks later another one came. Finally a man identifying himself as a supervisor came to the door and demanded I answer. But it did. any lawyers looking for some pro bono work ready to take up this issue? FCPS will be seeking input on the progress of this work via a survey for parents/caregivers and community members, and a feedback opportunity for staff. This was mailed to me approximately three months ago. There were laws in place to protect those people and they were not protected. However, that's not all. 1. Post Office Box 7482 Got angry and physical with me (not a lot, just a shove as I tried to take back the Public Servant Questionnaire he wouldn't fill out.). All i have to do is tell some temporary worker my family's medical history, financial history, and of course, what time we can be burglarized (oops, I mean the time of day that we leave and come home from work). While the survey states that my address was selected at random for the survey, they have my address and unlisted telephone number, which they call regularly. finally he told her he would call the cops if she didn't leave. I said it sounded like a great idea. I also ignored the mailed survey. I told him that was correct. The woman was carrying a clip board. Last night I found an envelope on my door from a census taker. Then I received the ACS. I have worked as an enumerator. The enumeration is *solely for the purposes of elected representative apportionment* I told her the ACS is a violation of the Constitution and I did not believe it would be used to "provide" me schools or hospitals or fire stations, but rather to spy on me. the government was never constitutionally mandated to provide funds. I filled out the form only giving the required information by law and that is how many people live here. ACS has only been going since 2005. The only one who seemed to do anything on it was Freedom Watch Judge Napolitano. Clearly our government is out of control by trying to intimidate citizens to comply with this survey. When I did return it, I left off my personal business. I say the heck with Big Brother, ours is going in the garbage, and I'm no longer answering their calls (love caller ID)! However, the Website for the U.S. Census Bureau. I am so glad to once again stand up for my individual rights. I feel kind of sick too. in the '90s the Commerce Dept decided that I was a resort or apartment complex owner and harassed me to fill out a survey detailing my expenditures on repairs, income reports etc. During such calls the survey taker reminds the resident that compliance with the ACS is mandatory. Beyond principle, I work in the defense of our nation as a senior leader and have good reason to be concerned. Yesterday, a lady came by and tried to ask questions about the form. They DO go away. Follow your happiness and I promise the universe will be there for you: subtle, slow, obvious or quick it will respond to your emotions. So I did not send it back. Don't remember getting the long form but if I did, I would have tossed it unopened since I already did my duty filling out the census and mailing it in. Q: What kind of questions are contained in the ACS? Where does the boundary lie with these obsessive idiots? The Census Bureau states on their website that failure to complete the survey is unlikely to result in such a fine, however. I hung up. New to Parents/caregivers and community members will be invited to take the survey between March 6-20. Employees will be invited to complete a feedback form at the end of a strategic planning session . Life lived in paranoia and bitterness is not worth living. I am only a man, a man who believes in his liberties and will stand against this government crap! He ignored the legality but admitted there were corporate sponsors involved. Q: Are you required by law to fully complete the American Community Survey? I shall be contacting my Senator and Congressman to voice my alarm and concern on another gross infringement of my Civil Liberties. We need to ban together and not cave in on this. That is how they get "past the guard". It's unbelievable that they have the right to do this, on principle alone, I will not. That means *not* having our door pounded on constantly and yelled at that we are violating the law by not allowing these rude, despicable low class jerks into our homes! Q: How does the Census Bureau typically ensure that people complete the survey? This is out of control. If every household in the nation received this survey at once, there might be more of any outcry and uproar for our government to cut out the nonsense or face a revolution! Mailed it in. It's just another way to peg the American people to find out who's doing what. Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP). Hello, Legally, yes, you are required to answer the census survey. I was told that they get thousands of calls per day of people complaining about the ACS. [23] ", Where did this information come from and why is it on the news? I included a note with the returned survey stating that I would continue to refuse to answer these additional questions as a matter of principle, and I requested that no phone calls or visits to my home be made by your agency. American Community Survey Welcome! To be sure, the calls were incessant for a time -- anywhere from one to eight calls a day for about six to eight weeks perhaps. This is harassment, I am no threat. The questionnaire also demands that you give other information on the people in your home, such as their educational levels, how many years of school were completed, what languages they speak and when they last worked at a job, among other things. Well its going to get colder before I give them the info. Be sure to document any interactions you have with Bureau representatives for your own files. Now there was the random insanely long, for one out of four, which I think is totally unfair. Since when has the Federal government come to my door or anyone elses and said "We want to help you get your road paved" or any other helpful act, and then asked me for my help by filling out a form to prove the necessity? We have been like a frog cooked in our own water slowly. The 10-digit code appears above the address and to the right. Yeah right! I was told if I didn't answer then his supervisor would come out and if I didn't respond to his supervisor, they would return with a Larimer County Sheriff and then I would have to answer or else! Hurrah for Senator Michelle Bachmann (MN) who has said, I understand, that she will not fill out this piece of trash. Make the Census people eat this Supreme Court ruling: Neither branch of the legislative department [House of Representatives or Senate], still less any merely administrative body [insert Census Bureau], established by congress, possesses, or can be invested with, a general power of making inquiry into the private affairs of the citizen." Our world leaders are puppets, and the puppet master is greed. The American Community Survey (ACS) is a nationwide survey conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau to provide communities with demographic, social, economic, and housing data every year. If they are "anonymous" why do they need my name, telephone number and race? The letter accompanying the census form indicates it's used to decide how many representatives each state has in congress, and how much money my 'neighborhood' receives from the government. If there was no response by the time we finished our list, we were to call again. I made the decision right then and there that I would not respond to an ACS survey under any circumstances. They even sent me a Federal Express package telling me how important the information they still wanted to collect was. He was shocked and said it was required by law. They believe the survey asks for more information, and at a higher frequency, than the simple enumeration required by Article 1, Section 2 of the U.S. Constitution. Facebook; Twitter; Instagram; Pinterest; Flickr; YouTube; LinkedIn; City Services. View All 26 Products. If I have 1, 2 or even 3 people in my house, that is all I need to give. Don't engage them in conversation or reason with them. The provision for the Census is found in Article I, Section 2, Clause 3 of the Constitution. I sent an e-mail to headquarters. Q: Is there a penalty for refusing to answer American Community Survey questions? I want to thank you for this site and for all of the posters sharing their experiences and offering insight and information. Cowards! SEC-502-RS-Dispositions Self-Assessment Survey T3 (1) Techniques DE Separation ET Analyse EN Biochimi 1; C799 Task 2 - Task 2 paper; . Individuals who receive the ACS must complete it or be subject to monetary penalties. Public servants are just public burdens and every time their benefits cost more I have to pay for them and I don't even have any myself!!! About how much do you think this house and lot, apartment, or mobile home would sell for if it were for sale? Should the phone ring and someone on the other end of the line say they're from the ACS, you don't necessarily have to take their word for it. I suppose if they have the info to redistrict, they have all the info they need. First from a phone bot then yesterday a phone call from a real person. A week later, the same worker showed up and said it was my last chance or I could be fined and possibly jailed. According to some accounts, those recipients who chose not to return the form and did not respond to phone calls or private visits appeared to be hassled the least. It also asked for the full names, DOB, SS# of all person including children.

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american community survey refusal 2021