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When it entered the Kentucky Constitution in 1849, the law was meant to deter men who might aspire to public office from participating in the once rampant Southern tradition. If you own more than two in your house, you can be subject to criminal possession. Gambling at a home poker game is illegal in Belgium. It states: Use or wearing a body vest while engaged in the commission of, or an attempt to commit, or flight after committing or attempting to commit a crime of the first degree is a crime of the second degree. In Greenland the only month where the temperature manages to reach above freezing point is July. You're not allowed to drive a black car on a Sunday in Denver, Colorado. A second clause specifies that passengers cant position themselves in such a way that it impedes the drivers peripheral vision. We wish this one had a more interesting backstory, but the full law actually makes sense: No person shall drive a vehicle when it is loaded or when there are in the front seat such a number of persons as to obstruct the view of the driver to the front or sides of the vehicle or as to interfere with the drivers control over the driving mechanism of the vehicle.. Some even consider the animal a modern-day unicorn. It can be viewed clearly during the nights throughout the year when the skies are clear. 1) No liquor served on Sundays before 12 noon! In Victoria, Australia, it is illegal to change a light bulb unless youre a licensed electrician. In seven U.S. states, according to their constitutions, atheists are barred from holding public office. Its fine for them to take a bath in one, though. In France, it is illegal to name a pig Napoleon. Why not outlaw idiotic drivers, while youre at it, New Mexico? Everywhere in the world, you can find weird laws and Texas is no exception. The law came into effect in 2008, and many teenagers were outraged and protested. However, if the child is more than 6 months old, the mother faces a fine (via Stupid Laws ). Final verdict: This weird law was intended for hackers to prevent people from selling Netflix login details in bulk. And not just a salmon. It's still technically punishable as a misdemeanor, according to Virginia State Legislature. Who knows, but it was enough of an annoyance to pass a law about it. Access your favorite topics in a personalized feed while you're on the go. Llama Crossing Road Sign // Bolivia. 48. Thank you very much for listening and as always please sit back, relax, enjoy and keep safe! In Kentucky, a woman cannot remarry the same man more than three times. Final verdict: This is one of the weirdest U.S. laws because its almost entirely pointless. Final verdict: We guess Grandma was right about this one. An extremely stunning phenomenon is the midnight Sun which means that the day does not end with a setting sun. We're not sure why this law was passed, but it has stuck around and become a town tradition. Make sure you don't ride a taxi in this one weird way or you will spend some time in the clink. Mount Washington features rare alpine plants such as Greenland sandwort, Labrador tea, alpine bearberry, dwarf cinquefoil, dwarf birch, willow, and balsam fir. In Missouri it is illegal to drive with an uncaged bear. The law has been in place since 1903. Other strange driving laws in America include: You can't wash your neighbour's car without permission in Los Angeles. A previous version of this article was co-authored by Christina Sterbenz. This murder is canceled," said no murderer ever. To be updated with all the latest news, facts and knowledge. Im out. In New York City it is illegal to honk your horn. You might imagine that an Englishman would be free to hold his fish in any way he chooses, but you would be wrong. Cradle of aviation: US has the worlds first Soviet Architecture: concrete panel and brick Khrushchyovkas, Postcards from 19th-century illustrators depicting the future. 50. When the sun reappears after the long and dark winter months, the local people of Longyearbyen observe the Solfestuka festivity. Just make sure you dont throw your talcum powder around when you are getting dry later. When Hawaii joined the United States in 1900, it still had its own coinage. People called out the law as hypocritical and unfair since there was no such ruling against similar pets like hamsters and guinea pigs. One of the most active glaciers of the world is present in Ilulissat, a city on the western coast of Greenland. In Samoa it is illegal to forget your wife's birthday. that we will not tolerate this type of behavior in our licensed premises.[10]. 5. Weird laws in the world's northernmost town: no funerals allowed, and no cats please! Most public pools have vending machines that sell microscopic swimwear in any color you want.[5]. Apparently, they cause an obstruction.[6]. Have you been wondering recently how to take better care of your SO? on Weird laws in the worlds northernmost town: no funerals allowed, and no cats please! Often, travelers can get a good idea of what is and is not allowed in other countries with a little careful thought. And it seems every state has at least a few of them. Most of the animals that are sought here are some popular yet endangered species. This just makes a lot of sense and has probably saved many lives. Leave Your Creativity For the Weekdays. If a person litters three times, they must clean the streets wearing a bib that reads Im a litterer. Even pharmacists who sell the medical gum and forget to ID get two years in jail. The freezing temperatures also require that all houses are built on stilts, so when the islands layer of topsoil melts in, the structures dont sink or slide away causing any accidents. To carry, manufacture, sell, or handle any non-biodegradable, plastic-based confetti is unlawful, according to Municode Library. In Alaska, a person. 5. 2) In California, i.e. However, what makes this law even stranger is that it is illegal to do this only on Sundays. In Britain it is illegal to operate a cow while intoxicated. (Indio or Dusti just wouldnt cut it. Anyone "pretending to forecast or foretell the future of another by cards, palm reading or any other scheme, practice or device" can be found guilty of a misdemeanor and fined up to $500, or even serve time in jail, according to Maryland State Legislature. Height, weight, glasses, funny haircuts, okay. Or parties on campus? The law says that a person may assist players by playing their cards while they take a bathroom break, according to Maine State Legislature. The name Adolf, for example, has not been banned, though its rarely used.[4]. The law was fittingly nicknamed the Sip and Spit law. No Public Feather Dusting. In Iowa, it is illegal for a man with a mustache to kiss a woman in public. State law maintains that "no person shall move uphill on any passenger tramway or use any ski slope or trail while such person's ability to do so is impaired by the consumption of alcohol or by the use of any illicit controlled substance or other drug.". It takes place each 8th of March. In Greece, if anyone wants to get married, the law requires those to publish their wedding notice in a newspaper (written in Greek) or on the City Hall notice board. 46. 63. This health code likely made its way into the books to protect competitors at the Calaveras County Fair and Frog Jumping Jubilee, a decades-old tradition in the gold-mining town of Angels Camp. The laws lightened up over the years, with margarine sales remaining a criminal offense until 1967. Did you know it's considered one of the world's first democracies? 2. 10. Do you believe in the quote mentioned above ? Final verdict: Amended most recently in 1999, this weird U.S. law forbids criminals from protecting themselves from bullets with a body vest while committing crimes. The logic behind this weird law was that sleeping around heavy machinery was a bad idea. It's unlikely to ever be enforced, however, unless your whispering is really, really annoying. The fact that it needed to be made a law means that someone tried it, doesnt it? In 1839, lawmakers made it illegal to beat any carpet, rug, or mat on the streets of London; the law technically endures, though beating doormats is fine, as . However, according to the North Carolina State Legislature, non-profit groups can go wild. 1. When you're driving in Bolivia and other countries in South . There may be individual rental contracts or house rules which include this regulation, but there is in fact no national German law about this. Why couldnt they have just forbidden bonfires? According to the 1986 Salmon Act, Section 32, if he handles a salmon in a "suspicious manner," he will be subject to prosecution and a fine of up to 800. Breastfeeding in public is legal (as it should be). 53. Three town residents must attest in writing that the animal is loose, and its owner must fail to reclaim or confine the beast after notice is given, according to Missouri State Legislature. No large wild populations of sick snakes, lizards, or turtles ever came to be, so perhaps the ban is working (or was never needed in the first place). No one under 16 was allowed to smooch or show public displays of affectionthe horror (for the teens, that is). Where this law exists: Indianapolis, Indiana. Greenland is one of the best locations in the world to view the dancing Northern lights. They may have made sense when they were written, but today they seem a little questionable, weird or just plain dumb. Read more about ridiculous laws on Top 10 Ridiculous Laws That Are Still Enforced Across The World and 10 Absurd Laws From Around the World. Nevertheless, the strange assortment for burial is not the only weird law active in Longyearbyen. In Canada, it's now legal to engage in oral sex with your pet. The Balkan culture of gathering things vs. Japanese minimalism, Greetings from Skopje photos from the really old days. In the UK, a law still exists from the Middle Ages that requires all males over the age of 14 to be trained in shooting a long bow. Because I care, I went deep into the Gettysburg Times archives and . 2. :) 39. Since 1986, US authorities have had the legal right to access any 180-day old email, without a warrant. 1. Hopefully, you do, too. Even the worlds northernmost ATM is installed here. Spitting is also illegal and can result in arrest. We're talking about law-breaking criminals, right? We start our weird laws in Nevada list with a kiss. The assembling of the Eiffel Tower in Paris. In Montana, proxy weddings are allowed for those serving in the military, which means a friend can pretend to be the groom or the bride and the union will still be considered valid. 6. 2. No, a woman's hair does not legally belong to her husband in Michigan. Such person shall be subject to all applicable traffic regulations that apply to motor vehicles.. However, you can swap out the trough for a wastebasket if the swine are raised for your own consumption, according to Arizona State Legislature. Wait, I cant wear a bulletproof vest? 1. Idiot eating live eels" (via golookup). Below is a collection of eight strange laws from the state of Maryland. It can be viewed clearly during the nights throughout the year when the skies are clear. This country was named in this manner to attract settlers so that these raiders could benefit by warring with approaching settlers ships. 16. Other than that, it is illegal to frown around public places, or you will be arrested and fined. But that begs the question, whats the point? In North Carolina couples must have sex in the missionary position and with the curtains pulled. Given how cold it is in the specific region, people are not allowed to have a regular burial. Steven Depolo/Flickr (Be honest: Have you ever caught a mouse without a hunting license?) Final verdict: This weird law is tied to religious beliefs. To translate, you cant have so much stuff in your car that it blocks your view. Children have impressionable minds. In 2016, the state Supreme Court scrapped the archaic law from the books, effectively dismantling this ridiculous law, according to Sante Fe New Mexican. 15. In fact, if you're super into astrology, you might want to stay away from the town altogether. The second one constitutes a misdemeanor punishable by fines or jail time. Its nothing like passing a driving test, but at least it takes some work before a psychic can start selling predictions. (1) It is illegal to pretend to practice witchcraft in Canada. In Britain, it is illegal to import potatoes into England or Wales if you have reasonable cause to believe that they are Polish. It has become a tradition to use water pistols during New Years celebrations. That begs the question: Who had tires so muddy that people took the issue to city hall? Sign up for our newsletter to get the latest stories in hedge funds, PE, fintech, and banking delivered daily to your inbox. Below are a few samples of strange laws from South America: "In Bolivia, it is illegal for women to have more than one glass of wine in a bar or restaurant." "It is illegal to have sex with an idiot in . What a shocker. 13. Horse-tripping became a popular event, so much so that Oklahoma had to outlaw the practice, along with 12 other states. The statute aims to prohibit machines that encourage gambling, according to the Arkansas State Legislature. Seems unfair to the little critters, but they do have an annoying habit of going through the trash. How about laws in retrograde. When it was first invented, Wisconsin banned the yellow butter substitute, thinking that it was a threat to their thriving dairy industry. 5. This law is weird, but its a very reasonable response to a very unreasonable, unethical practice. That is enforcement that protects the lives of people unless someone wants to be the meal of a hungry polar bear. After that, they receive compulsory dietary advice and guidance followed by six months of reeducation if they are still not making sufficient progress.[3]. However, while it's no longer officially illegal for anyone to use vulgar or obscene language in the presence of two or more people, people still can't display obscene stickers, paintings, decals, or emblems in public on motor vehicles or clothing. Yikes! In Skamania County, they were worried enough to pass a law stating that the "slaying of Bigfoot to be a felony and punishable by five years in prison.". Many of them were Civil War veterans or immigrants who had lost limbs or suffered severe burns, and they were left penniless on the street. 14. 7. The law has obviously been partly overturned as a result of the coronavirus pandemic and encouragement from health and legislative officials to wear masks and face coverings in public. Kissing is an incredible experience and the most natural way to show affection. 21. Oral sex is often considered sodomy by many states, according to the Hebrew Bible. Anyone outside those positions is guilty of a third-degree felony, according to the Utah State Legislature. In Rhode Island, a union can be considered invalid under the grounds that the party is deemed to be, collectively, an idiot or a lunatic. Swiss locals going about their daily lives objected to encountering walkers wearing nothing but a pair of walking boots and a smile. After one too many drunken parties ended in stealing and subsequently burning couches left on porches, the city of Boulder, Colorado took action. 11. Declaring their intention to crack down hard on this sort of behavior, the authorities said, It sends a clear message to all licensees. There, even whispering in church is considered a disturbance of worship and can result in an annoying fine. In 2008, a Saudi court refused an 8-year-old girl, who asked for a divorce from her 58-year-old husband. Final verdict: Do you know how to tell if a pickle is legit? That is an active law as of 1950. It is popular due to the fact that it has the fastest moving glacier in the entire Northern hemisphere. Alaska. The "urban beautification" initiative dates back to 1927when an all-white circle of Hawaii's power wives created the Outdoor Circle Club and lobbied for the ban on outdoor ads. It's illegal to carry away or collect seaweed at night in New Hampshire. Which means the prostitutes themselves would not be breaking the law. 51. However, the law is allowed under "life-threatening conditions as the only apparent means of survival," according to the Idaho State Legislature. So, as long as youre gifting the pizza to someone and its paid in full, it should be fine. In Argentina, there is a law that states that Argentine nightclubs must play the same amount of tango music as all other forms of music combined. Consider this law a sign. No problem. One lighter margarine law, however, stuck around: Restaurants were forbidden to substitute margarine for butter unless a customer requested it for fear of triggering allergic reactions. Nevertheless, the Chinese government is determined to participate in the process of choosing the next Dalai Lama and thus in just how he intends to help humanity. Some evidence suggests that trial by combatmight technically be legal on a federal level even today. 18. In these states, sodomy is only illegal for homosexuals: Montana, Kansas, Oklahoma and Texas. The governor of Phnom Penh has banned the sale, import, and possession of all water pistols in the city. Arkansas. Its basically a cow with toothpicks for legs. The law only applies if they maimed the victim on purpose, according to the Rhode Island State Legislature. Weather modification is not only possible, but it's actually a lucrative business. The city of Petrolia in Ontario has a law that limits excessive noise. But not names. In Switzerland, it is illegal to flush a toilet after 10pm. The list goes on. This particular Florida law states that "no person or persons over 16 years of age shall, while wearing any mask, hood, or device whereby any portion of the face is so hidden, concealed, or covered as to conceal the identity of the wearer, enter upon, or be or appear upon any lane, walk, alley, street, road, highway, or other public way in this state.". Receive our monthly newsletter and gain access to promo codes and other surprises our team prepares for you. Smile Or Spend Time In Jail. It is a thrilling natural phenomenon that can be experienced only when there is no midnight sun.

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