prophecy of tsunami on east coastwhat causes chills after knee replacement surgery

God is so good & His Love over flows your heart! Think positive! Up there in Northern NJ youre basically shielded by NYC and Long Island. Ken do you ever regret having this Tsunami Article? Compare with the highest ever known Tsunami, and the extent of flooding at various elevations and distances. He also predicts another quake for a point in the ocean off north western Australia. Are there more numbers on the boxes that I missed? Praying that other folks are doing this too. Asteroid across Ohio sky. There are 1.5 million people just in Suffolk County. Its growing much stronger and the sides are dissolving once they are gone the land will crack along the already cracked fault lineits a monster. I do not believe in the existence of any god or gods, and, also, a tsunami would gain height going towards shoreline and also wouldnt be more than a mere 1 meter ripple in the ocean. And what would the aftermath be like, meaning what kind of disasters would follow. Over one third of the country (more than 100 million people) live along the East Coast. All coastlines will be devastated. Im not one to fall for these things but I still would like to be prepared. Youre wasting time, and life is too short. .. one dropped near nyc and the other near dc , how would we fare ? There is no doubt in my mind this was Hawaii. put your head between your legs and kiss your butt goodbye. They wont want to create a panic and given their history of covering up news, you will have to create your own pipeline for news and internet sites that you trust. I found myself in a state of being here and there at the same time. SoulSurvivor, I have bad news for you. If its Gods will, I would rather be alive doing Gods work than drowning. in my teens and early 20s, if you would have told me that i would be living where i am, and how i am, i would have said you were crazy. Look at the National Drought Monitor map. There was no history of Baseball until it was invented. The NWS National Tsunami Warning Center (NTWC) and coastal NWS Weather . I live in Daytona Beach.yikes! We have small children :-). I dont know if they will be affected but along with Fema region 3 they also ordered a lot of supplies for Austin Tx, In response to Marleys comment: on October 3, 2013 at 2:19 PM. Many thanks, Then theres the nuke plant down near AC. There were tons of happy families riding all the rides at the amusement park and they seemed oblivious to anything else going on except the fun they were having. Estimates are that it would take the wave 7 to 9 hours to reach the East Coast. Well as a resident of Staten Island New York. Would the mid-Atlantic Ridge play any part in decreasing the energy of a Tsunami from the Canary Islands? Im in Painter, well be swimming with the fishes! Im in central Florida have a daughter in tampa. Rapture. BTW how is this map.. says 10 is that 10 feet? What then? If you are informed of a tsunami, the best way to escape is. No packed bags necessary for that trip. But this article and watching the footage of people stranded on the hospital roof in Minamisanriku, is going to motivate me to make an emergency backpack for any disaster that may strike. Problem with that is there would have to be plywood on each side of the concrete when it is poured and there is not enough plywood. Obviously elevation from coast is in your favor but the rivers Doesnt show a 300 feet scenario, but it shows what the canary island landslide would produce. Also, some of these prophecies may not have a literal fulfillment in the form of an actual tsunami. Florida with its very low elevation would have particular problems with a tsunami moving in many miles inland! Please PLEASE do yourself a favor and google ZetaTalk safe locations. That should help a little. I got out of there after years of being in Kissimmee, and I will NEVER ever go back. Your model is based on a natural disaster ? Appalachian Mtns should be safe area. Sequenced quakes look to be Manmade and that should be a Huge Wake-up Call. WHAT does it mean when by the city it says 10 I am in NJ too, and kind of nervous at the moment. And we do not want to be in a crowded city for many logical reasons . Its all about energy. I leave on Long Islang, Huntington to be specific. The distance inland depends on the depth (not the height) of the wave, the reason behind it, and the terrain of the land. Essentially a delta area, there are no rock outcroppings to afford safety from tidal waves that will strike the coastline at a height of 500-600 feet, diminishing only well inland to an average wash over the state of 100 feet above sea level. I live on Cape Cod, MA. I was told as a child that when a dream repeats itself is to be taken as a warning and the repetition means that it will come to pass. Exactly this. I like that scene, it makes me more inclined to watch Interstellar now. It looks like after a 300 tsunami Im going to be able to casually stroll to the new beach region. >-u#;j( , ;gW]J%mYb`zO5#S ~3nZRAQWP ?? Hey David, have you read World in Peril? 2 0 obj Ive served/am serving my purpose here. Good luck to all of us and God Bless. I am concerned.We wouldnt survive would we? then i have two of them in the past three weeks. Bible said woe to those on the coast in last days. While you might have a higher chance of acquiring marine life as a food source, salt, temperate weather, almost no freezing issues, on the minus side there are so many as to be innumerable. YOULL swim with the fish. This happens and the entire state is history. Expectation if heading to the White mountaians from Salisbury Ma is my plan- things are getting very unsettled in the Canary Islands. That is my opinion. Please answer me if possible, as I am doing everything possible to prepare for my family and neighbors. I live in Arcadia, Florida and am not planning to buy any flotation devices (which would be useless as the debris would collapse anything anyway). Thank you for the helpful model. Many prophecy watchers, including myself, are convinced that a tsunami is likely for the East Coast USA sometime in the future. I dug up every comment he has made on this via Google. Come back with some real science and not fear-mongering. The maps have nothing to do with fluid dynamics and the many other variables which would affect the behavior of a tsunami in any given area. Scientists believe this disaster is already way overdue. I remembered that morning I had been visited by a messenger who had given me a message to read at precisely at 2pm. There are too many people with gut feelings that something is about to happen to just not prepare. Because it is NOT POSSIBLE to generate such a gigantic wave with any land failure from any of these islandsever. They have been working on this since the COVID lockdown was initiated and the workers were without masks and ignored the 6 foot social distance rule as if it did not apply to them. Further, it looks like the maps on this website basically highlight elevation differences only, and dont actually model the direction and dynamic wave height, wave length, velocity, force etc. the way some people are talking about it, we wont have much land to run to. This will give you some material , one place to start, your research..He has done these for several years. We are the United States, we have all the bombs! I dont think that the water would reach this far, but all of Boston and the metro area would be devastated. etc etc etc. They hit a coast at full height then eventually reduce height and choose a path of least resistance but in some places double up to great heights like at Minamisanriku were it washed over the tsunami warning center at 50ft above sea level but on the immediate coast. For comparison, Katrina in 2004 had a storm surge of @ 25 ft. For Sandy in 2012 it was @ 9 ft. Latest research ( indicates a tsunami of 13 to 26 ft hitting entire East Coast and Caribbean if Cumbre Vieja splits and sends western flank into ocean. When I finally made it back fully to my flesh and realized that I was laying on my bed dreaming, I noticed that my entire body was sweating profusely, it felt like if a fountain had burst from within me and there were drops of sweat literally on my entire flesh. If we were hit by a 300 foot wave, our cities, road, electrical grid, and building would be destroyed. Disaster recovery efforts will be spotty at best as every state and federal agency will be overwhelmed if they survive the wave. Today we look at new dreams from Corra T. In her dream, California was hit by a massive earthquake and tsunami. Only one answerget right with God the Father ! Any place out of Staten Island would be a good place to relocate to. Like an underground shelter. Would the Lehigh Valley be safe? A 75 Tsunami up the Savannah River would put Savannah 30 under, give or take 20. This event is going to cause Massive Earth Quakes, Volcano Eruptions, Massive Flooding, Fires, Starvation, Extreme High Winds(75-200mph), etc,, around the World. Thank you. Aimo , its not the wave for you its the animals on two legs looking for what you have that they donty and shut the f up and tell not one person what you have hid. You would need to run thousands of simulations to represent the thousands of ways the mountain can collapse. The potential devastation would remain pretty much near the shoreline in this hypothetical scenario. He didnt know anything about the eruption in La Palma, the El Combre volcano, or the horrendous possibility of a monster tsunami should part of the volcano slide into the ocean. I see the wave rear up far from shore. Before or after this calamity.. it is my opinion, if the calamity happens first, it will give a small window of time to witness to unbelievers.. but we dont know Gods mind, so that is why today is the day of salvation, today is the time to believe and repent, and start living for The Lord. there is a warning video posted on BIN,there is a list of cties that can b impacted by events going on NOW in La gves cty names including 100% Deleware ri, Ny, DC, Houston Tx savannah Ga.. 99% Fl. New York, Boston and Miami could all be struck by the monster wave, while Central and South American tourist hotspots like the Bahamas, Barbados and Trinidad . Can you show a better picture of South Carolina the one you have cuts most of it out and shows more of North Carolina. Speed is a minor factor, since the continental shelf and sloping ocean bottom as a braking surfaces to oncoming waves. The comet has broken up into thousands of pieces (big and small) as it went around the sun two days ago due to the extreme heat and pressure. Thanks for the link to the watershed info. The most immediate threat right now (within the next two months) is a string of meteorites that are following comet Ison. Nobody can tell you for certain what will or may happen in your area/life that is your decision/responsibility to make yourself, family, whoever prepared for the unknown. NOTE: An evacuation plan should include:Road Atlas Map For Each State, Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York Coastal Elevation Map, Chesapeake Bay & North Carolina Coastal Elevation Map, North and South Carolina Coastal Elevation Map. Hi Im not sure if I would be affected I live in Augusta Georgia if a 300 hit? The direction of the wave, and the landscape will determine the effects more than simple elevation. There is no getting out once people starting freaking out. I wrote this like superfast just trying give you glimps. A computer simulation of an asteroid impact tsunami developed by scientists at the University of California, Santa Cruz, shows waves as high as 400 feet sweeping onto the Atlantic Coast of the United States. I am in West Palm so maybe I am just engaged in wishful thinking :). I pray for all of you to find refuge in him because he is the only true way. If it was conventional explosives, quite a lot could be loaded into a submersible Any input is appreciated . I wonder how badly she would be affected? Now its trayectory may change because we are dealing with many objects spreading out and slowing down. I think there is to much money invested in the disney name and brand for them to destroy there own creation down here in Florida in the orlando area. In a Tsunami we may get a 6 hour warning. Though the further inland, better odds. Considering the lag time in communicating the information within government circles I told him he might get 3 hours, maybe 4, so plan ahead for a swift evac. Are they on yellow alert right now? I packed a bag for myself and my kids and i am prepared to evacuate if necessary. An event triggered from a landslide and I created a 1,700 foot wave. I suspect with all the activity the . Its the aftermath. Disperse container handling and recommission US Army Railroad Transportation Corps. I mean with all the volcanic activity lately- forget whatever else they know- how are they not shutting these things down??? look up profeta-de-dios-efrain. What state should I move to? Psalms 23- The Lord is my Shepard. Chances are that the tsunami will be generated by a meteor that will fall somewhere near Puerto Rico. Plan Folks Do NOT be a Refugee. While another tsunami may be more compressed (in frequency) and be thrust forward very quickly while traveling a long distance inland (remember Japan?). We cannot tell when but it WILL happen. While the St. Lawrence River is a funnel from the Gulf of St. Lawrence, it appears that the only real opening from the Atlantic is about 50 miles across to the Gulf, which would then have to hang a left down the St. Lawrence, and then were looking at hundreds of miles to Lake Ontario. Look up the definition of Ensure, please do. Topography is paramount. I pray who ever reads this, it is not too late for you to pray to God to come into your heart today! As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. I been praying what I should do with what Ive seen.. and it was not too longer after, I went back and read my note on my phone where I had wrote down and dated and timed my dream.. ok my dream happened on 7/16/19 5:15am.. but when I went back to look at my note in my phone.. the date I wrote was 11/16/19 5:15am.. part of what has me staying on all this is I think the Lord had me stumble across Perry Stone a few months before my dream.. Create a free website or blog at I just want to point out that Manhattan is sheltered by the outer boroughs. As i observed the deep, I noticed that the ocean started behaving strangely, and a great fear came upon me. We live in New Mexicolots of beach, but not much water. Others will cause minimal damage, and will be more akin to signs denoting great changes in America. People have no idea when that is going to happen, except probably not in the next few weeks, how large, and in what direction the tsunami will be oriented. Thank you Jesus! Regardless of the if/ands/buts I would opt for the swimming lessons. If the East Coast of the Americas is devastated by the mega-tsunami event generated by the lateral collapse of the volcano Cumbre Vieja in the Canary Islands (an event which will fulfill the "great mountain, burning with fire" being thrown into the sea in Rev 8:8), this unprecedented disaster would ensure the total economic collapse of the entire I live in Greenville NC about 70 miles inland and about 375 elevation. Anyone have any idea if this area is safe in the event of a mega tsunami? God bless. Those inland will be left on their own odds are with no power or deliveries of anything for weeks at least. I m in Hollywood,Fl 3 mins from me is Ft. Lauderdale. Also beware that the west coast of florida can get walloped just as hard as east coast due to wrap around effect so dont make mistake of going to west coast and sun yourself on the beach.. Just remember all of us that came to Florida came here to dieso be it 50 years, 50 days or 50 Hours It matters notThe weather has been better here long enough to be worth it. Whoops, I see that I did indeed cut off part of NJ. Rather in this quake or in a future event its gone. There is river that flows through there that could cause horrible flooding. Sometimes i see 2 nuclear attacks. A Tsunami would remove Long Island and NYC from the face of the earth. YOU TUBE has many videos on this. When i have dreams that dont include this stuff, maybe they are the days and times we are on a good course. Nothing more than seeking confirmation of your own delusions of safety and looking for a reason to tell yourself not to worry, in an area that is OBVIOUSLY at risk! Yes wondering how far inland it will travel. Think Katrina amplified more than you can possibly imagine. The Cumbre. I live in central ny at 1255 above sea level. The Missippi River will be 50-100 miles across, and the Great Lakes will become one Big Lake. I dreamt of Katrina before it happened and then dreamt of the hurricane that followed Katrina. Saw a big wave take down New York in one of my dreams. When the speed of the wave approaches zero, the wave breaks, much of its energy is released, and it will not go too much further. The tsunami was seen in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, at about 8:00 p.m. A.S.T. Of course there are not enough cinder block in the entire country to make it and truckers cant even bring what is available because of the price of fuel. The Ring of Fire is extremely active and Cascadia Fault has recently had a doozy of a quake. While they are not much more than a sand bar, would they still not alleviate some if a large waves energy? Mike Walker Publishing UK has US Rail Map Atlas books. for all the FLORIDA posters, asking if their city will be ok, LOOK AT THE GRAPHIC. The WAVE is already looming above you Then, your cell phone sounds an Amber alert to inform you. Id like more data on how these maps were made. I guess people have feared this tsunami for about 20 years. Just because a tsunami may reach 100 ft in height does NOT mean that everyone living below that height will need to take SCUBA lessons. If not, whats a good move. Id love to get together n talk if you think we are in the last days as well. I am in West Palm so maybe I am just engaged in wishful thinking. All the signs and things in multiple movies, comics, cartoons (a la 9/11) are saying 9/23?? I am an engineer, have done risk studies, and worked on a tsunami inundation sensor network proposal one time. (research by Steven N. Ward). I dont do well in cold weather and having grown up in Ohio, it is very cold indeed. Ive found in the last year that other people have had similar dreams with tsunamis. Raise the sea/ocean level 5 and see how this changes your model. Im going to insist that my grown kids pack a bug out bag and have an evacuation plan in check and I will be following whats happening over there very carefully!! 8 years here, the worst I have seen is about 3 of rain in a little over an hour and a few stiff winds. Please look it up on youtube and inform yourselves. Im in the NC piedmont, just east of Charlotte about 120 miles inland. A bunch of SHEEP! so, where are the SAFEST PLACES TO LIVE IN THE U.S.?? good grief. One year of famine and drought. Just imagine a mega tsunami tidal wave. North Florida might fare better with a lower wave, but from about Gainesville south, under water (from a lower, weaker tsunami). ken this would be a pseudo black swan event. After seeing your post, I pulled out Deep Impact to check it out myself. Across the entire US there will be gas shortages. The large one produced lightning before and when erupting. This landslide is not a question of if it will slide into the sea, but rather a case of when, as it has already slipped 4 meters towards the ocean. Meh every place is a gamble especially where I live. Emergency nutritonal and high energy food items for the short term can be peanut butter, crackers, raisins and trail mixes, granola bars. NRP. Please pray for me as I make this difficult decision as I pray ALL Christians see the light. Go stay at a hotel in Western PA or something. In any case, the deeper the quake, the lower frequency of vibration it tends to emit. Only about 12 people know this Earthquake is coming and six of them work here. How about a 300 foot concrete wall? They show how water came in on roads and modern infrastructure. Thats all I can say now. I have a place 23 miles inland from Brunswick GA and 73 foot high. Some years back I dreamt of an enourmous earthquake in the early morn causing a violent volcanoe eruption. How on Earth can you say its not going to happen!? Wade,I suggest you watch some YouTube videos of the tsunami that hit Japan. Im dead because im on the Delmarva lol. We will combine ocean scale simulations of transoceanic tsunami sources, such as Lisbon 1755 like or Puerto Rico Trench co-seismic events, and CVV collapse, with regional . Force if impact depends on the size and speed of projectile and impact point (depth, material of both projectile and impact site, etc.) We were trapped & could only go upward. I think I am ok. Would my family be safe in atlanta georgia or gwinnett. What is happening off the. Iam the only swimmer in my house hold of 6 adults an 3 children. Now consider the frequency of earthquakes increasing and the intensity is also on the increase, have you not realized that this is mentioned in the bible, and the fact at the end of the age as we know it today it is predicted a massive earthquake shall come, and it shall shake the whole earth ! The prep required to escape and also survive afterward is just not worth it to us. We are NOT a country that is right with God. feeling overwhelmed, out of control, etc. If we look at Amos 3:7 it says the Lord will do nothing, unless He has revealed His council to His servant the prophets. Hi it pulled up second on my list, just minute ago. Gulf Coast, and Canada . I see maps about my are being covered but most module videos show up to Florida so i have no idea what to expect. Within reason and considering probabilities. Are you still in NJ? Get your heart ready, It was indicated that Philly is 40 elevation above sea level. I wonder if a nuke were detonated on the Canary Islands it would create something far more devastating than normal. Thank you. He told me so. What if it was a nuke , far fetched i know. The down side is the river that expands out. The Canary Island government has declared a yellow alert for an eruption on LaPalma. Julie Green: A TSUNAMI OF TRUTH IS COMING. Look it up. Case in point? When disasters happen, people go into a phase of survive the fittest. I love you Lord with all my heart & my soul! I think his visions describe what happens during a POLE SHIFT. Thats close enough for horseshoes. I was among them terrified for my life only caring if I alone survived. THE EARTHQUAKE WILL BE CAUSED BY AN ASTEROIDLOOK UP INFORMATION ON A GUY NAMED EFRAIN RODRIGUEZ. Ill search back down the comment list now. It killed 6,000 to 12,000 people, making it the deadliest hurricane and natural disaster in U.S. history. Well explained, Steve. Major damage to Ohio from tornadoes. the Bible I read does mention that Born Again Christians will leave in the I know this mirrors a lot of the disclaimers made by the author, but I feel like there is still too much fear-mongering, especially looking at comments below. It is off the Cross Bronx Expressway. Many portions of the east coast would be disturbed and many portions of the west coast and central portion of the U.S would shift. A suburb to the north of Boston by approximately 30 miles. Cayce gave the future U.S. map regions. When this happens, our eternity is with Jesus in Heaven where their is no tears of sadness & No pain of any kinds, but Joy & happiness over flows with love & kindness with love in the Heaven, Gods Kingdom where the eternity is in Heaven.

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prophecy of tsunami on east coast