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The new paper finds that the genetic sequences of several strains of coronavirus found in pangolins were between 88.5 percent and 92.4 percent similar to those of the novel coronavirus. Evol. The latter was reconstructed using IQTREE66 v.2.0 under a general time-reversible (GTR) model with a discrete gamma distribution to model inter-site rate variation. Isolation and characterization of a bat SARS-like coronavirus that uses the ACE2 receptor. This study provides an integration of existing classifications and describes evolutionary trends of the SARS-CoV . Wu, Y. et al. Decimal years are shown on the x axis for the 1.2 years of SARS sampling in c. d, Mean evolutionary rate estimates plotted against sampling time range for the same three datasets (represented by the same colour as the data points in their respective RtT divergence plots), as well as for the comparable NRA3 using the two different priors for the rate in the Bayesian inference (red points). The virus then. Identifying the origins of an emerging pathogen can be critical during the early stages of an outbreak, because it may allow for containment measures to be precisely targeted at a stage when the number of daily new infections is still low. The difficulty in inferring reliable evolutionary histories for coronaviruses is that their high recombination rate48,49 violates the assumption of standard phylogenetic approaches because different parts of the genome have different histories. 6, eabb9153 (2020). Several of the recombinant sequences in these trees show that recombination events do occur across geographically divergent clades. PI signals were identified (with bootstrap support >80%) for seven of these eight breakpoints: positions 1,684, 3,046, 9,237, 11,885, 21,753, 22,773 and 24,628. Yu, H. et al. This is not surprising for diverse viral populations with relatively deep evolutionary histories. Virus Evol. 3). Mol. Zhou, H. et al. The key to successful surveillance is knowing which viruses to look for and prioritizing those that can readily infect humans47. However, the coronavirus isolated from pangolin is similar at 99% in a specific region of the S protein, which corresponds to the 74 amino acids involved in the ACE (Angiotensin Converting Enzyme . Lie, P., Chen, W. & Chen, J.-P. Syst. Graham, R. L. & Baric, R. S. Recombination, reservoirs, and the modular spike: mechanisms of coronavirus cross-species transmission. 1c). Transparent bands of interquartile range width and with the same colours are superimposed to highlight the overlap between estimates. Extensive diversity of coronaviruses in bats from China. In Extended Data Fig. Lemey, P., Minin, V. N., Bielejec, F., Pond, S. L. K. & Suchard, M. A. Gorbalenya, A. E. et al. Pangolin relies on a novel algorithm called pangoLEARN. Published. The origins we present in Fig. To employ phylogenetic dating methods, recombinant regions of a 68-genome sarbecovirus alignment were removed with three independent methods. Genetics 172, 26652681 (2006). To obtain We infer time-measured evolutionary histories using a Bayesian phylogenetic approach while incorporating rate priors based on mean MERS-CoV and HCoV-OC43 rates and with standard deviations that allow for more uncertainty than the empirical estimates for both viruses (see Methods). 94, e0012720 (2020). The lineage B.1 has been the major basal and widespread lineage from the initial SARS-CoV-2 spread and it became the more prevalent lineage in Colombia ( 13 ), while the B.1.111 lineage, first detected in the USA from a sample collected on March 7, 2020 and subsequently in Colombia on March 13, 2020 is currently circulating and mainly represented We showed that severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 is probably a novel recombinant virus. Evol. 36, 7597 (2002). N. China corresponds to Jilin, Shanxi, Hebei and Henan provinces, and the N. China clade also includes one sequence sampled in Hubei Province in 2004. Researchers have found that SARS-CoV-2 in humans shares about 90.3% of its genome sequence with a coronavirus found in pangolins (Cyranoski, 2020). Time-measured phylogenetic reconstruction was performed using a Bayesian approach implemented in BEAST42 v.1.10.4. Kosakovsky Pond, S. L., Posada, D., Gravenor, M. B., Woelk, C. H. & Frost, S. D. W. Automated phylogenetic detection of recombination using a genetic algorithm. Discovery of a rich gene pool of bat SARS-related coronaviruses provides new insights into the origin of SARS coronavirus. Duchene, S., Holmes, E. C. & Ho, S. Y. W. Analyses of evolutionary dynamics in viruses are hindered by a time-dependent bias in rate estimates. Evol. The fact that these estimates lie between the rates for MERS-CoV and HCoV-OC43 is consistent with the intermediate sampling time range of about 18years (Fig. Nevertheless, the viral population is largely spatially structured according to provinces in the south and southeast on one lineage, and provinces in the centre, east and northeast on another (Fig. Results and discussion Genomic surveillance has been a hallmark of the COVID-19 pandemic that, in contrast to other pandemics, achieves tracking of the virus evolution and spread worldwide almost in real-time ( 4 ). When viewing the last 7kb of the genome, a clade of viruses from northern China appears to cluster with sequences from southern Chinese provinces but, when inspecting trees from different parts of ORF1ab, the N. China clade is phylogenetically separated from the S. China clade. Webster, R. G., Bean, W. J., Gorman, O. T., Chambers, T. M. & Kawaoka, Y. Evolution and ecology of influenza A viruses. Instead, similarity in codon usage metrics between the SARS-CoV-2 and eukaryotes analyzed was correlated with coding sequence GC content of the eukaryote, with more similar codon usage being identified in eukaryotes with low GC content similar to that of the coronavirus (b). & Muhire, B. RDP4: Detection and analysis of recombination patterns in virus genomes. P.L. Calibration of priors can be performed using other coronaviruses (SARS-CoV, MERS-CoV and HCoV-OC43), but estimated rates vary with the timescale of sample collection. performed recombination analysis for non-recombining alignment3, calibration of rate of evolution and phylogenetic reconstruction and dating. Evol. Wang, L. et al. 90, 71847195 (2016). Biol. Using both prior distributions, this results in six highly similar posterior rate estimates for NRR1, NRR2 and NRA3, centred around 0.00055 substitutions per siteyr1. In the variable-loop region, RaTG13 diverges considerably with the TMRCA, now outside that of SARS-CoV-2 and the Pangolin Guangdong 2019 ancestor, suggesting that RaTG13 has acquired this region from a more divergent and undetected bat lineage. Note that breakpoints can be shared between sequences if they are descendants of the same recombination events. And this genotype pattern led to creating a new Pangolin lineage named B.1.640.2, a phylogenetic sister group to the old B.1.640 lineage renamed B.1.640.1. Genetic lineages of SARS-CoV-2 have been emerging and circulating around the world since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. 1. Google Scholar. Alternatively, combining 3SEQ-inferred breakpoints, GARD-inferred breakpoints and the necessity of PI signals for inferring recombination, we can use the 9.9-kb region spanning nucleotides 11,88521,753 (NRR2) as a putative non-recombining region; this approach is breakpoint-conservative because it is conservative in identifying breakpoints but not conservative in identifying non-recombining regions. The most parsimonious explanation for these shared ACE2-specific residues is that they were present in the common ancestors of SARS-CoV-2, RaTG13 and Pangolin Guangdong 2019, and were lost through recombination in the lineage leading to RaTG13. performed Srecombination analysis. Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Situation Report 51 (World Health Organization, 2020). Green boxplots show the TMRCA estimate for the RaTG13/SARS-CoV-2 lineage and its most closely related pangolin lineage (Guangdong 2019). PubMed Central Below, we report divergence time estimates based on the HCoV-OC43-centred rate prior for NRR1, NRR2 and NRA3 and summarize corresponding estimates for the MERS-CoV-centred rate priors in Extended Data Fig. Because the estimated rates and divergence dates were highly similar in the three datasets analysed, we conclude that our estimates are robust to the method of identifying a genomes NRRs. This new approach classifies the newly sequenced genome against all the diverse lineages present instead of a representative select sequences. Influenza viruses reassort17 but they do not undergo homologous recombination within RNA segments18,19, meaning that origins questions for influenza outbreaks can always be reduced to origins questions for each of influenzas eight RNA segments. Posterior rate distributions for MERS-CoV (far left) and HCoV-OC43 (far right) using BEAST on n=27 sequences spread over 4 years (MERS-CoV) and n=27 sequences spread over 49 years (HCoV-OC43). PubMedGoogle Scholar. These authors contributed equally: Maciej F. Boni, Philippe Lemey. Our third approach involved identifying breakpoints and masking minor recombinant regions (with gaps, which are treated as unobserved characters in probabilistic phylogenetic approaches). Evidence of the recombinant origin of a bat severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)-like coronavirus and its implications on the direct ancestor of SARS coronavirus. matics program called Pangolin was developed. Using a third consensus-based approach for identifying recombinant regions in individual sequenceswith six different recombination detection methods in RDP5 (ref. Posterior means (horizontal bars) of patristic distances between SARS-CoV-2 and its closest bat and pangolin sequences, for the spike proteins variable loop region and CTD region excluding the variable loop. Discovery and genetic analysis of novel coronaviruses in least horseshoe bats in southwestern China. wrote the first draft of the manuscript, and all authors contributed to manuscript editing. S. China corresponds to Guangxi, Yunnan, Guizhou and Guangdong provinces. Here, we analyse the evolutionary history of SARS-CoV-2 using available genomic data on sarbecoviruses. 36, 17931803 (2019). Press, 2009). Med. While there is involvement of other mammalian speciesspecifically pangolins for SARS-CoV-2as a plausible conduit for transmission to humans, there is no evidence that pangolins are facilitating adaptation to humans. A tag already exists with the provided branch name. Bayesian phylogenetic and phylodynamic data integration using BEAST 1.10. acknowledges support by the Research FoundationFlanders (Fonds voor Wetenschappelijk OnderzoekVlaanderen (nos. Effect of closure of live poultry markets on poultry-to-person transmission of avian influenza A H7N9 virus: an ecological study. We extracted a total of 2189 full-length SARS-CoV-2 viral genomes from various states of India from the EpiCov repository of the GISAID initiative on 12 June 2020. Boni, M.F., Lemey, P., Jiang, X. et al. (Yes, Pango is a tongue-in-cheek reference to pangolins, which were briefly suspected to have had a role in the coronavirus's originseveral of the team's computational tools are named after. Martin, D. P., Murrell, B., Golden, M., Khoosal, A. Xiao, K. et al. A third approach attempted to minimize the number of regions removed while also minimizing signals of mosaicism and homoplasy. The plots are based on maximum likelihood tree reconstructions with a root position that maximises the residual mean squared for the regression of root-to-tip divergence and sampling time. NTD, N-terminal domain; CTD, C-terminal domain. A., Filip, I., AlQuraishi, M. & Rabadan, R. Recombination and lineage-specific mutations led to the emergence of SARS-CoV-2. Originally, PANGOLIN used a maximum-likelihood-based assignment algorithm to assign query SARS-CoV-2 the most likely lineage sequence. Maciej F. Boni, Philippe Lemey, Andrew Rambaut or David L. Robertson. We thank all authors who have kindly deposited and shared genome data on GISAID. Nat. 11,12,13,22,28)a signal that suggests recombinationthe divergence patterns in the Sprotein do not show evidence of recombination between the lineage leading to SARS-CoV-2 and known sarbecoviruses. Sci. Genetics 176, 10351047 (2007). In the presence of time-dependent rate variation, a widely observed phenomenon for viruses43,44,52, slower prior rates appear more appropriate for sarbecoviruses that currently encompass a sampling time range of about 18years. Biazzo et al. J. Med. 874850). Next, we (1) collected all breakpoints into a single set, (2) complemented this set to generate a set of non-breakpoints, (3) grouped non-breakpoints into contiguous BFRs and (4) sorted these regions by length. SARS-CoV-2 and RaTG13 are the most closely related (their most recent common ancestor nodes denoted by green circles), except in the 222-nt variable-loop region of the C-terminal domain (bar graphs at bottom). pango-designation Public Repository for suggesting new lineages that should be added to the current scheme Python 968 73 pangolin Public Software package for assigning SARS-CoV-2 genome sequences to global lineages. The genetic distances between SARS-CoV-2 and Pangolin Guangdong 2019 are consistent across all regions except the N-terminal domain, implying that a recombination event between these two sequences in this region is unlikely. 17, 15781579 (1999). These residues are also in the Pangolin Guangdong 2019 sequence. 92, 433440 (2020). 87, 62706282 (2013). 13, e1006698 (2017). We thank T. Bedford for providing M.F.B. Using the most conservative approach (NRR1), the divergence time estimate for SARS-CoV-2 and RaTG13 is 1969 (95% HPD: 19302000), while that between SARS-CoV and its most closely related bat sequence is 1962 (95% HPD: 19321988); see Fig. Bioinformatics 22, 26882690 (2006). Unfortunately, a response that would achieve containment was not possible. Natl Acad. Li, Q. et al. Sliding window analysis of changes in the patterns of sequence similarity between human SARS-CoV-2, and pangolin and bat coronaviruses as described further in Fig. "This is an extremely interesting . from the European Research Council under the European Unions Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement no. 3). SARS-like WIV1-CoV poised for human emergence. A., Lytras, S., Singer, J. 1, vev003 (2015). However, inconsistency in the nomenclature limits uniformity in its epidemiological understanding. . To examine temporal signal in the sequenced data, we plotted root-to-tip divergence against sampling time using TempEst39 v.1.5.3 based on a maximum likelihood tree. Med. Dis. Centre for Genomic Pathogen Surveillance. The S1 protein of Pangolin-CoV is much more closely related to SARS-CoV-2 than to RaTG13. B., Weaver, S. & Sergei, L. Evidence of significant natural selection in the evolution of SARS-CoV-2 in bats, not humans. Because there is no single accepted method of inferring breakpoints and identifying clean subregions with high certainty, we implemented several approaches to identifying three classic statistical signals of recombination: mosaicism, phylogenetic incongruence and excessive homoplasy51. Lin, X. et al. Stegeman, A. et al. PureBasic 53 13 constellations Public Python 42 17 The Artic Network receives funding from the Wellcome Trust through project no. Anderson, K. G. nCoV-2019 codon usage and reservoir (not snakes v2). 24, 490502 (2016). Because coronaviruses are known to be highly recombinant, we used three different approaches to identify non-recombinant regions for use in our Bayesian time-calibrated phylogenetic inference. Slider with three articles shown per slide. Sci. 6, 8391 (2015). 2, vew007 (2016). All authors contributed to analyses and interpretations. 5 (NRR1) are conservative in the sense that NRR1 is more likely to be non-recombinant than NRR2 or NRA3. We call this approach breakpoint-conservative, but note that this has the opposite effect to the construction of NRR1 in that this approach is the most likely to allow breakpoints to remain inside putative non-recombining regions. Download a free copy. Maclean, O. From this perspective, it may be useful to perform surveillance for more closely related viruses to SARS-CoV-2 along the gradient from Yunnan to Hubei. After removal of A1 and A4, we named the new region A. =0.00025. Evolutionary rate estimation can be profoundly affected by the presence of recombination50. Katoh, K., Asimenos, G. & Toh, H. in Bioinformatics for DNA Sequence Analysis (ed. & Boni, M. F. Improved algorithmic complexity for the 3SEQ recombination detection algorithm. As illustrated by the dashed arrows, these two posteriors motivate our specification of prior distributions with standard deviations inflated 10-fold (light color). performed recombination analysis for non-recombining regions1 and 2, breakpoint analysis and phylogenetic inference on recombinant segments. This long divergence period suggests there are unsampled virus lineages circulating in horseshoe bats that have zoonotic potential due to the ancestral position of the human-adapted contact residues in the SARS-CoV-2 RBD. Two exceptions can be seen in the relatively close relationship of Hong Kong viruses to those from Zhejiang Province (with two of the latter, CoVZC45 and CoVZXC21, identified as recombinants) and a recombinant virus from Sichuan for which part of the genome (regionB of SC2018 in Fig. Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, pangolins have been making headlines. Add entries for pangolin-data/-assignment (, Really add a document on testing strategy. 26 March 2020. . A new coronavirus associated with human respiratory disease in China. Sequencing from Malayan pangolins collected during anti-smuggling operations in southern China detected coronavirus lineages related to SARS-CoV-2. Conservatively, we combined the three BFRs >2kb identified above into non-recombining region1 (NRR1). Because 3SEQ is the most statistically powerful of the mosaic methods61, we used it to identify the best-supported breakpoint history for each potential child (recombinant) sequence in the dataset. However, on closer inspection, the relative divergences in the phylogenetic tree (Fig. Our most conservative approach attempted to ensure that putative NRRs had no mosaic or phylogenetic incongruence signals., DOI: & Li, X. Crossspecies transmission of the newly identified coronavirus 2019nCoV. Evol. 2). For coronaviruses, however, recombination means that small genomic subregions can have independent origins, identifiable if sufficient sampling has been done in the animal reservoirs that support the endemic circulation, co-infection and recombination that appear to be common. Using the most conservative approach to identification of a non-recombinant genomic region (NRR1), SARS-CoV-2 forms a sister lineage with RaTG13, with genetically related cousin lineages of coronavirus sampled in pangolins in Guangdong and Guangxi provinces (Fig. Indeed, the rates reported by these studies are in line with the short-term SARS rates that we estimate (Fig. As a proxy, it would be possible to model the long-term purifying selection dynamics as a major source of time-dependent rates43,44,52, but this is beyond the scope of the current study. The first available sequence data6 placed this novel human pathogen in the Sarbecovirus subgenus of Coronaviridae7, the same subgenus as the SARS virus that caused a global outbreak of >8,000 cases in 20022003. RegionB showed no PI signals within the region, except one including sequence SC2018 (Sichuan), and thus this sequence was also removed from the set. 21, 15081514 (2015). & Bedford, T. MERS-CoV spillover at the camelhuman interface. Concurrent evidence also proposed pangolins as a potential intermediate species for SARS-CoV-2 emergence and suggested them as a potential reservoir species11,12,13. Consistent with this, we estimate a concomitantly decreasing non-synonymous-to-synonymous substitution rate ratio over longer evolutionary timescales: 1.41 (1.20,1.68), 0.35 (0.30,0.41) and 0.133 (0.129,0.136) for SARS, MERS-CoV and HCoV-OC43, respectively. 4 we compare these divergence time estimates to those obtained using the MERS-CoV-centred rate priors for NRR1, NRR2 and NRA3. It performs: K-mer based detection Map/align, variant calling Consensus sequence generation Lineage/clade analysis using Pangolin and NextClade Access the DRAGEN COVID Lineage App on BaseSpace Sequence Hub 3). Accurate estimation of ages for deeper nodes would require adequate accommodation of time-dependent rate variation. Scientists trying to trace the ancestry of SARS-CoV-2, the virus responsible for COVID-19, have found the pangolin is unlikely to be the source of the virus responsible for the current pandemic. It allows a user to assign a SARS-CoV-2 genome sequence the most likely lineage (Pango lineage) to SARS-CoV-2 query sequences. Biol. ISSN 2058-5276 (online). Combining regions A, B and C and removing the five named sequences gives us putative NRR1, as an alignment of 63sequences. Divergence time estimates based on the three regions/alignments where the effects of recombination have been removed. Emerg. Pink, green and orange bars show BFRs, with regionA (nt 13,29119,628) showing two trimmed segments yielding regionA (nt13,29114,932, 15,40517,162, 18,00919,628). BFRs were concatenated if no phylogenetic incongruence signal could be identified between them. Given that these pangolin viruses are ancestral to the progenitor of the RaTG13/SARS-CoV-2 lineage, it is more likely that they are also acquiring viruses from bats. Preprint at (2020). Schierup, M. H. & Hein, J. Recombination and the molecular clock. These shy, quirky but cute mammals are one of the most heavily trafficked yet least understood animals in the world. 82, 18191826 (2008). Li, X. et al. A.R. 82, 48074811 (2008). Many Git commands accept both tag and branch names, so creating this branch may cause unexpected behavior. PANGOLIN lineage database (15, 16) was used to analyze the frequency of lineages among countries. Preprint at (2020). Virus Evol. Evol. Among the 68sequences in the aligned sarbecovirus sequence set, 67 show evidence of mosaicism (all DunnSidak-corrected P<4104 and 3SEQ14), indicating involvement in homologous recombination either directly with identifiable parentals or in their deeper shared evolutionary historythat is, due to shared ancestral recombination events. Pangolin was developed to implement the dynamic nomenclature of SARS-CoV-2 lineages, known as the Pango nomenclature. 3) to examine the sensitivity of date estimates to this prior specification. In outbreaks of zoonotic pathogens, identification of the infection source is crucial because this may allow health authorities to separate human populations from the wildlife or domestic animal reservoirs posing the zoonotic risk9,10. In case of DRAGEN COVID Lineage tool, the minimum accepted alignment score was set to 22 and results with scores <22 were discarded. Developed by the Centre for Genomic Pathogen Surveillance. Wong, A. C. P., Li, X., Lau, S. K. P. & Woo, P. C. Y. We compare both MERS-CoV- and HCoV-OC43-centred prior distributions (Extended Data Fig. Mol. Virus Evol. These datasets were subjected to the same recombination masking approach as NRA3 and were characterized by a strong temporal signal (Fig. With horseshoe bats currently the most plausible origin of SARS-CoV-2, it is important to consider that sarbecoviruses circulate in a variety of horseshoe bat species with widely overlapping species ranges57. Furthermore, the other key feature thought to be instrumental in the ability of SARS-CoV-2 to infect humansa polybasic cleavage site insertion in the Sproteinhas not yet been seen in another close bat relative of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. 1 Phylogenetic relationships in the C-terminal domain (CTD). We compiled a dataset including 27human coronavirus OC43 virus genomes and ten related animal virus genomes (six bovine, three white-tailed deer and one canine virus). The idea is that pangolins carrying the virus, SARS-CoV-2, came into contact with humans. BEAGLE 3: improved performance, scaling, and usability for a high-performance computing library for statistical phylogenetics. Mol. We say that this approach is conservative because sequences and subregions generating recombination signals have been removed, and BFRs were concatenated only when no PI signals could be detected between them. 25, 3548 (2017). GitHub - cov-lineages/pangolin: Software package for assigning SARS-CoV-2 genome sequences to global lineages. All three approaches to removal of recombinant genomic segments point to a single ancestral lineage for SARS-CoV-2 and RaTG13. 3). COVID-19 lineage names can be confusing to navigate; there are many aliases and if you want to catch them all to examine further in data analyses it helps to Allen O'Brien on LinkedIn: #r #rstudio #rstats #pangolin #covid19 #datascience #epidemiology

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