ebay seller doesn t accept returnswhat causes chills after knee replacement surgery

If the seller does not refund the buyer and return tracking shows the item was delivered, eBay may automatically issue a full refund on the seller's behalf. Whats the point of offering sellers the option of not taking returns. Offer a replacement or exchange:You may offer a replacement (another of the same item) or exchange (a different, but similar item) instead of a return. If the seller hasn't responded or if the buyer and seller can't reach a resolution, they can ask us to step in and help. You can ask us to step in and help if you can't agree on a resolution to the issue after 3 business days. Proof that the buyer collected the item if (document.referrer) document.write ("&referer=" + escape(document.referrer)); The above applies whether or not a seller accepts returns. var m3_r = Math.floor(Math.random()*99999999999); Per the seller's return policy in the listing Coverage, eligibility requirements, and exclusions. If the buyer reports that the item arrived damaged or doesn't match the listing description, you'll see different options for responding to the return. The seller responds to the buyer's request. eBay may step in without the buyer asking if there is no valid tracking information available. Customer satisfaction is equally as vital to preserving a seller's performance status, which eBay keeps a close tab on. We require all of the following to prove a successful on-time delivery: We strongly recommend purchasing shipping insurance for high value orders. What is defined as damaged, faulty or how it is described can be completely different things to different people. If eBay determines that a buyer is entitled to a refund under this policy and issues a refund to the buyer on the seller's behalf, eBay may seek reimbursement from the seller by invoice, or by collecting the amount of the reimbursement from the seller as described in the Payments Terms of Use - opens in new window or tab. Our video below also shows the steps you can take to offer a partial refund on eBay. This is at the seller's discretion. I'm in the same boat right now, sold a $300 item that cost 50$ to ship, buyer requested return saying "doesn't fit" which doesn't make sense cause it was a Yamaha keyboard. Once the return has been resolved, the hold is lifted and you'll receive your funds in your next scheduled payout. eBay may close a buyer's eBay Money Back Guarantee case if the buyer files a chargeback or buyer protection claim for the same transaction with their payment provider (such as a credit card issuer or payment service provider), regardless of whether the chargeback or buyer protection claim is for the full or partial amount of the transaction. Those are NOT SNADs & are not a valid reason to return or request a SNAD, if the seller has a No Returns policy. The buyer returned the item used or damaged. If we don't see any indication that the item is on its way after 15 business days, we may close the return and protect you from negative feedback. As part of reviewing an appeal, we may ask the buyer or seller to provide additional documentation. The only difference between a seller whose policy is No Returns and a seller who accepts returns is who pays for the return shipping. You can sue the buyer in small claims court but it may not be worth the effort unless you really want to screw him over. Here's how: From the Select a rule dropdown, choose Send a refund automatically or Approve a refund automatically. Best practices for avoiding and handling issues with buyers, Help a buyer with an item they didnt receive, Your options for responding to a return request, asking eBay to step in and help for sellers, choose how you'll arrange for the item to be returned, you provide non-eBay return labels and upload tracking, How to issue a partial refund after the item is returned, Are you a buyer looking to return an item? See our Partial refund guidelines for more details. Once the seller has accepted the return, or 3 business days after the request date, 21 business days after the request date, if the seller never responded, 10 business days after the refund deadline has passed, if the seller is issuing a refund, Evidence that the buyer and seller have each met their, Whether the seller breached eBay policies when listing the item, Whether the item can be shipped back to the seller, The seller will be required to reimburse eBay for the amount of the refund, and, The buyer may not be required to return the item, If the seller doesn't offer returns, the buyer must request a return no later than 3 calendar days after the, If the seller offers returns, the buyer must request a return within the seller's stated return window, The use was necessary to determine the quality or functioning of the item, or the damage was the result of that use, The buyer must request a return but may not be required to ship the item back to the seller. Proof of delivery for returned items Keep in mind that some returns can remain open for up to 35 business days. if (document.context) document.write ("&context=" + escape(document.context)); Buyers can find estimated delivery information in their Purchase history. If an authenticated item is eligible to be returned, the buyer will be asked to ship the item back to the authentication facility for inspection to ensure that the item is being returned in the same condition. Select your carrier and enter the tracking number. Their is no point really even if they changed their mind, the buyer can simply say that they got the wrong item. The latest date for the buyer to request a return is 30 calendar days after the estimated or actual delivery date or 7 calendar days after the event date, whichever is later. Now I just have to hope he actually sends back the keyboard instead of bricks. To offer a replacement or alternate item: How to give a partial refund when the item is returned in a different condition. Currency exchange rate applied to refunds. When a buyer reports that an item doesn't match the listing and the transaction meets our eligibility requirements, we will look for all of the following: If we determine that the seller did not meet their return requirements: If we determine that the buyer did not meet their return requirements, the buyer may not receive a full refund for the item and/or shipping costs. Offer a partial refund:You'll issue a partial refund to the buyer, and they'll keep the item. 01:47 PM Enter the amount you wish to offer the buyer. You are the seller. This is all true, but only for items that are REALLY Not As Described. eBay Money Back Guarantee does not cover final sale purchases on the basis that the item doesn't match the listing. Ebay siding with buyers 99% of the time will eventually be the death of them, I guarantee it. Whether you need to accept the return depends on their reason for opening the return. Just a heads up that you might want to to edit it for clarity. I waited a week and called eBay to close the request as obviously the buyer is ignoring it and my money is on hold and was told that they would step in and make a decision. When you receive an item that does not match the description or arrives broken the money back guarantee overrides any return policy the seller may have. Upload your own label The buyer will send the item back to you for a full refund, including the original postage cost. Choose the item above to start resolving a return. We've outlined your response optionsbelow. If we're asked to step in tohelp, we'll ask the buyer to return the item to you. Also this makes the process require the buyer send the item back instead of filing a claim. I feel that I am being totally screwed. However, sellers cannot refuse REFUNDS. They say, Buyer beware but what about the sellers? Instead, I lost money and I got hosed over and over again because EBay doesnt back up the seller. Shopping Cart Integrations ii. I stupidly forgot I had free returns on that listing, so I can't charge a restocking fee. There is no more seller protection. This isn't working for me. Sorry if these are easy answers, I've never done this before! Carefully check the returned item before giving the refund. Seller protections is an incentive for you to provide buyers with exceptional experiences, such as offering free returns. If you don't respond to the return request, we may refund the buyer and seek reimbursement from you, without requiring the buyer to send . Both buyers and sellers must meet all applicable return requirements. Evidence of successful delivery to the authenticator There are less and less sellers on ebay every day and more and more on other selling sites such as Amazon, Etsy, etc. Copyright 1995-2023 eBay Inc. All Rights Reserved. You can also use this option if you want to offer to let them exchange the item. But that doesn't answer my question ti @iartas to how a 'no returns' listing can benefit a buyer. There's very little you can do, I've sold items as 'for parts or not working' before and had them returned after the buyer had failed a repair and made the item unrepairable. Learn more about our. This feature may not be used to recoup market losses on items returned in the same condition or recoup return postage and restocking fees. Please read the rules - https://old.reddit.com/r/Ebay/about/rules/, Press J to jump to the feed. As you may already know or will find out after watching this video that it simply doesnt matter. Your options for responding to a buyer's request depend on the reason they're returning the item, and the return policy you stated in your listing. But once . As an eBay seller I discuss accepting free 30 day returns versus accepting no returns at all. document.write ("'><\/scr"+"ipt>"); When returning an item, it's the buyer's responsibility to ensure that it's packed properly and protected during delivery. They can either accept the return and send the label, refund the buyer in full, ignore it or let eBay decide. You can only decline a return if the buyer is returning the item because they changed their mind, and your return policy stated you don't accept returns. If you're unable to resolve the issue within this time, the buyer may ask us to step in and help. If you respond to the request but don't come to an agreement with the buyer after 3 business days, you or the buyer can ask us to step in and help. To do this, go to the case in your Returns dashboard - opens in new window or tab and choose Refund buyer. If a buyer received the wrong item, it arrived damaged, or it doesn't match the listing description the purchase is covered by theeBay Money Back Guarantee policy, they can return it to you, even if your return policy states that you don't accept returns. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. ,