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The skin was treated with the RF-based microporation device, inducing micropore ablation through alternating electrical current. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 72, 871-876. Transdermal delivery is of great importance for the effective delivery of bioactive or therapeutic agents into a body. Home > 2022 > Junho > 22 > Uncategorized > dextran hydrodynamic radius. The calculated dextran molecular weights are corroborated by those tabulated data by the manufacturer with a relative error lower than 10%, being the exception dextrans 580 and 2000kDa with the highest relative error. The Mark-Houwink a constant is close to 0.75 (or higher) for these good solvents. Quintanilla-Pineda M, Achou CG, Daz J, Gutirrez-Falcon A, Bravo M, Herrera-Muoz JI, Pea-Navarro N, Alvarado C, Ibaez FC, Marzo F. Foods. Polysaccharides-based nanoparticles as drug delivery systems. In this work, the human cadaver skin was treated to confirm the skin regeneration after the application of the microporation device. Palmuti Braga Vettoria, Mary Helen; Martins Franchetti, Sandra Mara; Contiero, Jonas (2012). As intrinsic viscosity of dextrans decreases with an increase in solution temperature; chain flexibility enhances with an increase in temperature (see Table 4) showing that the intrinsic viscosity of dextran (with different molecular weights Mw from 8.8 to 200kDa) decreases linearly with an temperature increase in solution, but change to high molecular weight to hyperbranched macromolecule. Microporations were performed 2, 5, and 10 times and the skin damage was confirmed using the TEWL measurement. Dextran standards with sequence molecular weight from 8.8, 40, 71.9, 110, 200, 580 and 2000 kDa were utilized for the plot of calibration curve. The reason for a nonlinear Mark-Houwink relationship is confirmed by the intrinsic viscosity which in contrast with scaling prediction shows no power law behavior. For a given polymer-solvent pair, the theta condition is satisfied at a certain temperature, called the theta () temperature or theta point. 151-166. The calculation of Mark-Houwink parameters is carried out by the graphic representation of the following equation: where kMH (cm3/g) and a are Mark-Houwink constants, depending on the type of polymer, solvent, and temperature of intrinsic viscosity determinations [46]. (2007). In this sense, the largest deviations were obtained for the highest molecular weight (580-2000kDa with values from 0.8467 to 0.7346). Intrinsic viscosity-molecular weight relationship for chitosan. Journal of Polymer Science, 17, 527-546. WebThe micelles produced at pH 4.6 have a spherical shape and their size is dependent on the Maillard reaction: reaction time, molar ratio of casein to dextran, and molecular weight of dextran used. Walkenhorst, S.; Olivier, R. (2003). The skin poration was performed using the microporation device (LG electronics, Korea). For data requests, please contact the authors. Ind. Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics, 38, 2591-2598. After microporation, the TEWL values of the human cadaver skin increased from 11.30.6 to 33.01.0, 10.71.5 to 45.31.5, and 10.70.6 to 61.02.0g/m2/h when the microporation was performed 2, 5, and 10 times, respectively. After 24h, the cumulative permeation of FITC-dextran M.W. All possible degrees of curling can be displayed by any molecule, but there will be an average configuration which will depend on the solvent. In a good solvent, a temperature increase results in an intrinsic viscosity decrease and in a less-extended conformation (RH<), because the entropy value increases with an increase in temperature and it is unfavorable for an extended conformation. This conjecture found to be correct. Environ Toxicol Pharmacol. ; Ortega, A.; Garcia de la Torre, J.; Harding, S.E. Polysaccharide hydrogels for modified release formulations. Colloid and Polymer Science, 286, 1223-1231. Rotureau, E.; Dellacherie, E.; Durand, A. For a rigid or rod like polymer molecule that is greatly extended in solution, the Mark-Houwink a constant approaches to a value of 2.0 [48].The hydrodynamic radius (RH), for a sphere ((a/b) = 2.5) is given by the Einstein relation [49]. Viswanath, D.S. Springer Editions. A simple and rapid method for evaluation of MarkHouwinkSaturada constants of linear random coil polysaccharides using molecular weight and intrinsic viscosity determined by high performance size exclusin chromatography: application to guar galactomannan. (1954). Singh TRR, Garland MJ, Cassidy CM, Migalska K, Demir YK, Ryan SAE, Woolfson D, Donnelly RF. Chem. Structural characterization of a new dextran with a low degree of branching produced by Leuconostoc mesenteroides FT045B dextransucrase. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 27, 795-810. Biomaterials Research For a sphere and a random coil 0 the values are 9.23x1023 mol-1 and 2.60x 1023mol-1, respectively. Transdermal drug delivery system for non-steroidal anti inflammatory drugs: a review. Viscosity of in water solution polysaccharides depends on intrinsic characteristics of the biopolymer (such as molecular weight, volume, size, shape, surface charge, deformation facility, esterification degree, and galacturonic content) and on ambient factors (such as pH, temperature, ionic strength, solvent, etc.). Int J Food Sci Nutr. The skins were from the abdomen of a 39-year-old caucasian woman (BMI: 24). The biological activity of cationic liposomes in drug delivery and toxicity test in animal models. Intrinsic viscosity of bovine serum albumin conformers. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 41, 1260-1267. Data File Dextran. (more or less, with a hydrodynamic radius of less than 100 nm) to cross from the vasculature into the interstitium. The measurements of the transepidermal water loss (TEWL) were taken using the Tewameter (Courage-Khazaka Electronic GmbH, Cologne, Germany) to evaluate the skin barrier function after microporation. Although, in literature there is much information on hydrodynamic measurements from determinations viscosity; very few of them evaluate the situation at different temperatures. The hydrodynamic radius R h, defined as the radius of a hard sphere that diffuses at the same rate as the solute, takes these effects into account. At 20C data "a" value obtained in this work is intermediate to those given by references [1, 37] while the value of kM-H is lower. Immediately after 2, 5, and 10 times microporations, 97.1432.39, 80.5715.51, and 82.3916.49m sizes of micropores were formed on the skin, respectively. For a values from 0-0.5 a rigid sphere is predicted in a ideal solvent, from 0.5-0.8 a random coil in good solvent, and from 0.8-2 a rigid or rod like shape is expected (stiff chain). Indo AM J Pharm. Ortega, A.; Garca de la Torre, J. Here we have the hydrodynamic radius estimate for the 3kDa dextran and 1.5 kDa dextran by the Zetasizer calculator, thanks to Alan. Alan F Rawle, t Working with the molecular weights given by the manufacturer and compare them with the molecular weights, calculated from the Mark-Houwink parameters in this work; can be seen that the %RE obtained, see Table 6. (1958). osmotic pressure or light scattering). The intrinsic viscosity calculation requires several concentrations, and because of this inconvenient will not use the Huggins method in this paper. Huggins equation [41] gives the relation to the relative viscosity increase (i). 2. Bookshelf Determination of polymer structure by Gel Permeation Chromatography. Ed., 9(2), 85-90. a Microscopy images of micropore and b quantified data using ImageJ after 0 (immediately), 4, 8, and 24h according to the number of times microproration was done (n=150, *: p<0.05). Teixeira CG, Fusieger A, Milio GL, Martins E, Drider D, Nero LA, de Carvalho AF. The values of Mark-Houwink parameters universalized for the range of working temperatures are the following: 0.4267 for a*, and 0.1455 cm3/g for k*M-H, with 2 of 0.9399. The importance of this type of study lies in the analysis of the polysaccharide behavior at industrial processes, the requirements to reduce energy, avoid flow problems and product quality control. where (poise) is the viscosity, the (g/cm3) fluid density, and t the liquid draining time (s) subscript zero is referred to solvent, and without subscript is referred to the solution [40], and inherent viscosity is i = r -1. However, the currently available transdermal systems are limited by low drug permeability across the skin due to the lipophilic barrier function of the stratum corneum (SC), the outermost skin layer of the skin [3,4,5]; the methods favor low molecular mass, and lipophilic molecules, making it difficult to exploit the transdermal route for large and water-soluble molecules such as proteins and peptides. SWC designed and coordinated the research. Therefore, the trend of "a" and kM-H decreases with T, where the presence of ethylene glycol or dimethylsulfoxide strongly changes the interactions of this solvent with the macromolecule. 2010;4(1):117. Article Soc., 16, 3A, 426-433. Dextran is soluble in water, methyl sulphoxide, formamide, ethylene glycol, glycerol, 4-methylmorpholine-4-oxide, and hexamethyl phosphamide [4]. The results are shown to be in good agreement with available hydrodynamic models for spherical solutes in cylindrical pores with the effective solute to pore size ratio evaluated using a partitioning model which implicitly Santoro MM, Gaudino G. Cellular and molecular facets of keratinocyte reepithelization during. Based on these results a difference of approximately 1015% between the amounts of drugs permeated through the human skin and pig skin models should be considered during human clinical trials. The radius of gyration is typically calculated from static scattering measurements, while the hydro-dynamic radius (or equivalent sphere radius) is deter-mined by dynamic light scattering or other diffusion measurements. Optical properties of dextran in solution and in films. The value of qM-H varies from one sample to another one, because it is a function of a and the average molecular weights (Mv, Mw). The values of 0 decreases from 2.5429 to 2.3326 x 1023mol-1 demonstrating a relative flexibility of particles. Senti, F. R.; Hellman, N. N.; Ludwig, G.; Babcock, E.; Tobin, R.; Class, C. A., (1955). Chem. To overcome these limitations, microporation devices that act as therapeutic vehicles for delivering drug molecules across the skin barriers have been developed. Biological skin substitutes for wound cover and closure. WebFITC Products. 1984;17(6):11703. Furthermore, the influence of temperature on the intrinsic viscosity is given by the chain flexibility parameter (dln[]/dT), which gives information about the conformation of the macromolecule chain in solution [62]. Salunkhe SS, Bhatia NM, Pokharkar VB, Thorat JD, Bhatia MS. Topical delivery of idebenone using nanostructured lipid carriers: evaluations of sun-protection and anti-oxidant effects. For ellipsoids, as studied by Simha, (a/b) is a function of axial ratio. Anal. Therefore, it is suitable as model molecules with different molecular weights for transdermal drug delivery [29]. Polymer molecular weight distribution. Static and Dynamic Light-Scattering Solution Behavior of Pullulan and Dextran in Comparison. The characteristic Rg/Rh value for a globular protein is ~0.775, which means that Rg is smaller than Rh. Harding, Stephen E. (2005). Markierte Dextrane sind hydrophile Polysaccharide, die hufig in mikroskopischen Studien zur berwachung der Zellteilung, zum Verfolgen der Bewegung von lebenden Zellen und zur Untersuchung der hydrodynamischen Eigenschaften der zytoplasmatischen Matrix verwendet werden. Ther. a-d Haematoxylin/eosin-stained histological sections of human cadaver skin sample and e quantified data using ImageJ for different time periods after microporation. Pharmaceutical Quality Dextran 40 is available from Pharmacosmos as active pharmaceutical ingredients (API) as excipient for final formulation, drug product, for medical devices, for production of solutions for injection and infusion and much more. Dynamic light scattering study confirmed the mono-disperse nature of dextran with hydrodynamic radius of 900 nm. 2013;3(5):3588605. CAS Beer, M.U. The term f/f0 is sometimes denoted as P, Perrin constant. Physicochemical studies of oligodextran. Disclaimer. Advances in chemistry series Washington, DC: American Chemical Society., pp. The solutions were prepared in bidestilated water at 1, 0.75, 0.5, 0.25 % wt. (2008). 2000;3(9):31826. Journal of Controlled Release, 119, 5-24. Lee WR, Shen SC, Sun CK, Aljuffali IA, Suen SY, Lin YK, Wang JJ, Fang JY. The fast increasing of these polyglucosans for medical, industrial and research purposes motivated a survey of the types obtainable. This is because the macromolecule hydrodynamic radius changes the solution type and temperature via change in their chain exibility. The values of Mark-Houwink parameters could be universalized with certain precautions, being an indication for the calculation of molecular weight in the temperature range of 20-40C. Molecular weight, particle size and diffusion coefficient can be determined in many studies by Dynamic Light Scattering [20, 21, 22], Gel Permeation Chromatography [23], Analytical Ultracentrifuge [24, intrinsic viscosity [1, 7, 14], size exclusion chromatography / multiangle laser light scattering / differential viscometry, Flow Field-Flow Fractionation [25], and so on.

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